A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 266 I can’t cheat you, level four civilization?

Lin Yang suspected that he had heard wrongly, and couldn't help but confirm with Li Mu again: "Your Excellency Li Mu, what did you say? Star diamond?"

"Yes, isn't this the Star Diamond?" Li Mu nodded and looked at Lin Yang with some confusion, "Don't you, Mr. Lin Yang, know the Star Diamond?"

Lin Yang took this out himself, but it seemed that he didn't know it was a star diamond, which made Li Mu a little confused.

Lin Yang took a deep breath and said slowly: "No, I'm just a little surprised that this thing actually has another name."

"Another name?" Li Mu looked at Lin Yang and said thoughtfully, "Are you saying that you don't care if it is called Star Diamond?"

"Yes, we usually call it Xingjing." Lin Yang did not hide it.

"Xingjing? It's also a pretty name. The star diamond sparkles and sparkles, so it fits the name Xingjing."

Li Mu repeated the word "star crystal" and then laughed:

"Perhaps the names are different in different places. It seems that your hometown is quite far away from our Tianji Federation Empire. We here call it Star Diamond, which is a high-end currency common to the entire Tianji Federation Empire."

"Maybe." Although Lin Mu was a little surprised, he didn't think any more after hearing this, but said again: "I still want to buy a spaceship."

Even if the Apocalypse spacecraft is repaired, it cannot be used outside.

The guy from the fourth-level civilization used the Apocalypse spacecraft as a bounty for information, and he couldn't take the risk.

Li Mu immediately put his hand on his forehead and said: "Your Excellency Lin Yang, since you have a star diamond and want to buy a spaceship, I suggest you take our spaceship to the capital of the Tianji Federation Empire first. When you get to the capital of the empire, you can It is better to buy a spaceship. There are relatively high-end spaceships in the empire. Most of our spaceships are relatively ordinary. Spending money on them is of little use and will waste your star diamonds. Some high-end spaceships are also bought by our tribe at a high price. It’s not for sale either.”

He was indeed thinking about Lin Yang just now. It would cost more to buy materials for repairing the spaceship. But when he saw Lin Yang taking out the star diamond, Li Mu knew that Lin Yang was a master who was not short of money, so he didn't think about it anymore. Lin Yang was persuaded not to buy the spaceship, but made a suggestion.

Lin Yang was a little surprised again. No matter it was called Star Crystal or Star Diamond, the name was just different, but the value of the Star Crystal itself obviously did not change here.

But Li Clan actually doesn’t make any money even if they have star crystals?

When I was in Guiyunxing, as soon as I took out the star crystals, everyone in the trading market or the slave market was eager to spend more star crystals.

Li Mu's place was better. He had shown a bit of wonder and envy when he saw Xingjing just now, but he actually persuaded himself not to buy a spaceship from them.

This is very...

Lin Yang didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

If I had to find one word, it would be simple!

So simple!

It didn't matter that he didn't show any greed for his star crystals, and he even made better suggestions.

This is simply against human nature!

Can people really be this good?

Lin Yang even doubted whether he was too petty.

But the behavior of Li Mu and Li Zu really made Lin Yang feel that they were too friendly!

After a pause, Lin Yang couldn't help the curiosity in his heart and asked: "Your Excellency Li Mu, don't you want to earn this star...diamond?"

"Think about it!" Li Mu blurted out without hesitation.

This made Lin Yang startled.

He thought Li Mu would deny it.

Then, before he could think about it, Li Mu continued: "Star diamonds are very valuable things. If you don't want to earn them, it's definitely impossible, but you can't earn money that is unconscionable. Our clan's spaceship is really average. It’s not worth the price of a star diamond, so if I ask you to buy it, wouldn’t it be a trap for you?”

"This..." Lin Yang didn't know how to answer the question.

Li Mu then said: "Your Excellency Lin Yang, you don't need to use this method to repay us just because we saved you before. There is no need at all. In the universe, we should help each other."


Lin Yang really didn't know what to say.

Because...he didn't think so!

He just wanted to test the reaction of Li Mu and Li Zu.

But he didn't expect Li Mu to think that he took out the star crystals to buy the spaceship because he wanted to repay them.

This simply left Lin Yang completely speechless and speechless!

Seeing this, Li Mu smiled and said: "Your Excellency Lin Yang, don't be embarrassed. If you want to go to the empire, we will have a spaceship to the imperial capital in two days and we will take you with us."

"...Okay." Lin Yang said no more.

Li Mudu said it for this reason. If this was really their act, then he would admit it.

"Then I'll go and reserve a seat for you first."

After Li Mu finished speaking, he turned and left.

Lin Yang looked at Li Mu's back, his eyes flickering a few times.

This is really unreal.

However, he did not continue to think too much. Anyway, he would definitely be able to find some clues when he arrived in the Tianji Federation Empire.

Two days later.

The Li clan's spaceship bound for the capital of the Tianji Empire set sail on time.

"Your Excellency Lin Yang, it will take some time to get to the capital. You can choose to sleep."

When boarding the ship, Li Mu reminded him.

It takes almost a month for them to get to the capital of the Tianji Federation Empire.

The Li clan would go to the capital of the Empire Federation every once in a while to purchase some supplies.

One month is neither long nor short, so Lin Yang naturally chose to hibernate.

However, when he walked out of the dormant cabin after sleeping, he felt that there was some difference between the dormancy of the Lizu spacecraft and the dormancy of the Apocalypse.

The sleeping cabin of the Apocalypse is indeed very advanced, and there is no discomfort at all after sleeping.

However, the Lizu spacecraft's dormant cabin will cause a little dizziness after sleeping. Although it is not serious, it is indeed a little dizzy.

Only then did Lin Yang realize that there were different qualities between the dormant cabin and the dormant cabin.

The capital of Tianji Federal Empire.

Although it is said to be a capital city, it is actually a huge planet.

It's just that all affiliated civilizations in the entire Tianji Federation Empire call this place the capital.

The entire planet is one huge city.

Yes, that's right, there is only one city on this entire planet.

When he was about to land, Lin Yang looked at the so-called capital planet through the porthole and secretly compared it with Guiyun Star.

He had not seen many other planets with alien civilizations, and he had only been to Guiyun Star before.

In contrast, Lin Yang found that the capital planet of the Tianji Federation Empire was more advanced than the Guiyun Star.

Some technologies are obviously not available to level three peak civilizations.

This Tianji Federal Empire is very likely to be a fourth-level civilization.

This discovery made Lin Yang more cautious.

If the Tianji Federation Empire is a fourth-level civilization, then it must be more careful.

The Li clan may not know the Apocalypse spacecraft, but it is absolutely impossible for a fourth-level civilization not to know about the Apocalypse spacecraft!

The trees on the side are also constantly scanning, and at the same time transmitting data to Lin Yang.

"Mr. Commander, after comparison, the technological level here is indeed higher than that of Guiyun Star, far exceeding the level of the third-level peak civilization."

Hearing this, Lin Yang's eyes flashed.

Level 4 civilization?

That is a completely different level of existence.

"If the Tianji Federation Empire is really a fourth-level civilization... it might not be a bad thing." Lin Yang's eyes were dark.

At least a more advanced ship can be purchased to replace the Apocalypse!

I will resume more updates tomorrow and make additional contributions.

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