Lin Yang looked at Xisu and said in a serious voice: "I want to buy a complete high-level star map of the universe that the Federation Empire has compiled."

Xisu's eyes instantly became more solemn: "Sorry, distinguished guest, the complete high-level star map is an important strategic item. The empire does not sell it to the outside world. There is a second-level star map in this market. If you need it, I can make the decision. Give you the best deal.”

"Oh..." Lin Yang pondered.

He was not surprised that Xisu said that the high-level star map would not be sold to the outside world.

The so-called star map means the same thing as a map. It is something that records information about various planets and even various civilizations in the universe. It also contains some cosmic route information.

The universe is very large and has no direction. There are also some extremely dangerous planets in it. Some planets cannot be approached casually, otherwise there will be huge dangers.

If there were detailed star maps, it would be much safer to navigate the universe.

Especially for ultra-long-distance voyages across several galaxies, star maps will be even more important.

The advanced complete star map is just like the military map on Blue Star. The information on the military map is so detailed that you can almost go to any village and you will know how many wells there are in the village, their depth and water quality, and whether they can degree of citation.

It is normal for such important things not to be sold to the outside world.

Therefore, Lin Yang continued: "The next level is also fine, as long as there is general information about the galaxy."

The purpose of buying the star map was to find information about the Milky Way, and the second-level map would be enough.

"Okay." Xisu nodded, and then said: "If your distinguished guest purchases the Tianyin spacecraft and uses all the star diamonds to settle the purchase, I can make the decision and give you an ordinary star map."

"Oh? Thank you very much." Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and did not refuse the kindness.

A complete star map, even an ordinary one, is still very valuable.

This person in charge is quite generous.

"Your Excellency, you are very polite. When do you want to trade?" Xisu asked.

"Right now." Lin Yang said, and then directly asked Lin Mu to open the two large boxes he carried with him.

Inside is the star crystal carried.

Xisu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately called a robot to collect the star crystals. At the same time, he said: "Thank you for your trust, distinguished guest. Please provide an intelligent system to connect with me, and I will give you the star map information."

Lin Yang pointed at Lin Mu and said, "Just connect with him."

Hearing this, Xisu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and said almost subconsciously: "Is this your Excellency an intelligent robot?"


After receiving Lin Yang's affirmative answer, Xisu was obviously a little surprised and couldn't help but look at Lin Mu a few more times.

Obviously, before this, he didn't realize that Lin Mu was a robot at all.

Such advanced technology surprised Xisu.

Soon, the star map data was transferred.

Lin Yang immediately asked Lin Mu to search for information about the Milky Way.

However, to Lin Yang's surprise, Lin Mu found no information about the Milky Way on the star map after searching.

"This is impossible, please search again." Lin Yang couldn't help but said.

The system made it very clear that the previous jump was the lowest standard jump.

In other words, the jump distance is unlikely to be too far.

After all, how far can a jump equivalent to the starting price go?

As a fourth-level civilization, the Tianji Federation Empire cannot find information about the Milky Way in their star map.

"Sorry, Mr. Commander, I searched again several times, but I really didn't find any information about the Milky Way. I even took the initiative to search for information about the Red Thunder Empire, but unfortunately, there was not even information about the Red Thunder Empire."

Lin Yang was stunned by Lin Mu's answer after re-searching.

"You don't even have information about the Scarlet Thunder Empire? Are you kidding me?" Lin Yang's eyes widened.

The Red Thunder Empire is a peak level three civilization, and it still does not hide its peak level three civilization.

How could this not be found? !

Lin Mu said seriously: "Mr. Commander, I'm sorry, I did not retrieve the information about the Red Thunder Empire."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yang couldn't sit still.

There is not even any information about the Red Thunder Empire, which is abnormal.

"Is there something wrong with this star map?"

This thought came to Lin Yang's mind, and he turned to look at Xishu.

Even if the Milky Way cannot be found, there is no information about the Red Thunder Empire, so there is definitely something wrong with this star map.

He wondered if Xisu had transmitted the wrong star map.

Seeing Lin Yang's gaze, Xisu immediately said, "Your Excellency, the star map I passed on is the latest version. The Milky Way and Red Thunder Empire you are looking for are indeed not on our star map."

Lin Yang didn't go behind his back when talking to Lin Mu just now, so he also searched for it immediately.

The fact is that he did not find the existence of the Milky Way and the Red Thunder Empire.

Lin Yang was really shocked now: "Xisu is in charge, are you sure?"

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency, there is indeed no problem." Xisu said and simply projected the star map to prove that there was indeed nothing wrong with the star map and that he was not lying.

Seeing this, Lin Yang fell into silence.

This is not normal!

Very abnormal!

The next moment, Lin Yang looked at Xisu and asked directly: "Xisu is in charge, since it is not on the star map, have you heard of the Milky Way and the Red Thunder Empire?"

Xisu frowned and recalled for a long time, then shook his head and said: "I'm really sorry. I thought about it carefully, and I have never heard of these two places."

"..." Lin Yang suddenly didn't know what to say.

It is obviously a jump in the starting price distance, but it probably does not span two or three galaxies.

But the Tianji Federal Empire has no relevant information about the Milky Way!

This, something is wrong!

Suddenly, Lin Yang thought of something and said to Lin Mu: "Search for galaxies similar to the Milky Way. Maybe they are called differently here."

He thought of Star Crystal.

Since Star Crystal is called Star Diamond here and has a different name, maybe Galaxy and Red Thunder Empire are also called by other names here.

Lin Mu heard what Lin Yang meant and started searching again.

The search results this time made Lin Yang's scalp numb instantly.


"Mr. Commander, I have retrieved a galaxy similar to the Milky Way. It is just two galaxies away from the capital planet of the Celestial Federation Empire. It is called the Tianhe Galaxy."

Lin Mu quickly provided the search results.

Lin Yang was a little surprised when he heard the first sentence, but as Lin Mu said the next words, Lin Yang began to feel chills in his back.

Just two galaxies apart!

But here everything has changed. Star crystals are called star diamonds, and the Milky Way has become the Milky Way Galaxy.

This is wrong, very wrong!

It is absolutely impossible for such a big change to occur at such a small distance.

In particular, with only two galaxies separated, the Red Thunder Empire would definitely be within the monitoring range of the Tianji Federation Empire.

But there is no news about the Red Thunder Empire in the star map of the Tianji Federation Empire.

This is unreasonable.


It's not just unreasonable.

This can even be said to be like seeing a ghost!

Lin Yang looked serious and felt a little bad in his heart. Then he took a deep breath and said slowly: "Lin Mu, search for the location of Blue Star again!"

If this Milky Way is the Milky Way, then blue stars must be found.

However, the results of searching for Blue Star made Lin Yang's hair stand on end!

Thank you to Brother Send Flowers and Listen to the Rain/Yueye Yiyi for the reward. I wish you all the best and prosperity! I bow to you!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who voted, subscribed, and read. Your support makes Xiaohu feel honored. I wish everyone a fortune!

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