A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 269 Blue Star was created as an experimental site?

"Mr. Commander, I retrieved a planet similar to Blue Star, but it doesn't seem to be Blue Star."

Lin Mu's search results made Lin Mu's bark explode.

After a detailed search, Lin Mu found a planet similar to a blue star and a galaxy similar to the solar system in the area where the blue star was originally located in the Milky Way system.

But, that's not really Blue Star.

At least, it's not the Blue Star they want to go back to!

"What on earth is going on?" Lin Yang squinted his eyes slightly. He felt that his mind was a little confused now.

This is so weird.

"Mr. Commander, it's not far away anyway, why don't we go and take a look in person."

Lin Mu looked at Lin Yang's frowning expression and made a suggestion.

After all, the results of searching on the star map are not as intuitive as looking at them in person.

This suggestion awakened Lin Yang, and he immediately said: "Okay! Let's go directly and have a look to see if it is the Milky Way and whether it is a blue star!"

The Tianyin spacecraft is a fourth-level advanced spacecraft. In terms of sailing speed, it is not weaker than the advanced star patrol mode of the Apocalypse spacecraft. It will not take long to go there.

Immediately, Lin Yang purchased some energy reserves and materials needed to repair the Apocalypse spacecraft, and hurried back to the Li Clan, asking people from the Li Clan to help repair the Apocalypse, and then took Cang Miao to the Milky Way system here. .

This time Lin Yang did not choose to sleep.

Now that the system can't contact him, and the situation here is so weird, he has no intention of sleeping, but is doing physical training with Cang Miao.

Of course, the training intensity is not as intense as Cang Miao.

A week later, the Tianyin spacecraft arrived at the location where the Red Thunder Empire should have returned to Yunxing.

There is indeed a planet there, but it is not Guiyun Star, but an uninhabited planet.

Lin Yang fell into silence.

After a brief stop for observation, the Tianyin spacecraft continued its voyage.

Half a month later, the Tianyin entered the Milky Way star field.

"Mr. Commander, the situation of this galaxy is very similar to that of the Milky Way. After my comparison, the similarity is over 90%. According to the coordinates of the star map, this should be the location of the Milky Way."

After sailing for a certain distance into the Tianhe system, Lin Muhui measured some specific information and came to a more certain conclusion.

But this conclusion made Lin Yang's bad feeling even heavier.

This place was supposed to be the location of the Milky Way, but there was no information about the Iron River Federation. Instead, there was a third-level peak technological civilization called the Tianhe Federation.

Everything is highly similar, yet completely different.

"Keep sailing!"

Lin Yang looked at the same blue planet that was supposed to be the Blue Star getting closer and closer on the star map, and his mood calmed down a little.

Maybe we can get some answers to the strange situation here after arriving on this planet.

Time passed and a week passed again.

The Tianyin spacecraft entered the edge of the small galaxy where the blue planet was located.

Looking at the huge star emitting blazing light, Lin Yang felt a little dazed.

"Is this the sun?" Lin Yang whispered.

The situation of this small galaxy can be said to be almost exactly the same as that of the solar system.

For a moment, he seemed to feel that he had really returned to the solar system and his hometown.

However, no trace of the Tiangong base was found on the moon-like planet where the moon was originally located.

And on that blue planet...

"Mr. Commander, after my investigation, I found that although there is technological civilization on this blue planet, and it is very similar to Blue Star, there are many countries and an Eastern country, but it is not the real Blue Star."

Lin Mu told the results of the exploration.

The cabin fell into silence.

After a long time, Lin Yang said: "Let's go inside the blue planet and have a look."

Although it is not a real Blue Star, it is here. If you don’t take a look, you will feel that there is something missing in your heart.

Soon, the Tianyin spacecraft landed inside the blue planet.

The technological civilization of this planet is much better than that of Blue Star, but it is still far from the discovery of the Tianyin spacecraft.

Lin Yang traveled around the planet on the spacecraft.

The layout of the entire planet is very similar to Blue Star.

The only difference is that all countries here are peaceful and no war seems to have broken out.

Finally, the Tianyin spacecraft parked in the sky above the Eastern Kingdom.

Looking at the familiar and friendly oriental faces and many buildings with unique oriental charm, Lin Yang was once again in a daze.


It’s so similar!

If the results of the investigation hadn't proved that this place was indeed not Blue Star, he would have been a bit confused about what was true and what was false.

After a while, Lin Yang came back to his senses and said to Lin Mu: "Invade the Internet here and see if you can find some useful information."

"Okay, Mr. Commander."

Lin Mu took action immediately.

Two minutes later, Lin Mu directly compiled a content report with potentially useful information and showed it to Lin Yang for viewing, and said at the same time:

"Mr. Commander, the results of the invasion show that although this place is very similar to the Blue Star civilization, and even the development history of many countries is very similar, there are still some subtle differences."

Lin Yang looked at the report and sighed slightly.

Although everything here looks very much like Blue Star, it is not the real Blue Star after all.

"Mr. Commander, what should we do next?" Lin Mu was also confused about this situation.

Various data show that this place should have been the Blue Star and the Milky Way.

There is such a high degree of similarity and even overlap that it is almost impossible to find the wrong place.

But the fact is that they are only highly similar, not the real Milky Way and Blue Star.

"Could it be that we have indeed found the wrong place? Maybe there was an accident during the space jump and we jumped to an extremely distant place, and there happens to be a star field environment similar to that of the Milky Way." Lin Yang said slowly .

At this moment, there is only one reason that can explain the strange situation.

Although they are extremely similar, the universe is so vast that it is not impossible for them to have such extreme similarities.

"But, Mr. Commander, this is too similar." Cang Miao suddenly couldn't help but say, "I feel that this planet and Blue Star are twins. Although the universe is vast, this is too coincidental. point."

As he spoke, he pointed to the development trajectory of some key points of the planet in the report and said softly:

"Especially because the various development trajectories of this planet are almost exactly the same as those of Blue Star. Such highly overlapping processes and even cultural inheritance give me the feeling that they are carved from the same template."

Lin Yang was stunned immediately.


Carved from the same template?

Cang Miao's words instantly gave Lin Yang goosebumps all over his body.

"Cang Miao, you mean that this place may have been artificially disturbed and deliberately made like Blue Star?" Lin Yang looked solemn.

Cang Miao shook her head and said cautiously: "Mr. Commander, I'm not sure about this, but when I was in the clan before, I heard the elders in the clan said that there are some unimaginable super civilizations that would do things for the sake of doing things. Some kind of experiment, artificial manipulation or even creating some civilization or race to collect data."

"And this situation is very similar to that of Blue Star. It's almost the same thing, but there are some subtle differences, which is very consistent with certain conditions for collecting experimental data."


Lin Yang's heart was suddenly shocked, causing huge waves.

Could Blue Star and this place be an experimental site created by certain civilizations?

The update has resumed. Xiaohu will try to speed up the update to make up for the chapters in the past two days!

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