A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 270: Maybe this is also a testing ground? (Revised version)


Following Cang Miao's words, the entire cabin fell into silence.

Blue Star and here, the two civilizations are suspected to be experimental sites controlled by some super civilizations.

The possibilities are amazing.

Seeing Lin Yang's ugly face, Cang Miao said again: "Mr. Commander, maybe I'm overthinking, maybe this is just a simple coincidence."

"You don't need to comfort me." Lin Yang smiled bitterly.


From the layout of the Milky Way and Milky Way to the internal conditions of the solar system and this planet, they are almost the same as those on Blue Star.

It’s hard to believe that there was no human intervention.

Even though the universe is vast and full of infinite possibilities, a coincidence of this magnitude is really suspicious.

"Then, Mr. Commander, what should we do next?" Cang Miao asked softly.

Lin Yang did not answer, but looked at the Eastern Kingdom below and pondered.

This place is very similar to the Milky Way, and in the entire star field controlled by the Tianji Federation Empire, there is no news about the real Milky Way, not even a general direction.

It is so difficult to find the way home in the vast universe.

But soon, Lin Yang's eyes became firm.

Regardless of whether it is an experimental site or not, and no matter how far away it is from the Milky Way, he must find his way home!

Since you can't find information about the Milky Way in the star field controlled by the Tianji Federation Empire, then go look for it in other civilizations!

The more advanced a civilization is, the larger the star field it controls.

If there is no fourth-level civilization, go to the fourth-level peak civilization!

If there is no peak level four civilization, then go to the level five civilization!

Lin Yang couldn't believe that he couldn't find his way back!

As soon as he thought of this, Lin Yang immediately said: "Lin Mu, call up the star map and check the information of other advanced civilizations. There is no news about the Milky Way from the Tianji Federal Empire, so we will go to other civilizations to find it."

"Okay, Mr. Commander."

Lin Mu responded, called up the star map, and then said: "Mr. Commander, according to the information on the star map, there are two other fourth-level civilizations outside the star field of the Tianji Federation Empire, but they are in two opposite directions. After preliminary calculations, if we want to cross the entire star field of the Tianji Federation Empire to reach other civilizations, we will need to sail for at least two years on the road. The star field controlled by the Tianji Federation Empire is too large."

"Two years..." Lin Yang whispered.

"Yes, it will take at least two years, and that's if everything goes well." Lin Mu replied.

"No matter how long it takes, as long as we can find information about the Milky Way, it will be worth it!" Lin Yang's eyes were firm.

"Understood, Mr. Commander, but maybe we can avoid going to the other two civilizations for the time being."

Lin Mu suddenly spoke up after searching for information about the other two civilizations in the star map.

"What do you mean?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Mr. Commander, by retrieving information on those two civilizations, I found that the Tianji Federation Empire seems to have a friendly relationship with them. Maybe we can ask people from the Tianji Federation to help inquire, which can save time." Lin Mu explained.

"Oh...that's a way." Lin Yang nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Commander, if the Tianji Federation Empire is in friendly relations with all other known civilizations, we can definitely find out more information within the Tianji Federation Empire," Lin Mu said.

"Understood, let's return to the capital planet of the Tianji Federation Empire first."

Lin Yang understood what Lin Mu meant.

Now, a network of relationships is spread out with the Tianji Federation Empire as the center. In this network, as long as there are no faults, it can theoretically spread to all other known civilizations to obtain information infinitely.

In this way, they don't need to rush to other civilizations at all, they can just keep exploring through their network of connections.

There is a famous theory on Blue Star. In theory, as long as seven people are used, the contact information of anyone in the world can be obtained.

Although in practice, this theory has big loopholes.

But this theory can be applied to this situation now.

Tianji Federal Empire can be regarded as civilization a, and it can ask for information from civilization b through civilization a. If civilization b does not have the required information and has friendly contact with civilization c, then it can ask civilization c for information through civilization b.

If the cycle continues like this, as long as there are no gaps in the relationship network, theoretically you can keep exploring.

Then, you can get the information you need to know without leaving home.

I have to say that Lin Mu’s proposal is very practical.

But the only drawback is that it requires a lot of money to pave the way.

After all, making ultra-long-distance calls in the universe itself is not cheap.

It is definitely impossible for the Tianji Federation Empire to help them inquire about information in vain.

Even if the Tianji Federation Empire can help them inquire about information from other civilizations for free, if other civilizations inquire about information from other civilizations, it will definitely not continue to be free.

Although asking for information may seem as simple as talking to another civilization, it actually comes with a heavy price to pay.

Fortunately, there are still many star crystals on the Apocalypse spacecraft.

It should be enough for gathering information.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang contacted Li Mu and asked him to what extent the Apocalypse spacecraft had been repaired.

Li Mu told him that the entire Apocalypse spacecraft had been completely repaired.

"So fast?" Lin Yang was a little surprised.

"Haha, it's not that fast anymore."

Li Mu laughed.

"Your Excellency Lin Yang, you bought the repair materials, but our engineers encountered some minor problems during the repair, so we asked the senior engineers of the Tianji Federation Empire for advice."

"And when the senior engineer heard that an advanced spacecraft that he had never seen before was to be repaired, he immediately expressed his willingness to provide free help and directly brought his team to personally repair the Apocalypse spacecraft."

Li Mu revealed another piece of news that surprised Lin Yang.

"A senior engineer from the Tianji Federation Empire personally came to repair it?"

"Yes, the engineer said that Sir Lin Yang, the technology of your spaceship is quite remarkable. I hope to get your permission and give them the opportunity to fully visit." Li Mu said again.

This sentence made Lin Yang silent for a moment, and then asked: "Don't they recognize my spaceship?"

"I don't know him." Li Mu answered affirmatively.

This answer made Lin Yang a little confused about what to say.

The Tianji Federation Empire is a fourth-level civilization, or even a fourth-level peak civilization.

But you don’t know the Apocalypse spacecraft?

This left him speechless for a moment!

Everything here is so weird!

When we were at Guiyun Star before, even the ordinary waiters at Guiyun Star recognized the Apocalypse spacecraft!

Then the Tianji Federation Empire civilization, as a fourth-level advanced civilization, would be a bit outrageous if it cannot recognize the Apocalypse spacecraft!

"Could it be that when crossing the wormhole, we really reached the other end of the universe?" Lin Yang frowned.

Star Crystal has a different name, and even the Apocalypse spacecraft can't recognize it now.

When this happens, there is basically only one possibility.

That is, the star field where the Tianji Federation Empire is located is completely opposite to the Milky Way.

The products from the other side of the Milky Way are not circulated here, so there will be some cognitive information gaps, resulting in people in the Tianji Federation Empire not being able to recognize them.

This situation is very common on Blue Star.

This phenomenon occurs due to different geographical locations and large distances.

It's just that this is in the universe, and there is the same universal language and universal currency like star crystal as there in the galaxy.

That shows that to a certain extent, there are similarities between advanced civilizations in the universe.

Then, even if the Tianji Federation Empire is extremely far away from the Milky Way and does not recognize the Apocalypse spacecraft, at least the name of Xingjing should not change!

This is weird.

Lin Yang suddenly felt that there must be something else that he had not thought of.

"What exactly went wrong?" Lin Yang frowned.

At this moment, he kind of missed the system.

If the system is there, with the system's powerful information intrusion capabilities, it will definitely be easy to figure out the current situation.

It's just that the system has not responded yet, as if it has fallen into sleep.

Lin Yang speculated that the system might have been affected by the previous forced jump.

Now we can only hope that the system will wake up soon.

"Mr. Commander, do you think there is a possibility that not only the Blue Star and the Blue Star-like planet just now are experimental sites, but also this place?"

While Lin Yang was deep in thought, Cang Miao suddenly spoke again.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lin Yang was suddenly startled.

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