Darkness and loneliness are the eternal themes of the universe, and the passage of time seems a bit insignificant in the universe.

After an unknown amount of time, a broken spacecraft suddenly appeared floating in the dark depths of the universe.

The spacecraft seemed to have lost power and was drifting slowly in deep space.

But if you get closer, you can hear the mechanical synthesized sound of the intelligent system constantly coming from the spacecraft.

"Warning, warning! The power system of the spacecraft is damaged, please make an emergency landing immediately!"

"Warning, warning! The hull of the spacecraft has been seriously damaged. Please ask maintenance personnel to conduct repairs immediately."

"Warning! Warning!"


The entire spacecraft was filled with piercing sirens.

It's the Apocalypse spacecraft!

"Host, host, please wake up! Please wake up!"

In the escape cabin where Lin Yang was located, the system kept calling.

At this time, Lin Yang was in a dark space just like the last time he was unconscious, as if he had had a long dream. In the dream, he vaguely heard someone calling his name, and then subconsciously moved toward the sound. The source direction keeps getting closer.

Finally, a little light penetrated the darkness and shone on him, and the dark space instantly turned into fragments and dissipated.

As the dark space dissipated, Lin Yang suddenly opened his eyes.

What caught his eye was the dim blue light in the escape cabin.

"Host, you're awake."

The next moment, before Lin Yang had recovered from his drowsiness and his head was still a little dizzy, he heard the sound of the system ringing directly in his mind.

Hearing this, Lin Yang shook his head slightly from side to side, closed his eyes again to sort out his thoughts, then opened his eyes again and said: "System, have we successfully passed through the space barrier now?"

"Yes, host."

"Then have we returned to the original universe?" Lin Yang said with expectation.

"Host, this system has not detected any technological civilization nearby and cannot make an accurate judgment yet. Please leave the escape capsule first. The Apocalypse spacecraft is seriously damaged as it was after the last shuttle. Now we need to find a suitable planet quickly. Make a crash landing.”

"Oh..." Lin Yang's eyes flashed, and he opened the escape cabin from the inside.

Based on his last experience, after leaving the escape cabin, he directly put on a set of high-level protective clothing.

Although he woke up inside the Apocalypse spacecraft this time, after the Apocalypse spacecraft is damaged, the internal oxygen circulation system will also be affected to some extent, so it is safer to wear protective clothing.

Then he woke up Cang Miao and called Lin Mu, asking Lin Mu to repair the key power engine of the spacecraft.

Because of his previous experience, when he left the capital planet of the Tianji Federation Empire, Lin Yang specially purchased the materials needed to repair the Apocalypse spacecraft, so that he could repair the Apocalypse by himself after passing through the space barrier.

Now it really comes in handy.

Lin Mu is an advanced mechanical life that can survive in the universe without wearing protective clothing. He also knows the Apocalypse spacecraft extremely well, so it is most suitable for him to repair the spacecraft.

Of course, they are just repairing the power engine first so that they can find a suitable planet for landing. There is no way to repair it on a large scale.

Lin Mu also quickly sent back feedback:

"Mr. Commander, the damage to the power engine is much more serious than expected. It cannot be fully repaired now. We can only repair a small part first to restore some navigation capabilities of the spacecraft. We still need to find a planet with a relatively suitable environment to land as soon as possible, and then Fully repair the ship.”

"Let's repair as much as we can now." Lin Yang sighed.

During the voyage, it is impossible to fully repair the power engine and other damaged parts of the spacecraft.

The first task now is to find a planet to land on, and then confirm whether this is the original universe.


"It's hard to find a suitable planet. The environment of the nearby planets is very harsh. When the Apocalypse spacecraft is fully repaired, there is no oxygen supply inside the spacecraft. The reserves in the protective suit alone are not enough."

Lin Yang looked at the situation of nearby planets that the system kept transmitting to him, and rubbed his forehead with a headache.

According to the information fed back by the system, there are no suitable candidate planets nearby.

There is nothing even slightly suitable.

"Mr. Commander, I can repair some of the power engines first. The energy reserves on our spacecraft are sufficient. We can increase energy consumption to speed up the search for a suitable planet." Lin Mu suggested.

"That's all it can do." Lin Yang was a little helpless.

In fact, before crossing the space barrier, he bundled the Tianyin spacecraft, a fourth-level spacecraft purchased from the Tianji Federation Empire, with the Apocalypse.

What I thought at the time was that the Apocalypse spacecraft would no longer be usable when we returned to the original space, so we would use the Tianyin spacecraft to replace it.

But it is a pity that only the Apocalypse spacecraft passed through the space barrier, and the Tianyin spacecraft did not successfully pass through the space barrier together.

Otherwise, if the Tianyin spacecraft is here now, we wouldn't have to go to such trouble.

"By the way, host, when you left Blue Star before, you installed an ultra-long-distance planetary communication device. You can try to contact Blue Star now to see if you can get in touch. If you can get in touch, it proves that we have succeeded. We have returned to the original universe and are not very far away from the Milky Way." The system suddenly reminded.

Lin Yang suddenly became energetic: "Yes, I almost forgot about this!"

With that said, he immediately began to contact Blue Star and Butler No. 1 at the Lunar Ecological Base.

However, Lin Yang's face turned ugly in the next second: "System, no, the distance seems not enough to link to another planet's communicator."

"Isn't the distance not enough? Then maybe we are too far away from the Milky Way." the system said.

"I hope this is the case, instead of failing to travel and arriving in another universe." Lin Yang could only think this way.

"Don't worry, host, we will definitely succeed..."

The system wanted to comfort Lin Yang, but before the words of comfort were finished, the conversation suddenly changed and the voice became surprised:

"Host, this system has found a suitable habitable planet!"

"Ah? Have you found a planet you can land on?" Lin Yang also instantly became energetic.

"Yes, the host is not far in front of us. We will see it in a few minutes." The system responded affirmatively.

"So close?" Lin Yang also looked surprised and asked: "Are there humans living on that planet?"

"This system has not found the existence of technological civilization on that planet for the time being."

"Oh, a habitable planet without people?"

"The answer to the host is not certain. If the planet has not yet entered the era of scientific and technological civilization and is in the barbaric period, this system will not be able to detect the existence of primitive people on it for the time being."

"Okay, I got it. Let's go and take a look first." Lin Yang didn't ask any more questions and accelerated directly towards the habitable planet.

Soon, the planet came into view.

It's a bit like a blue star, but it's many times bigger and it's also blue.

"Apocalypse, enter emergency landing mode and land inside the planet." Lin Yang gave the order.

The next moment, the Apocalypse spacecraft rushed directly into the planet.

As he continued to approach the ground, Lin Yang asked the system again: "How is it? Now that we are inside the planet, can we detect whether there are humans living on this planet?"


This time the system answered so simply that Lin Yang couldn't help but be slightly startled: "Do humans really exist? What level are they at?"

I'm sorry, brothers and sisters, I'm here to give you a blow. I originally promised to recover today, but I have to return to the original universe. I need to sort out the subsequent plots and try to write them more beautifully. Please forgive me again. I will update four consecutive chapters tomorrow night!

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