"Host, after scanning and detection by this system, it is clear that the civilization on this planet is still in the primitive stage of eating hair and drinking blood. People live in tribes and have not yet developed into the dynasty and feudal era."

The system's answer made Lin Yang a little shocked: "Is he so backward?"

"Yes, host, these are some images captured by this system. Please watch them."

The system directly showed him some video footage.

The picture looks like a tribe, with about thousands of people. It is considered a large tribe. The costumes of the people in the tribe are very similar to the primitive costumes in domestic TV series.

Coats made of random animal skins are wrapped around the body, but men only have clothes wrapped around their waists. This is obviously for the convenience of hunting and to save cloth for women, the elderly and children.

The lifestyle is also very backward. Ceramic pots are placed on the fire for cooking and drinking.

It's almost not much different from the one in the TV series.

Although he knew that there were various stages of civilization in the universe, Lin Yang couldn't help but be surprised to see this kind of primitive tribal social life that only existed in textbooks on Blue Star.

In addition, Lin Yang also found that everyone in this tribe had a sad look on their face, even the children.

Everyone was quiet, except for the infants who were still in their infancy. Even the children who looked only about two or three years old had no light in their eyes, and everyone's expressions were heavy and strange.

This made Lin Yang feel strange.

Although life in the primitive stage was relatively difficult, it was not so heavy even for a three-year-old child.

How to describe this feeling? To describe it, it is probably the state of losing hope in life, with only numbness in the eyes.

It would be understandable for an adult to be like this, but it was a bit weird for Lin Yang to see even a three-year-old child in such a numb state.

Suddenly, one of the pictures made Lin Yang's eyes freeze: "System, can you zoom in on this picture?"

He pointed at a stone wall with a vague carving that looked familiar to him.

"Host, are you talking about that stone wall?"

"Yes, bring the carving closer."

"Okay, host, I have zoomed in on the camera for you and turned on the ultra-clear mode."

As the system lens zoomed in and saw the carved mural clearly, Lin Yang's pupils shrank instantly and he couldn't help but ask, "Is this carved mural a spaceship?"

The mural on the stone wall was actually in the shape of a spaceship, which surprised Lin Yang.

"Yes, host, it does look like a spaceship mural." The system also made a judgment.

"It seems that other technological civilizations have arrived here before."

Although he was a little surprised that a spaceship mural would appear on this primitive society planet, Lin Yang soon thought of the key to it.

Although the universe is large, there are many technological civilizations, and they all explore unknown planets. It is not surprising that spacecraft from other technological civilizations have visited here.

I just don’t know why that civilization didn’t teach these primitive tribes people life skills.

"Is it possible that you don't want to disrupt the self-evolution process of a group?"

Then Lin Yang thought of such a possibility.

Some advanced civilizations will lend a helping hand to backward civilizations and teach them some technologies to accelerate the progress of backward civilizations towards technological civilization.

However, there are also some civilizations that believe in letting nature take its course and will not easily interfere in the development of low-level civilizations.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered those strange rumors and records on Blue Star.

On Blue Star, there are also some strange mural patterns that cannot be explained by current science.

Especially in some ancient countries in the Black Continent, there are still some people who maintain tribal lifestyles, and there are also many ancient mysterious legends and some strange pictures among their tribes.

Some people speculated whether those weird patterns were left behind by aliens after their arrival, but there was no evidence to support this statement, so everyone gradually regarded it as a joke.

But judging from the murals of this tribe, maybe those things on Blue Star that cannot be explained by current science may really have been recorded by the people at that time after the arrival of advanced alien technological civilization.

"It seems that it is necessary to explore those weird legends after returning to Blue Star. Based on the patterns and records, we may be able to find out which civilizations have visited Blue Star," Lin Yang said.

It was previously believed that aliens had not appeared on Blue Star before, but now it seems that this may not be the case.

Maybe the coordinates and location of Blue Star have been exposed a long time ago.

This is hardly good news.

"Host, now we can land directly outside this tribe. There is a large open space outside this tribe suitable for parking the spacecraft. Do you want to land or find another place?" the system suddenly asked.

"Landing directly? Not good, right?" Lin Yang hesitated.

"Host, it's okay. Since spaceships from alien planets have arrived here and these indigenous people have seen them, they should be able to accept them relatively easily."

The system explains:

"Furthermore, the situation here is very similar to the primitive society of your home planet. You can collect some materials to take back. It is also good historical research data."

"Of course, the most important thing is that this place is safe enough. Now the Apocalypse spacecraft is seriously damaged. If you want to fully repair it, you can only rely on trees."

"You and Cang Miao have not received professional knowledge and skills training and are not qualified for the repair work. However, Lin Mu repairs the spacecraft alone. It is expected that it will take nearly two months to complete the initial repair. During the repair process, the Apocalypse spacecraft needs to be in an absolute state. In the resting state, all internal equipment and functions need to be turned off. In this case, you and Cang Miao will encounter some problems in your life. Although this tribe is a little behind, it can still provide some basic help."

The system strongly recommends that the spacecraft be forced to land directly outside this tribe.

"Okay... let's make an emergency landing in an open area outside this tribe." Lin Yang said no more.

The next moment, the Apocalypse spacecraft made an emergency landing directly towards the open area outside the tribe.

And this huge movement instantly disturbed the entire tribe.

Everyone looked up at the slowly landing Apocalypse spacecraft, and everyone's eyes showed deep panic and uneasiness.

Especially the children's eyes were filled with fear, as if they were seeing some great terror coming.

Lin Yang was a little puzzled.

The reaction of these tribesmen showed almost no other emotion except panic.

There was no shock as expected after seeing the spaceship, but only deep fear.

There's something not quite right about this.

"Did the alien civilization that arrived in spaceships do something terrible to them?" Lin Yang couldn't help but sneered.

Because the behavior of the people in this tribe is really abnormal.

Logically speaking, in such a backward primitive stage, even if you have seen a flying spaceship before, you will still be shocked and curious.

But no one in the entire tribe, big or small, could see any look of shock on their faces.

Not to mention curiosity, Lin Yang did not read this emotion from their eyes at all.

Their reaction made Lin Yang feel that an alien civilization might have done something horrific to them, causing them to become uncontrollably afraid when they saw the spacecraft.

Just as Lin Yang was daydreaming, he suddenly heard a trembling voice coming from the tribe:

"Lord God, didn't we just hand over the sacrificial objects? Why did you come back again? It's not the appointed day yet. Our clan's sacrificial objects haven't grown up yet."

Lin Yang was stunned for a moment by these words.

Lord God?


grow up?

What is this all about?

... I’m too embarrassed to say it. There was another accident at home today, which delayed me for a while. I will definitely make up for it tomorrow! !

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