The old man's words of trust made Lin Yang a little surprised: "You think I'm different? What's different about me?"

The old man took a deep look at him, lowered his head and said, "The eyes you look at us don't have the indifference of those gods."

"Uh..." Lin Yang was stunned for a moment.

Can this be seen?

Immediately, he looked at the old man with strange eyes: "Aren't you afraid that you feel wrong?"

"No, Lord God, I can definitely feel that you have a kind and gentle spirit, which is different from the previous Gods."

The old man spoke extremely seriously:

"Your words are not superior to all living beings, especially your eyes. The way you look at us is not like looking at slave ants. It is a look that I have never seen in the eyes of other gods. Other gods only look at us with indifference, so I believe in my own judgment and you!"

Hearing this, Lin Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the old man, and said quietly: "Interesting, but even so, even if I am different from others, it does not mean that I will help you."

"I understand, Lord God." The old man raised his eyes slightly and said slowly: "You and other Gods are of the same race. You will definitely not offend other Gods of the same race for us ants, but..."

Having said this, he looked at Lin Yang, paused, and did not continue. Instead, he asked all the people around him to leave, leaving only a younger man, and then continued in a solemn voice:

"Lord God, if you are willing to help, our clan is willing to give you our clan's supreme sacred stone. I just ask that you help our clan find a way to survive!"

"Supreme Divine Stone? What is that?" Lin Yang raised his eyebrows. The name sounded quite domineering.

"The Supreme Divine Stone is a treasure obtained by our ancestors. It is very special." The old man explained, "It has the ability to influence people's thoughts and even the surrounding environment, and people can't help but get close to it."

"Huh? What did you say? That divine stone can affect people's thoughts and even the environment?" Lin Yang's pupils shrank.

This ability sounds a bit outrageous.

"Yes, Lord Shangshen, the ability of the divine stone is very special. Our ancestors have studied it many times, but unfortunately we have not been able to thoroughly study the specific control and usage of the divine stone. However, although we cannot actively control it, according to our ancestors According to the records left behind, this is a very high-end and precious treasure, which is regarded as the most precious treasure of our clan. It can only be taken out in exchange for a chance of survival when it is a matter of life and death for our clan."

The old man explained again.

"The ancestors of our clan once told us that if one day our clan encounters a major change or encounters a turning point, we can give the sacred stone to the gods in exchange for a way to survive."

"Oh? Are the ancestors of your clan so sure that taking out this sacred stone can save your clan?" Lin Yang looked at the old man with interest.

The old man nodded: "Master Shangshen, this is indeed what is said in our clan's records. Our ancestors once said that the sacred stone is also an extremely precious thing among the powerful Shangshen clan. As long as it is taken out under the condition of ensuring that the Lord Shangshen is trustworthy, , God will definitely help our clan survive."

With that said, he turned around and said to the younger man who had just been left beside him: "Gen, go and get the Supreme Divine Stone for the Supreme God."

Hearing this, the face of the man called Gen changed instantly and hesitantly said: "Uncle Feng, do you want to take it now? The divine stone is our last hope..."

Before Gen finished speaking, he was interrupted by the old man: "Don't say more, I asked you to get it, so just go get it!"

Gen was silent for a moment and said nothing. He bowed to Lin Yang, then turned around and trotted away until he reached the foot of a mountain and his back disappeared.

Lin Yang looked at the old man and continued what he said slowly: "Your ancestors once said that the sacred stone is very precious among the gods?"

"Yes." The old man nodded.

"Then why didn't you take out the divine stone in exchange for the vitality of your clan?" Lin Yang was a little confused, "Also, since the divine stone is precious, hasn't it been discovered by other gods in so many years?"

"Back to Lord God, the sacred stone was sealed deep in the mountain by our clan. It is the highest secret of our clan. Only the successor like me and the successor-to-be know about it at the same time. The other clan members don't know about it, so it has never been exposed. .”

The old man first explained why it was not exposed, and then began to explain why it was not taken out in exchange for life.

"Lord God, the ancestors of our clan said that we must find a trustworthy God before we can take it out. But the ancestors did not take it out, probably because they did not find a trustworthy God in their time."

"Oh?" Lin Yang was even more surprised when he heard this. He looked at the old man and said quietly: "Do you believe me so much? We just met."

This old man actually trusts himself in matters related to the life and death of his own race and the secret of the highest treasure?

You know, they had just known each other for less than ten minutes, and they were telling the most important secret of the clan. Isn't it a bit too hasty?

The old man said seriously: "Lord God, after so many years in our clan, you are the only person I have ever seen who looks at us differently from other Gods. My intuition tells me that I can trust you."

"Your intuition...don't you think it's a bit too hasty?" Lin Yang was a little dumbfounded.

I haven't found anyone I can trust in so many years, and I just trust myself so much when I show up.

A bit outrageous.

However, the old man was as firm as ever: "I am not hasty, Lord God. My intuition is very accurate, and people's eyes cannot deceive others. Although we have just met you, this does not affect our trust in you."

"You..." Lin Yang didn't know what to say. He paused and then continued: "You just ask the tribesmen to get the sacred stone for me. You are not afraid that I will leave after taking the sacred stone and don't care at all." you?"

"I believe you won't do it, Lord Shangshen!" The old man still said firmly.

This inexplicable yet trusting look left Lin Yang speechless for a while.

Although it is wonderful to be trusted by someone without hesitation, especially by someone who is not very familiar with you.

But this is too much to do without any hesitation.

He hadn't promised to help them yet, but the old man didn't give him a chance to refuse, and directly sent people to get the magic stone, as if he was sure that he would definitely help, which was a bit exaggerated.

The atmosphere fell into a brief silence.

Lin Yang didn't know what to say. This sudden trust made him feel weird.

The old man said nothing more, but looked in the direction where Gen went to get the sacred stone just now, his eyes flashing with anticipation.

The other tribesmen in the tribe looked here curiously.

To be precise, he looked at Lin Yang carefully.

They have never seen such a kind god who did not accept sacrifices after coming.

Everyone looked at Lin Yang with awe and curiosity, but no one dared to approach easily.

Lin Yang glanced at everyone, withdrew his gaze, looked at the old man again, thought for a while, and asked: "Do you still remember what the god's spaceship looks like when collecting sacrifices? Also, how long has it been since the last time that sacrifices were collected? Already?"

As soon as he said this, the old man suddenly showed a look of surprise and said: "Lord God, have you decided to help us?!"

Updates have resumed. Today, after taking medicine for more than half a month, I feel much better. I have resumed normal updates and am working hard to make up for the manuscript. Please support me brothers and sisters!

Bow to everyone!

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