"Lord God, have you decided to help us?"

Hearing the old man's words, Lin Yang sighed and said slowly: "If the other party is stronger than me, then I can't help even if I want to."

He asked that because he wanted to see if he could guess the technological strength level of that alien civilization.

If it's not too powerful, then it's not impossible to do it casually, but if it's too strong, even if the sacred stone the old man wants to give to him is the treasure of the universe, it won't work.

The old man was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then said with a hint of bitterness: "This is natural. If Lord God is not sure to help, then Lord God's own safety must be the first priority."

Lin Yang nodded.

The old man continued: "I still remember a little about the appearance of the flying objects of the gods, and I can give you a rough drawing. As for the last time I collected the sacrificial objects, it has been several years. Counting the time, if I don't Surprisingly, I will collect it again in about two months."

After speaking, the old man's tone became much duller.

"Two months?" Lin Yang's eyes flashed and he couldn't help but said: "This is really a coincidence."

"What a coincidence?" The old man looked puzzled.

"It's nothing. Draw me a picture of the spaceship. It's best if you can provide some other information." Lin Yang didn't say much.

The reason why he said it was a coincidence was that it would take more than a month and nearly two months to repair the Apocalypse spacecraft.

The time it takes for the other party to collect the sacrifices is also about the same. If you want to help this tribe now, you don't have to waste extra time waiting for the other party to come.

But there is no need to say these words.

Then the old man began to describe the information he knew while trying to draw what those spaceships looked like.

This painting took more than an hour, and I could only barely draw a rough outline of the spacecraft.

Lin Yang frowned as he looked at it. It was really difficult to tell the technological level of the spacecraft from its general appearance.

The old man looked at Lin Yang's frowning expression, and said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Lord God, every time those other Gods come, the flying things are in the sky, and we can't look very carefully. I can remember roughly."

"Okay, although it's not of much use, it's still better than nothing." Lin Yang smacked his mouth.

Although it is difficult to tell the specific level of this spaceship, judging from the simple outline, the level of civilization should not be too high, and it is not completely useless.

Then, he glanced at the direction Gen entered the mountain and couldn't help but ask: "It's been so long and Gen hasn't come back yet. Is there any accident?"

"Don't worry, God-sama, the road in the mountain is just a little difficult to walk, and that area is still quite safe."

The old man opened his mouth and said that it was the place where they hid the Supreme Divine Stone. It was very hidden but safe, but it just took a little longer to go back and forth.

Lin Yang said nothing more and waited for almost half an hour before Gen's figure appeared in sight again.

"Back." The old man's expression perked up when he saw Gen.

Gen quickly ran closer, then took out a dark stone box from his arms and handed it to the old man.

The old man took it over and said to Lin Yang: "Lord God, here is our clan's supreme sacred stone. Please take a look."

As he spoke, he turned his back to the tribe and placed the stone box in front of him so that others could not see it before opening the stone box.

Inside the box, there is a crystal clear diamond-shaped crystal quietly placed.

A bit like crystal and a bit like diamond.

But the difference is that this crystal is pure and transparent, and there is no dazzling light like crystals and diamonds on it.

It just looks... ordinary!

"This...is the treasure you were talking about, the Supreme Divine Stone?" Lin Yang blinked.

It is really difficult to give such an ordinary crystal stone such a domineering name.

The old man's face was serious: "Yes, Lord Shangshen, although the sacred stone looks ordinary, its power is unpredictable. This stone box was specially made by our ancestors to store the sacred stone and isolate the power of the sacred stone. Otherwise, if you leave it outside, everyone will be affected by the divine stone."

"Is it that powerful?"

Lin Yang took another look and couldn't see how special this thing was, so he called the system directly and prepared to let the system scan what this thing was.

Although the system did not directly fall into a long sleep after passing through the space barrier this time like last time, it still went into a short sleep after successfully landing here.

But the difference is that the last time the system went to sleep, it was completely passive and could not be awakened.

This time the sleep is autonomous and he can wake up the system at any time.

As the system was awakened, Lin Yang briefly explained the matter and prepared to let the system scan the supreme sacred stone.

However, the next moment, before he could speak, the system made an exaggerated beeping sound:

"Oh my god, host, you are really lucky. You can encounter such a great thing when you crash-land on any planet. Host, why do you have any hesitation? Just agree and take this opportunity. Get the divine stone!"

"..." Lin Yang was stunned for a moment.

Hearing the exaggerated voice of the system, he was really stunned.

This was the first time he heard the system's words contain so many emotions!

This shocked him a little.

However, he was shocked, so Lin Yang immediately asked: "Listening to your tone, is it possible that this sacred stone is indeed a very powerful treasure?"

"Not only is it very powerful, it is simply indescribably powerful and precious!" the system emphasized again.

"This... what on earth is this?" Lin Yang's curiosity reached its peak.

"Host, do you still remember the extraordinary properties substances that this system mentioned when you were in the Tianji Federation Empire?" the system suddenly asked.

"Remember! What's wrong? Is this thing related to matter with extraordinary properties!" Lin Yang nodded and asked.

He didn't lose his memory. Not long had passed. How could he forget? !

"Answer the host, this object is not related to matter with extraordinary characteristics, but it is itself a matter with extraordinary characteristics!"

"Wha, what?"

The system's words were astonishing. Lin Yang was so shocked that his heart was beating wildly. He said in disbelief: "System, you, what did you say? This seemingly ordinary crystal is actually... a substance with extraordinary properties??"

He was so shocked!

He still has a deep memory of the system's explanation of matter with extraordinary properties a while ago.

That is a domain product that only an unimaginably powerful super civilization can touch!

But now, here, a substance with extraordinary properties actually appears? !

"System, are you kidding me? Is this really matter with extraordinary characteristics? How could there be matter with extraordinary characteristics in a place like this?" Lin Yang was extremely shocked.

"Host, this system never jokes!"

The system also responded very seriously.

"This crystal is definitely a substance with extraordinary properties!"

"You made a lot of money this time!!"

"Substances with extraordinary properties are priceless!"

"Please note that the city mentioned here in this system is the city of the galaxy calculated in units of the cosmic star field!"

"Host, you are going to get rich! Get rich!!"

"Just this crystal stone can be exchanged for hundreds or even thousands of star fields!"

The system's voice also became more and more excited.

Lin Yang's heart beat wildly when he heard it.

This surprise is a bit too big.

Scary big!

Suddenly, Lin Yang seemed to have thought of something, and his expression became serious for a moment: "System, have you overlooked one thing? Although the extraordinary properties material is of infinite value, it should be a hot potato in our hands. If it is exposed , I’m afraid it will be a disaster, right?”

Although the baby is good, if it is too good, it will be a disaster.

Possessing a treasure without sufficient strength is like a baby wandering around in the wild with a hundred-dollar bill, only to be robbed!

He is currently in a situation where he does not have the strength to possess materials with extraordinary properties.

If the news about the substance with extraordinary properties was exposed, he would not dare to think about the outcome.


The system's excited voice suddenly stopped when it heard Lin Yang's worried words.

The second update is here and officially restored.

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