The old man looked at Lin Yang and told the fundamental reason.

"Lord God, my family and I don't have much time left, and you are the only God that our family has encountered in these years who is different from other Gods."

"So, I had no choice."

"I can only choose to take a gamble and place my hope on you, otherwise our clan will have no future at all."

Hearing this, Lin Yang couldn't help but smile.

This is reasonable.

Because he was the only person this tribe met who could potentially help them, the old man showed trust without hesitation.

In fact, it's just because he has no other choice at all, not because he truly trusts himself.

"Please, Lord God, please don't blame me."

Seeing Lin Yang's expression, the old man leaned forward and saluted.

"It's nothing, but you have to know that there is a possibility of losing when gambling." Lin Yang shook his head.

He didn't take it to heart.

Because this is normal human nature.

There will be no love without reason in the world, nor will there be trust without hesitation for no reason.

It would be abnormal if the old man always showed unreasonable trust.

When the old man heard this, he smiled slowly and said: "In the world, winning or losing is a matter of winning or losing. There is no absolute. Even if you lose, it doesn't matter. After all, there is no worse outcome than genocide."

Lin Yang suddenly looked at the old man in surprise.

He was a little surprised that a person from a primitive and backward tribe could say such things.

The old man looked at Lin Yang with a smile: "However, from the moment Lord Shangshen said these words, I knew that my bet was right."

"Oh?" Lin Yang raised his eyebrows instantly.

This old man is interesting.

The old man still kept his smile and said: "If Master Shangshen wants to leave, I'm afraid he will take the sacred stone and leave, and he will not say these words again. But since you, Master Shangshen, have said these words, then let me know, Lord God will keep his promise."

"Interesting." Lin Yang also smiled.

"Thank God for your protection!"

The old man bowed directly to Lin Yang and shouted loudly.

Seeing this, other people in the tribe shouted at Lin Yang as if they had received some instructions.

Looking at the people of the tribe who were kneeling before him, Lin Yang sighed and said slowly: "Although I accept money from people and help them eliminate disasters, I really can't refuse this sacred stone, but I still say that, if the other party is stronger than me, Then don’t blame me for being helpless.”

"Don't worry, Lord God. I still said what I just said. If Lord God loses to those Gods, the safety of Lord God is the first priority. Our clan will not blame Lord God at all!" The old man emphasized again.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I will keep this sacred stone. I will stay here for two months and wait for others to come." Lin Yang said no more and put the stone box away.

A substance with extraordinary properties, worth taking the risk.

"Thank you, Lord God, for your mercy." The old man thanked him again.

"You're welcome, this is an equal deal." Lin Yang shook the box in his hand.

The old man was slightly startled and couldn't help but murmured: "Equality?"

When Gen on the side heard these two words, his eyes suddenly burst into unprecedented color, and he looked at Lin Yang intently.


Two simple words, but to them, they are something beyond their reach throughout their lives.

The next moment, the old man suddenly laughed loudly: "With these two words from the Lord God, I will die with my eyes in peace!"

Lin Yang was silent for a moment and said slowly: "Actually, you don't need to call me a god. Compared to you, I am just a visitor from an alien planet. The other gods you talk about are the same as me. They are just Some ordinary people who have mastered powerful technological power, not gods!"

"Alien planet? Technological power?" The old man and Gen looked puzzled at the same time.

"Yes, the world you are in is actually a planet, and in the universe, the number of planets is endless. I and the other gods you think are all from different alien planets ." Lin Yang gave them some basic science knowledge.

After all, after receiving the extraordinary properties material and completing the deal, it is best to let them know some basic common sense, otherwise it will be very troublesome to cooperate.

As Lin Yang learned more about science, the old man and Gen were both more and more shocked.

By the end, both of their mouths were big enough to hold a duck egg.

Planet, universe, technology, civilization!

These words have a great impact on their hearts.

The two of them were shocked for a long time before slowly coming back to their senses.

"Go, Lord God..." the old man said, but for a moment he was still a little unable to change his words. He asked in shock: "As you said, if we master the power of technology, we can travel around the universe and escape from the world like you. The fate of becoming a slave?”

"In the face of more powerful technological civilizations, low-level civilizations have no resistance. Everyone is a slave, it's just a matter of strength or weakness." Lin Yang shook his head and informed them of the more cruel facts in the universe.

The old man and Gen immediately looked at each other. After a moment, the two of them knelt down to Lin Yang with a tacit understanding and begged: "Please have mercy on me, Lord God, and teach my clan technology!"

"The development of science and technology cannot be achieved quickly. It takes hundreds of thousands of years to slowly accumulate. You don't have to worry."

Lin Yang said slowly and reminded at the same time:

"Moreover, once you enter a technological civilization, you will be more likely to be exposed and discovered by a more powerful technological civilization. At that time, the situation may not be much better than now, or even worse."

Hearing this, the two looked at each other again, and a firm look flashed in the old man's eyes, and he solemnly said: "Thank you, Lord God, for telling me that it is better to die on the road to glory than to die in ignorance and ignorance, Lord God. Teach our clan’s technological power!”

The old man knelt down again and prayed to Lin Yang to teach him technology.

"Okay, now that I have told you this, I will naturally teach you some technologies. However, not now, let's wait until two months later."

Lin Yang spoke, and in the old man's doubtful eyes, he said calmly: "If I were not the opponent of that alien civilization, I would teach you technology now. If the other party sees that you have different intentions, it will only accelerate the demise of your race, so , wait for two months, if I can deal with them, I can help you with interstellar migration and develop to a new planet."

The old man was startled for a moment, and then he quickly understood what Lin Yang meant, and immediately said: "Lord God, you have thought carefully, and our clan obeys your will!"

"Just call me Your Excellency..." Lin Yang rubbed his brows.

"Uh...Okay, okay, God...Your Excellency..." The old man awkwardly called out a new title.

"...Forget it, it's up to you." Lin Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"So, Your Excellency, do you need us to prepare anything else?" the old man asked.

Sorry, I owe you another chapter.

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