"Preparation? There is no need to prepare anything, just keep everything as usual." Lin Yang shook his head, and then warned: "The only thing you have to do is not to show any abnormalities, so as not to be noticed by the other party, and wait until the day when they come to collect the sacrifices is approaching. , I will hide in advance, and if the opponent is not strong, I will attack on the spot. If I lose, I will be patient and wait for the opportunity."

"Okay, I understand, Your Excellency, I will arrange for the clan members to be protected from exposure!" The old man agreed quickly.

"Go and make arrangements. During this period, my spaceship will be parked here. If you have any questions, you can come directly and ask." Lin Yang said.

"Okay, Your Majesty, God, can give you instructions at any time if you have anything to do." The old man bowed and left.

Afterwards, I don’t know what he said to the tribe, and everyone in the tribe gradually moved away from the spaceship area.

Only Gen and a few strong men were left nearby.

"Lin Mu, start repairing the Apocalypse spacecraft. You will have to work hard next." Lin Yang walked back inside the spacecraft and said to Lin Mu.

"It's my honor to serve the commander." Lin Mu immediately took some materials to repair the Apocalypse spacecraft.

Lin Yang opened the stone box again and asked the system to analyze the material of the stone box.

A material that can block the emission of extraordinary properties of materials is probably no less valuable than the extraordinary properties of the material itself.

that's the truth.

Following the inspection, the system quickly exclaimed: "Host, the material of this box is very special. This system is currently unable to detect the specific material composition, but it is certain that the box itself can indeed be regarded as a treasure."

"Is it really a treasure?" Lin Yang's eyes lit up.

"Yes, host, in a civilization that can create materials with extraordinary characteristics, it is also expensive to preserve the materials with extraordinary characteristics. Therefore, usually after the materials with extraordinary characteristics are created, they will be put into use as soon as possible, and this The stone box looks ordinary, but it has the effect of blocking the properties of materials with extraordinary properties, and it is not a disposable item. If this stone box is sold to those civilizations that can create materials with extraordinary properties, it will definitely sell for a sky-high price! "

The system's words contained a bit of surprise.

"It seems that we have indeed made a lot of money this time. I just don't know how the ancestors of this tribe knew that materials with extraordinary properties are precious, and how they came up with this stone box." Lin Yang recalled some of the old man's previous words. , some doubts.

The old man said before that according to the records of their ancestors, as long as they took out this supreme stone, they would be protected by gods, that is, aliens, which made him a little confused.

How did the ancestors of this tribe know that materials with extraordinary properties were precious among aliens?

In other words, how did they discover this substance with extraordinary properties?

Not only had they discovered a substance with extraordinary properties, but they also knew that this substance was extremely valuable among aliens.

Lin Yang even doubted whether this tribe had come into contact with those terrifying supreme civilizations before.

"Host, are you really ready to help them immigrate?" the system suddenly asked.

"If I can help, I will definitely help." Lin Yang nodded directly.

Everything has been collected, so as long as it is within his ability, he will definitely help.

He is not a black-hearted gangster who only collects money but does nothing.

Besides, it is also a rule to accept money to do things.

"Host, this system has detected some special animals on the planet here. They may meet the conditions for completing the second phase of the Academician's Dream series of tasks. You can try to collect them."

The system did not continue the topic just now, but reminded Lin Yang and asked him to collect animals.

"...Collecting animals now?" Lin Yang pouted, "We are not sure whether we have returned to the original universe now. If we do not successfully return to the original universe and still need to cross the space barrier, collect animals now to cross the space barrier. They become dead bodies and have no meaning.”

"Host, after preliminary analysis, this system believes that there is more than 60% chance that we have successfully returned to the original universe."

"Huh? Are you sure?" Lin Yang was instantly surprised.

"To answer the host, this system cannot be completely sure yet. More data is needed to support it. When other alien fleets arrive in two months, this system can draw the final conclusion."

"Then wait until two months later to confirm the collection of special animals. Now you have to take extra trouble to raise them." Lin Yang said.

"Okay, host." The system said no more.

"Your Excellency, it's getting late. This is the dinner made by my clan. Please taste it."

The old man's voice suddenly came from outside the spaceship.

At this time, the old man was carrying a steaming earthen pot and shouting outside.

Inside the jar are various cooked meats.

Lin Yang walked out of the cabin, and the old man immediately handed over the earthen jar, which was full of meat.

Lin Yang glanced at him. Although there was no shortage of various animals in this barbaric era, it was still relatively difficult to successfully hunt.

This jar of meat is estimated to be enough rations for the tribe's grown-up men to get in a few days.

"You don't have to be like this. I said I would help you, so I won't break my promise." Lin Yang saw the old man's intention.

This is clearly an attempt to please himself.

Although, using a crock pot of meat to please seems ridiculous.

However, for this primitive tribe, this is almost the most thoughtful thing they can come up with.

When the old man heard this, he seemed to have known that Lin Yang would say this, and he did not force Lin Yang to accept it, but bowed and left.

Obviously, the old man himself knew very well that it was impossible for these meats to fall into the eyes of the gods.

He did this just to express his and his tribe's willingness to dedicate everything.

"Wait a minute." Lin Yang thought for a moment and called out to the old man, then said in the latter's doubtful eyes:

"Although I can't teach you technology now, I can still teach you some basic common sense of life. In the future, don't prepare food like this again."

With that said, Lin Yang began to teach them how to make better food, hunt better, etc.

One month flew by.

The Apocalypse spacecraft has been mostly repaired and has basically restored some of its navigation capabilities.

And Lin Yang also taught a lot of things to this tribe within this month.

Although it is not technological, it has improved the living standard of this tribe by more than a hundred times.

In the hearts of everyone in the tribe, he has been regarded as a true god.

Finally, another half month later, the Apocalypse spacecraft was completely repaired.

The system also detected an alien spacecraft entering the detection range.

This means that the alien civilization has come to collect sacrifices again!

Lin Yang also immediately told the news to the tribe members. The tribe members, who had been living happily for more than a month, instantly became silent.

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