A treasure map every day, I dig for treasure and revitalize my family

Chapter 273 Complete the Blood Demon Immortal Sutra

When the heavy rain on the sea stopped, Han Tianming slowly wrote the last word on the scroll.


He gently blew the ink on the scroll dry.

At this point, the Blood Demon Immortal Sutra was completed.

Han Tianming put the scroll away and threw it into the air.

The scroll immediately turned into a stream of light and flew to the Sutra Pavilion.

The Han family's Sutra Pavilion has two more floors. Even if the Blood Demon Immortal Sutra is a fourth-level top-grade body-tempering technique, it can only be ranked on the fourth floor now.

In the Sutra Pavilion, Han Tiandu received a notice.

When he walked out of the door, the scroll was suspended in the air.

He respectfully held it with both hands and placed it on the deepest bookshelf on the fourth floor of the Sutra Pavilion.

On the Lingquan Valley side, Han Tianming entered the small world inside the red gold box.

By the golden pool, a total of nine old trees have survived.

There are fruits hanging on their branches. The terrifying growth speed surprised even Han Tianming.

It can be seen how high the grade of the corpse of the divine phoenix under the golden pool was when it was alive!

Among the nine trees of the year tree, there is one with two fruits, one green and one red.

This is the original trunk. It originally had a year fruit, but it was not ripe.

Now that one has turned red, like a red date, it is considered ripe.

It exudes an indescribable breath, which contains the breath of the origin of life, but also a sense of weirdness.

"The strength of this breath of the origin of life is still far inferior to that of the human Yuan fruit..."

Han Tianming picked the year fruit and placed it in a jade box.

The year fruit that can only extend life for ten years is naturally not comparable to the human Yuan fruit that extends life for three hundred years.

After putting away the jade box, Han Tianming jumped into the golden pool.

Diving all the way to the bottom of the pool, the blood crystal was indeed absorbed a lot. In the past, the pool was shallow, and Han Tianming was only submerged up to his shoulders when he sat cross-legged in it.

Now it has dived four or five feet deep, enough to drown several Han Tianmings.

"It shouldn't be so fast..."

He frowned slightly. Although the speed of absorbing the Sui fruit was very fast, he didn't get much.

There was only one mature and nine immature ones.

The blood crystal was reduced so much. Even if a hundred years were replaced by ten years, the essence of the life source contained in it would never be so much.

In addition to the Sui wood, there was only the golden lotus in the pool.

Han Tianming found the golden lotus and saw that the lotus had changed.

Originally, it absorbed the power in the blood crystal slowly, but now it was not known whether it felt that something was competing with it for food or something, and the speed of absorption was greatly accelerated.

The golden lotus was originally golden, as if it was made of pure gold, but now it was a little different.

It turned transparent, as if there were some gold threads mixed in the glass crystal.

There was a breath of the same origin as the water in the golden pool gushing out from the lotus.

It was much stronger than before.

Han Tianming estimated that if he waited for all the golden threads in the lotus to dissipate, the whole lotus would completely fade away from the golden color and turn into a glass lotus, then the lotus would probably be done.

As for what effect it had, Han Tianming didn't know.

He could only roughly think that the effect of this treasure was similar to that of the water in the golden pool.

But the effect must be much stronger. The water in the pool was squeezed out of its mouth, how could it compare to the lotus body?

"According to this speed, it's just a matter of time before the blood crystal completely melts."

Han Tianming left the small world, collected the red gold box, and stepped from the ice lotus platform to the outside of the medicine house.


Xiao Qingling was playing with Cheng Lingjun. When she saw Han Tianming coming, she put down Xiaoyu and ran over.

Han Tianming picked up the little girl with a smile, saying:

"Let me see if you have grown meat!"

"Well... no!"

"But you haven't grown taller either!"

The little girl was dissatisfied when she heard the last sentence.

But she was reluctant to get down from Han Tianming's arms, so she kept digging deep into his arms.

Han Tianming weighed her and coaxed her before putting her down.

He reached out and touched Lingjun's head again. The child's physical condition was well taken care of.

Now that the blood and qi are sufficient, a little blood can finally be seen on the originally pale face.

When Han Tianming took his hand back, Cheng Lingjun was still reluctant.

He seemed to rely on Han Tianming's breath, although he didn't remember what happened.

But he remembered this breath. On that night when he was on the verge of death, it was this breath that enveloped him.

It was like the only light in the dark night.


Han Tianming, who was teasing Xiaoyu, was stunned when he heard his name.

"What did you call me?"

Cheng Lingjun said truthfully: "Brother-in-law..."

Han Tianming stared at him.

"Nice! Nice! Call me again!"


"Yeah! That's right! It's my brother-in-law's voice!"

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law!"


This farce was not stopped until Cheng Lingsu walked out of the medicine house with a red face.

"What are you doing? I'm refining medicine..."

"Don't tease Lingjun..."

She walked over and was skillfully grabbed by Han Tianming's jade hand.

Han Tianming reached out and patted Cheng Lingjun's little shoulder, his eyes full of appreciation.

Then he pointed to Xiaoyu next to him and said:

"Do you usually feed it too well?"

"It's a rabbit, how can it grow so fat?"

"It makes me cry..."

Innocent Xiaoyu widened her innocent eyes and looked at Han Tianming with disbelief.

It is now a top-grade spirit beast, so is it wrong to be a little bigger?

After being interrupted by Han Tianming, Cheng Lingsu forgot to struggle.

She just let him lead her, not knowing whether she was used to it or forgot.

"How is your aunt recovering?"

"Much better, she has started to refine pills now."

Cheng Lingsu nodded gently and said seriously.

The physical injuries are easy to recover, but the main thing is the heart injury.

This is probably composed of two parts, one is for the Cheng family members, and the other is for Cheng Lingjun.

Now Cheng Lingjun can be saved, and Cheng Lingsu is with her.

Cheng Qingzhu's heart injury is also being smoothed out bit by bit, but this is a long-term thing.

Cheng Lingsu had been on Qingling Island for a year, and with the little girl accompanying her and Han Tianming around, she became more cheerful.

"I brought the year fruit, how about you take it in?"

Han Tianming took out the jade box containing the year fruit and handed it to Cheng Lingsu.


Cheng Lingsu went in with the jade box and came out soon.

She unconsciously and naturally handed a hand to Han Tianming, not remembering that this was a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth.

"My aunt said that she wanted to separate the Yin-Yang Dinglong Pill first, and then refine the Huangting Shou Pill..."

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