June of every year is the time when the Han family goes to the four major affiliated families to pick up girls of the right age who have spiritual roots.

This has been discussed with the four major families a long time ago, and everyone has no objection.

Han Tianzhao is the person in charge of this matter in the Han family, and he has just finished visiting the last family that day.

"This time I went to Lizhu Island and brought back one woman with spiritual roots, who was combined with the other three families, a total of twenty-three people."

At the edge of the Ice Lotus Platform, Han Tianzhao stood on a lotus leaf and reported to Han Tianming.

The surrounding spiritual mist is thick and there is an isolation formation, so not a single word can be transmitted to the outside world.

Most of the twenty-three women with spiritual roots come from the Wu family of beast masters.

There are a total of twelve people, and the Wu family's background is much better than the other three families.

Not long after the Li family was founded in Lizhu Island, finding a suitable woman exceeded Han Tianming's expectations.

On the lotus platform, Han Tianming was holding a small jade pendant and tinkering with something.

On the jade pendant, the spiritual light shone like stars.

After listening to Han Tianzhao's words, he ordered without raising his head:

"Arrange the blind date as soon as possible so that they can get married as soon as possible..."

The second elder has done this many times, and the Han family is familiar with it.

"Women who have never fallen in love are taught some crude Qi refining techniques and cultivated on Yue'e Peak."

Han Tianming continued.

The situation of the Han family is different now.

The previous shortage of female nuns has been improved, and now there are only three of the Han family's Tianzi generation who are of the right age and have never been married.

There are only eight people in the upper generation.

This time, there were twenty-three female cultivators brought back, which was excessive.

However, Han Tianming had no intention of returning them.

After all, there are always people who can grow up to the right age. The ten or twenty years difference between monks is actually not a problem.

Even among some big forces, there are people who are hundreds of years apart.

"Come, put this jade on and try it on."

After giving the instructions, Han Tianming threw the jade pendant in his hand to Han Tianzhao.

"Pour spiritual energy into it."

Han Tianzhao did not hesitate and acted according to Han Tianming's guidance.

He poured all his spiritual energy into that small jade pendant. The more he poured spiritual energy into it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Unexpectedly, the spiritual energy penetrating into it was like a mud cow entering the sea. The condensed light on the jade pendant was still dim and showed no reaction at all.

Han Tianzhao gritted his teeth and poured all the spiritual energy in the vast sea into it.

It wasn't until sweat appeared on his forehead and he was panting that the jade pendant finally made a buzzing sound.


A spiritual formation emerged from the jade pendant.

Countless spiritual lights enveloped Han Tianzhao's figure, and the light was tangled, condensing into three spiritual swords three feet above his head.

Of these three swords, two have dim light, but only one has a sharp edge and an extraordinary aura!

This is exactly the Three Talents Sword Formation.

"Steady your mind and try to maneuver this sword."

At this time, Han Tianzhao's spiritual energy had been exhausted and he was on the verge of reaching his limit.

But when he heard Han Tianming's voice, he still gritted his teeth, forced himself to steady his mind, and mobilized the brightest of the three swords above his head!


The sound of the sword being unsheathed was slow, which seemed to indicate that the process was not going smoothly.

When the sword was finally mobilized, there was a terrifying sword aura rising to the sky on the spiritual lake!


Han Tianzhao's body shook for a while, and finally he could no longer support himself at this moment.

The jade pendant in his hand buzzed again, all the spiritual light around him disappeared, and the sword energy above the spiritual lake also disappeared.


Han Tianzhao couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, with a guilty look on his face.

However, Han Tianming stabilized his figure with a soft spiritual energy, and flicked a pill that restored the spiritual energy into the opponent's mouth.

"It's already pretty good."

Han Tianming smiled and nodded to comfort him.

Han Tianzhao didn't know that the formation on this jade pendant was a fourth-level low-grade formation.

With his cultivation in the early stages of foundation building, being able to activate this spiritual formation jade is already very good.

Those three swords are exactly the human swords in the Three Talents Sword Formation, one of the three swords of heaven, earth and man.

Although it is the weakest among the three swords, it is still comparable to a full-strength strike in the later stage of Jindan!

Han Tianzhao's ability to activate it actually exceeded Han Tianming's expectations.

After all, it was Yuqing's extraordinary creation skills that made him have more spiritual energy in his body than people of the same realm.

Ordinary monks in the early stages of foundation building may have difficulty fully activating this formation.

When Han Tianzhao finished adjusting his breath, Han Tianming smiled and said:

"This jade pendant is given to you."

"After you turn around and stabilize your realm, you can reach the middle stage of foundation building by taking one Gong Yuan Dan."

"By then I will surely be able to fully master the human sword, one of the three swords in this formation. It will also be regarded as an additional protective treasure!"

Han Tianzhao quickly thanked him, but Han Tianming did not let him kneel down. He only waved his hand gently, and a spiritual wind carried him to the shore.

For Han Tianzhao, who was only in the foundation building stage, such a formation was indeed enough to be used as a trump card.

The Three Talents Sword Formation is a fourth-level low-grade formation. The three swords of heaven, earth and man correspond to the late stage of the Golden Elixir, the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir and the early stage of Nascent Soul!

If the three swords can be combined into one, they can surpass the ordinary Nascent Soul in its early stage!

It is a powerful formation, but if he wants to mobilize the Heavenly Sword, his cultivation level is still far behind.

After Han Tianzhao left, Han Tianming took out another jade jade from his arms.

Although this jade is only as big as the mouth of a bowl, it contains countless auras, like stars filling the sky.

"This star-wall combination method is really good..."

In this small jade wall, Han Tianming has engraved nearly a hundred sets of Sancai Sword Formation!

And he is still using the Star Wall Formation method to superimpose. If he can really achieve the level of the Thousand Formations Sect ancestor's Thousand Formations superposition, the power cannot be imagined!

"This spiritual formation jade is still a bit fragile..."

Han Tianming was a little dissatisfied. Although the Spiritual Formation Jade could be engraved with formations and made into a formation plate for use, it could not withstand the power of too many formations being superimposed and released.

This piece in Han Tianming's hand can probably only be activated once.

"The method of the Star Wall Combination Formation is indeed against the heavens, but it is not something that ordinary treasures can carry..."

These days, the golden body is in seclusion, and Han Tianming himself cannot stay away from the important events in the clan for a long time.

After the Blood Demon Immortal Sutra was completely perfected, there was a lot of time spent doing nothing.

He simply picked up the way of the spiritual formation. Although he was only repeatedly burning the Three Talents Sword Formation these days, his cultivation of the formation has also improved and he has reached the fourth level of middle grade.

And it is moving forward steadily.

Han Tianming weighed the jade wall in his hand. This piece had reached the limit of engraving.

He put it away and murmured:

"One more big piece!"

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