A War Between Spies

Chapter 1177: Secret inside

Anna Starkina looked at Basanov quietly. After watching it for a while, she said again: "Let me think about your growth experience. I didn't do a detailed investigation, but as far as I know, you are When you came to England at the age of seven, your family came together."

Basanov’s footsteps were slightly moved a little.

Anna continued: "When you were eight years old, it was about eight years old. In short, your family came to the UK soon. Your father left home, with a younger woman, and then your mother raised you alone, she People do a few jobs, one of which is a dancer."

Basanov suddenly said: "Shut up! Bichi!"

"Your mother started to drink alcohol, drunk every day, you just immigrated to the UK, you can't speak English, you don't have friends, your mother loves you but hates you, she will hit you after she drinks too much, because she loves you. But hate your father, and you look like your father."

Basanov suddenly shouted: "How do you know! Shut up! You are this blue pool!"

"After your mother is drunk, I will hit you. After waking up, I will cry to you again. You hate her, but you also love her."

"Shut up! Bichi, Shut up, Bichi, Bichi!"

Zhang Yong punched Bashanov’s stomach and let Basanov immediately stop struggling and shut up and unable to speak.

"Now return to the question just now, why do you wear a wig? Because you want to apply the shadow of childhood to a woman you don't know, speak Russian, beautiful, but you will unconsciously imagine the woman you face as yours. Mom, so you are afraid to face them."

"Your childhood is really miserable. Your mother brought you a very difficult life. You are familiar with the night scene. The understanding of how women from Eastern Europe live in the UK started from childhood. You are familiar with everything in this circle. You I also know how to control those girls, just like how your mother was controlled by others."

"Your mother is very strict with you, but she died when you were fifteen."

Basanov’s weak and powerful way: "Shut up, you are this blue pool..."

"You hate the word "Bike," which you think is the most embarrassing word, because when you were a child, someone always licked your mother."

Basanov’s face was desperate.

Despair is because the secret of the deepest part of my heart is uncovered by people. It is the desperation after the softest, most painful, and most inaccessible places have been torn apart a little.

Anna Starkina continued to say faintly: "After the age of fifteen, your mother is dead, you start to sneak into the streets, and then you lead some companions from Russia who are like you, and you are not fighting like ordinary punks. There are ambitious goals, and there are familiar areas. It’s really amazing. I started my business when I was fifteen.”

"Twenty-two years old, about it. I said that there is no detailed investigation, but you are already very powerful when you are in your early twenties. Then you no longer meet the resources at hand. You start to abduct and sell from Eastern Europe. Girls, because you are familiar, you even deceive the girls in person, because you are really handsome."

Basanov has been unable to speak.

Anna Starkina reached out and Brian ironed her face and handed her a rope.

Anna Starkina took a breath, then she sighed: "What do you do, does your mother know?"

Basanov had already softened, and Anna Starkina suddenly began to use the rope in her hand to draw over Basanov’s head.

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!"

Basanov was released, but he did not dare to hide. He just hugged his head on his face with his hands and curled up and was beaten by Anna with a rope.

There is no rule, Anna Starkina is just a random slap, the rope falls on Basanov's head, shoulders, back, but Basanov is only crying loudly, but not hiding.

After playing for five minutes, Anna Starkina was tired, and then she suddenly shouted: "Tell me! Why attack the Dark Knight!"

Basanov did not hesitate to say: "Someone let me do it! Someone let me do it!"

Basanov raised his head, his tears in his face, looking at Anna Starkina between the arms guarding his head, tears in his face: "Someone let me kill the Dark Knight, I know them. Very powerful, so I don't want to provoke them, but that person said that the police will cooperate with us, we can take the opportunity to swallow the protection of the night knight, he gave me the conditions that can not be rejected."

Anna slammed down and said loudly: "Who is he!"

"Shahd! Tunisian, he promised me to solve the night knight, then let me expand the population business to his site, he will cooperate with me to choose the right girl from the North African refugees..."

Basashov cried.

Yang Yi, they are facing each other, especially Zhang Yong, he looked at his hands, his face stunned.

Zhang Yong has great confidence in his fist. He knows how much he can hurt people, but his fist is obviously not as effective as Anna Starkina's rope.

Anna continued to slammed down, and then she said wickedly: "Say! Why the police will cooperate with you!"

“I have been in business for many years, and I know that if I want to survive, I have to maintain friendship with the Scotland Yard.”

"Why is Shahd looking for you?"

"They can't do it~www.readwn.com~ But we can fight hard. Everyone knows that there are not many night knights but they can play. We died seven people, but we succeeded..."

Basanov said that he began to hesitate until he stopped talking.

Anna Starkina suddenly threw the rope and turned to Brian: "His psychological defense has begun to recover, and I don't want to beat him anymore. It makes me feel sick, and the next one is handed to you, now he There is no way to play the tough guy again. No, he is not a tough guy but a real tough guy, but now he can no longer be a tough guy, so hurry up and kill him. I don't want to see this real scum. ”

There was a sneer on Brian’s face.

Bassanov's face of despair and pain, he suddenly yelled at the back of Anna Starkina: "Bichi! Bichi! Bichi! You this Bichi! You dare to hit me..."

Yang Yi is facing Danny Road: "Awesome?"

Danny nodded and said sincerely: "It's really amazing."

Yang Yi pointed to Brian: "It is not a torture expert, but it is better than many experts."

Danny Shen said: "I wanted to call a doctor, but now it seems to be no longer needed."

Yang Yi took a shot of Danny's shoulder and said: "Give it to you, ask the words clearly. Now I have only one question. Do you have a hatred with Shahd?"

Danny frowned. "The problem is here. I don't even know this person, let alone any hatred or conflict of interest."

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