A War Between Spies

Chapter 1178: Like a trap

Things are a bit strange, and Basanov has never been a problem. The problem is that the emergence and movement of Basanov is somewhat out of place.

Now the night knights have been semi-recessed because they no longer need to struggle to survive as before.

So a gang leader from North Africa said that another gangster was stunned by the night knight, which was not normal.

So this incident reveals a taste of conspiracy everywhere.

But this conspiracy is too easy to be seen.

Yang Yi thought for a long time, when Brian had already rehabilitated Basanov and only wanted to die.

It was a very good time for Bashanov Diana Starkina, but now he has to pay for his own quickness.

Basanov is indeed a tough guy. He is definitely one of the best tough guys in the gang.

But the problem is that Basanov did not overestimate his ability, but underestimated Brian's means. After all, it was only a gangster, and the distance between the gang and cia was too far, so Basanov really I don’t know what it is for professionals who feel the ultimate pain but can’t die.

Now Basanov knows that he succeeded in angering a wife slave, a person who regarded Anna as a god, so Basanov regrets it now.

Listening to the screams of Bashanov’s faint scream, Yang Yi said to Danny: "We have to go to the Shahde to talk."

Danny looked at Yang Yi with a puzzled look, then he frowned and whispered: "How do you feel that this is something we are implicated..."

In fact, Yang Yi also has this feeling, he is embarrassed to say.

"Well, so we have to find that Shahed to ask and ask what is going on."

Danny looked tangled: "We haven't dealt with this Shahd. I really don't know what the guy is, let alone his details. It takes some time to find him."

Yang Yi glanced at the watch, and then he whispered: "Can't drag, I will find a way. If it has been dragged for a long time, Shahed may run or hide."

Danny looked strangely: "Are you afraid that he will be ruined?"

Yang Yi’s helpless smile, then he whispered: “If this is really a plot against you, then everything is fine, no matter what they want to do, fight back, destroy all the ambitions of the enemy, but if this is a My conspiracy..."

Yang Yi could not say it, because if this is a conspiracy against him, but it is started from the night knight, then this game is big, Yang Yi can not guarantee to solve the problem of the night knight.

A person who can use the Dark Knight as a chess piece is absolutely capable of killing the Dark Knight.

But what makes Yang Yi curious is why the conspiracy of this conspiracy is so weak.

Yang Yi only felt doubts and puzzles, but he did not feel any threat, so this is the most difficult place for him to understand.

Yang Yi took out the phone, but he hesitated for a while, but did not call the phone to Gary Keen.

The agreement with Garry Keen does not include Shahd, only the Russian gang, and now the Russian gang has been handed over to the Scotland Yard, so this matter can even be announced.

Since Shahd is not on the list of forbidden shots, Yang Yi can of course choose the way he thinks is the most advantageous and the most convenient way to solve the problem.

Yang Yi looked at Danny and whispered: "Captain, you know the underground world of London, can you find a way to get Shahd's information as soon as possible?"

Danny nodded, but he whispered: "But the news of the underground world is very well-informed. If I find Shahed out, no matter what I do, I will count on us. I am not afraid of anything. But will it affect you?"

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "No, it is through your channel to check, I have to ask you a favor, to solve Shahed in the name of the night knight, sorry, captain, I have some doubts now, you need to help me cover it. It is."

Danny smiled and said: "This is our business. Now you are helping me, not that I am helping you."

Yang Yi smiled bitterly: "If it turns out that I am dragging you down, then you are embarrassed..."

Danny shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "What if you are really dragged down by you? Actually, there is nothing to drag on and not drag on. If you eat this bowl of rice, it will not be a matter of time."

Danny made a phone call, then he whispered: "I am Danny. There is something to help you. Do you know Shahd? It is the one from Tunisia who now controls the North African gang." I don't know about this person. Can you give me some information?"

After talking a few words on the phone, Danny came to Yang Yi's side and whispered: "Shahd is just a small character. In London, just in the last two years, he just got some names, but now he sneaked into the UK. There are more and more people in North Africa, and this guy is getting stronger and stronger. He controls a lot of buying and selling."

"Do you know where you live?"

"Brixton, but I don't know the exact address. Shahd recently took control of the area. He runs a drug deal and a population sale, but it is still a bit different from the Russian team."

After that, Danny looked puzzled: "A small character like this is so daring to provoke us. This is not the way."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief ~www.readwn.com~ Road: "So can you get the detailed address?"

"I have already inquired. The people I ask don't know, but there must be people who know."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "I went to the car to say something. I have news to tell me, let's get started quickly."

In a hurry to the car parked on one side, Yang Yi opened the door and sat next to Anna waiting in the car.

"some problems."

Anna Starkina said faintly: "Of course there is a problem, that Basanov and Shahd have no reason to offend to be able to fight and not to call the night knight, although the name is hard to hear, but have to admit, one can Playing and brave there is no oil and water organization, unless it is silly, it will offend."

Yang Yi whispered: "So what do you feel?"

Anna looked at Yang Yi and said: "I don't know, this is a trap for us. Intuitively, this trap is only too bad for the current situation, so the only thing we should do now is to find it as soon as possible. After Shahd asked, only getting more information can get a more accurate judgment."

Yang Yi nodded, then he whispered: "Okay, let's go to Shahd. I asked the captain to help me find it. I should have news soon."

Anna Starkina shook her head. "No, if this thing looks like a trap, then this is a trap. Since this is a trap for you, then you should use your own name, with your greatest ability, most The fastest speed came to the end."

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