A War Between Spies

Chapter 1369: gain and loss

It's easy to explain, as long as the gray-coater is pulled in, and the gray-coater doesn't mind Yang Yi doing this, and even with Yang Yi, so things become very simple.

Several people who attended the hearing began to whisper, because Yang Yi’s content was somewhat sensational. Aaron was once a KGB’s mole, and he even had a connection with a secret organization, and this was too much.

"Who have you heard of the gray man?"

"I know that this is an organization specializing in intelligence business, very mysterious, but I never thought they could reach into the CIA."

"This matter, how to deal with..."

"I have seen the evidence first, then... sorry, I am afraid I need to report it truthfully."

Some people are downcast, this is a CIA person, and some people are a very calm appearance, because he is not a CIA person.

The deputy director of the CIA is a mole, and it is controlled by a mysterious organization. It is too shameful to pass it out. Not only is there no light on the CIA, but it is also very shameful to the entire American intelligence community, but CIA's peers and competitors will only gloat.

If Aaron’s status is too high, it is impossible to deal with this matter within the CIA. If this scandal is suppressed, there will be no hearings.

Potter coughed twice, then he sighed: "Let's take a look at the evidence first. If there is any other evidence, it needs to be taken as soon as possible."

The U disk was inserted into the computer, and the projection was quickly released. A photo, a personal name, and a record. This is an ironclad certificate, and it is still a testimony of Aaron himself.

Walter was soon called into the office again, and Potter said with a blank expression: "Go to Aaron's house right away, control all the items in his house, find a computer, and bring the computer, fast!"

As the head of the security department, this is Walter's point. His eyes swept over Yang Yi and saw the calmness of Yang Yi's face, while others were dignified and frustrated, while Potter's face was expressionless. He knew that Yang Yi had passed.

Walter immediately hurried away with his men, and after Walter left, Potter said to Yang Yidao: "You have worked hard, now there is no business here, you can take a break in the room next to us, if we have any doubts If you are, you will find you."

Of course things haven't ended so soon, but Potter needs to discuss how to write a report and how to end it.

In the room next to him, Yang Yi has no expression. He is not restricted to freedom. Now he is not the identity of the suspect. All he has to do is wait and see the results of their handling.

The best result is that as a hero, Aaron’s crimes are revealed, and Yang Yi, as the exposer, becomes a hero. Of course, on the surface, this is the best result, but Yang Yi does not want it.

The worst result was that Aaron’s crimes were concealed and Yang Yi was murdered to kill Aaron’s murderer, but it was completely impossible.

The result of being neither good nor bad is to cover up the crimes committed by Aaron, because he is dead after all. For the face of the entire US intelligence community, this matter is dealt with coldly, but in this way, Yang Yi has no way to make it for the time being. After getting a promotion and getting a raise and salary increase, he may be compensated after a while, but not for the time being.

For Yang Yi, the best result is just like nothing happened. He really didn't want to be a man of the moment and was pulled out to establish a typical example.

Not long after staying alone, Yang Yi was called into the conference room next door to answer some key questions, such as where the evidence was hidden, how he got it, and whether Aaron had said anything before he died.

Asked a few questions were rushed back, and then waited for two hours, Walter has taken the most critical evidence from Aaron's residence, a laptop.

How can Aaron’s personal evidence prepared for himself be imperfect?

Everyone except Aaron himself has benefited, including exposed gray people.

Because Aaron once again added a layer of protective color to the gray man, his evidence fully proves that the gray man is an organization that simply does intelligence business, so Aaron reveals the gray man, but the gray man is better. The protection is up. If the CIA wants to start with the gray-clothed people, they will definitely gain something, but they can only touch the gray-haired people's fur, and that's it.

Because of the death of Aaron, Porter also followed the death of Aaron, because Aaron’s evidence not only completely removed Yang Yi, but also revealed how much he appreciated Yang Yi’s ability.

Aaron’s evidence is like writing a diary. In fact, he can indeed be a diary. It is just a video recording.

Who can think of Aaron's self-destruction has been prepared for more than 20 years, who can believe that he left these, just to make his own people can get on the top.

What Aaron lost is his life, and something that is more important to life for many people.

Name after life!

Life, honor, status, and Aaron are all gone after death. Nothing is gone.

How firm Aaron’s faith in the gray man is.

Yang Yi, who knows well, feels more emotional about Aaron at this moment. He really can't understand Aaron. He can't read the gray man. He only thinks that the gray man is terrible.

The belief in the fans is terrible.

"Brian, my God, Brian is really embarrassed, but Brian admits that he is treason!"

Finally someone saw the link about Brian.

Potter looks very complicated. He knows which part of Brian and the Magic Box troops used to go. www.readwn.com~ Yang Yi light coughed, and then he whispered: "In fact, I am very familiar with Brian, that is Because of him, he told me that he did not treason, he just got a trap."

Aaron did not record in detail how he made Brian confess, but he did write down his own cooperation with the KGB, and moved Brian's stumbling block to prison.

The ambiguity of writing is so good that Yang Yi compiled it, and this is already a matter of decades ago, and it is not necessary to compile it in great detail.

It’s just that Yang Yi’s heart is quite complicated when he said this. Brian, he is indeed a treason. Although Brian did not make a particularly excessive move, the treason is treason. This has not been washed, and Aaron first gave Brian stunned him in a black pot, but he took the black pot back and carried it back.

Brian has been suffering for half a lifetime, but he can end this life with a good name. Aaron, when he is alive, he has a lot of scenery. After his death, he is stigmatized. The epitaph will only engrave the words of the traitor.

The treason of two people is a fact, but the gains and losses of these two people are really hard to tell.

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