A War Between Spies

Chapter 1370: Speechless

The hearing was over. In the face of the iron certificate, Yang Yi only had credit.

But how to deal with Aaron, how to reward or suppress Yang Yi, this has to be decided after a long time of discussion.

When Yang Yi walked out of the door of the CIA headquarters, it was completely dark outside.

But being able to get out of this door, instead of being asked to stay at the headquarters, is in fact under house arrest, Yang Yi is already very satisfied.

Looking up at the sky, since talking to Bruno once, Yang Yi has had a habit of having something to look up and looking up at the sky.

Yang Yi took a long breath, then he was a little confused, where to go.

Yang Yi is also a man of luxury in Washington, and there is more than one place, so since it’s okay, it’s better to go home.

Just as Yang Yi thought about how to go back, Walter appeared.

"I know you can go home today, welcome back, brother."

Walter once again embraced Yang Yi vigorously.

Walter looks very happy, he is also very sincere, but for a CIA security department head, Yang Yi really believes that Walter will be the kind of special, particularly cheerful, especially people who value friendship, then he is a fool.

However, in the face of such a person and the time when they smile and face each other, they are very friendly people, and naturally they will make people feel happy.

"Thank you, brother."

"How come home? I will send you."

"Okay, thank you, I really wonder how to go home."

The two walked to the parking lot and went to Walter's car. When the car opened the CIA headquarters, Walter suddenly said: "There are many people in the bureau who are actually dissatisfied with you, mainly Aaron's people, because they are in Asia. Lun’s men are living very well. You killed Aaron. Even if he is a mole, you will hate people.”

"No way, this is unavoidable."

"Yeah, Aaron is definitely not open to the Mole. This is a big scandal, so you can't be a CIA hero in a short time. It will definitely give the outside world a reasonable explanation, but at the action side, Your days may have been a while."

The people in the action department and Aaron will not be obviously hostile to Yang Yi, but it is inevitable to exclude Yang Yi from the secret. However, Yang Yi naturally does not care about these.

What Walter said is actually what Potter meant. Walter is the port of mouth for Porter to explore Yang Yi. After all, Yang Yi is a meritorious minister. He can’t be too bad. It’s very difficult to come to Porter. Things are not easy to deal with publicly, and it is impossible to deal with them quickly. It can only make Yang Yi suffer some wrongs.

"Do you know how to arrange me above?"

"Hey, I am giving you a position as a regional leader in Europe. What do you think? Of course, if you want to do something, you can go somewhere else, but I think it is better to go to Europe, of course."

Yang Yi didn't even think about it. He said, "So what do you think of the UK? Or France? Hey, Germany doesn't like it very much, but you can't go to a poor and broken place."

Walter smiled mysteriously, then he whispered: "Brother, don't you know, go to those remote places, but you like the prosperous places, no problem, the above will give you the right arrangement."

In terms of Yang Yi’s age and seniority, I want to be the deputy director of the CIA. I don’t have to think about it for 20 years, but the head of a national intelligence station, Potter is not thin to him. This is his age and qualifications. The highest position that can be obtained.

The gray-clothed people hope that Yang Yi can stay in the United States, because the gray-haired people are strong enough in Europe, but Potter wants to put Yang Yi out.

For Yang Yi, it doesn't matter if you stay in the US or go to Europe. It really doesn't matter.

Walter sent Yang Yi back to his mansion, and Walter’s words had already been brought, so he did not enter Yang Yi’s home.

I have a big house, it is empty, there are servants to take care of it regularly, so there is no dust inside, but I went into the room to see the empty living room. Although Yang Yi opened all the lights at the first time, I still felt Uncomfortable in my heart.

Did not sit even sitting, Yang Yi directly from the living room to the garage.

I bought a car that I loved, or a few cars, but I didn’t even have a chance to watch it. Especially when I saw the Konisek in the garage for Xiao Yu, Yang Yi was even more upset.

Yang Yi wanted to drive for a ride, so he took a key and drove straight out of the house.

Yang Yi really likes to drive. He really likes cars. After driving for a while on the street for no purpose, he suddenly realized that he had been driving for a long time without any purpose.

There is no need to go to the destination, just a simple ride, this kind of thing, Yang Yi has not done for a long time.

They haven't contacted Anna Starkina yet, and they haven't contacted the cleaners. Yang Yi is driving a car. After a big lap in Washington, DC, I finally found a place and took the car. Stopped, then walked out and made a phone call far away.

Calling in the car?

Impossible, because Yang Yi has not driven his car for a long time, and has not checked his house and car for a long time, then it is normal to have ten or eight eaves on the car, so how can he Calling in the car.

After making several phone calls, I contacted the contact person all over again. Then, Yang Yi found that she had no place to go.

Go back to the so-called home, or go to the hotel, or where to go.

This time, Yang Yi did not hesitate for a long time. He decided to drive directly to New York.

There is also a Petra waiting for him at his home in New York.

Really... it’s a headache.

Although I don't want to face it, I have to face it. Now Aaron is dead, and the gray-clothed people have also made direct contact, and then Petra continues to be unclear. It’s not good, so Yang Yi thinks it’s still broken.

Just a little heavy.

Yang Yi drove the car and went on the road overnight. He went directly to New York.

When I arrived in New York, the sky was already bright, it was the morning.

Back to a familiar home ~www.readwn.com~ Yang Yi stood at the door, but he didn't dare to open the door. He was very tired and very guilty.

The soundproofing was so good, maybe it was because Yang Yi was absent-minded. When he hesitated at the door, the door suddenly opened.

Petra, who was about to go out, saw a tired and tangled Yang Yi, and then she stopped, and Yang Yi also stunned.

"You're back……"

"Yes, I am back."

Yang Yi has been brewing all the way. He wants to say how to do it all night, but now he can't say a word.

Petra didn't think so much. She hugged Yang Yi directly, and then she was angry and happy again: "You are finally back, why have you been so long, don't call me? Do you know how much I miss you, do you know how much I worry about you!"

Yang Yi sighed softly, then he patted Petra and whispered: "Still... go in and talk."

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