A War Between Spies

Chapter 527: Research

Chris wore a shirt, two buttons on the shirt, a cowboy hat on the head, a pair of jeans on the bottom, and a pair of shoes instead of cowboy boots.

Yang Yi frowned and said: "Would you like to wear this to the Anderson Research Society?"

Chris spoke at least two beats slower than his normal speech rate. He slowly said: "I am a Texas."

Yang Yi said: "The Texas people are not all this look, at least when they go abroad to open up the market, will they dress up?"

Chris shook his head and said in his slow voice: "But I am."

Yang Yi couldn't help but say: "How did you say so slowly?"

"Ah, I have pretended to be a Texas man."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Pick up the hat, everything else is fine, just go."

Chris took the hat off and slowly said: "Unfortunately, it is difficult for me to buy this hat."

Ignore Chris’s complaint, Yang Yi Shen said: “When you are ready, go, remember, the opportunity to make more contact later.”

Chris made a reassuring gesture, then he got up and walked out of the room.

Leaving the hotel, Chris walked over to the building where the Anderson Research Society was located. He entered the elevator and went up to the ninth floor, then pushed the glass door of the Anderson Research Society.

A local female front desk saw Chris standing in the door and said in English: "Hello, can you help me?"

Chris stood in front of the reception desk. He subconsciously scratched his head and slowly said: "Oh, I want to consult some things. I heard that you are very familiar with the business environment throughout East Asia. Hey, I want to consult some. Problems in import and export trade."

The receptionist was very polite: "Would you like to do business in that area? For example, machinery, or electronics."

"Meat products, mainly frozen meat, beef."

"Good Mr. Kyle Chandler is very familiar with international trade. He is also very familiar with Korean laws and regulations, and he has just time now. Would you like to talk to Mr. Chandler? ”

Chris nodded happily and said, "Okay, thank you."

The receptionist picked up the phone. After a while, she whispered: "Mr. Chandler, a gentleman wants to consult some international trade issues. He has no appointment. Do you have time to talk to him?"

Putting down the phone, the receptionist smiled at Chris: "Please come with me, sir."

The office area is very large, but there is no cubicle in the ordinary company. No one here is concentrated in a public area, but everyone has their own office, because the Anderson Research Society occupies one floor, the place is large, the staff is very less.

The receptionist stood in front of an office door. She knocked on the door. When she heard the sound in the room, she immediately opened the door and smiled at Chris: "Please."

Chris walked in, a big office, and a middle-aged man stood behind a huge desk.

"Hello, I am Kyle Chandler, I am very happy to meet you."

Kyle Chandler looks like he is in his fifties, wearing a pair of glasses. Although he is also a suit, there are not many businessmen who are smart, but they give a sense of scholarship.

Kyle Chandler wraps around his desk, and Chris shakes his hand and says: "My name is Jonah Hill, from Texas, I am very happy to see you."

After releasing his hand, Chris put his hand into the trouser pocket, but he quickly took his hand out again and said with a sigh: "I didn't bring a business card, but, hey, today is not a formal meeting, right?"

Kyle smiled and said: "Yes, just talk casually, please sit down."

Chris sat on the sofa next to him, then he immediately lifted Erlang's legs very casually, then he slowly said: "I am from Texas, Bastrop, a small town, close to Austin, running a few small The slaughterhouse and a meat processing plant produce about 100,000 cattle, 50,000 pigs a year, and I also have my own pasture, but most of the beef cattle are from other pastures. I am looking for new markets that can be exploited. Everyone said that China is a huge market, but because of the tariff and freight factors, our beef is too expensive in the Chinese market. Then someone said that I should come to the country to see, so I came."

Kyle Chandler smiled and said: "The annual slaughter of 100,000 cows? It is already very big."

Chris repeatedly waved his hand and said: "It's not big, it's not big. The Danish Crown's slaughterhouse can kill 100,000 pigs a week. That's the big slaughterhouse, but even then my production scale is gradually shrinking, Texas. The market is saturated, and it is difficult for me to increase the slaughter on a large scale, so I want to keep my eyes farther, so I came here."

Kyle Chandler is interested: "So you want to export beef here?"

Chris nodded. "Yes, I want to try it, but I am not very good at this. Then I live in a hotel opposite your company. I saw the signboard hanging on this building, then I checked online. The influential consulting company also saw the name of your company. I think maybe this is God's will, so I came to the door, haha."

Kyle Chandler smiled and said: "In fact, we are a research society of international relations, not a consulting company, but it is also the right choice for you to consult us, because international trade relations is one of our main research directions, so As long as you join, we can help you."

After explaining it, Kyle Chandler said: "First, I want to ask what your goal is? How much export volume do you hope to achieve?"

Chris did not hesitate: "There is not much to do at the beginning ~www.readwn.com~ 10,000 tons a year, no matter what it is less."

Kyle Chandler smiled: "This is a big goal, because it is not Texas, not the United States, but your goal is not impossible."

Chris said: "Oh, how do you do that?"

Kyle Chandler smiled: "If you join us, we will help you with all the work. We are not an import and export company, but we are here and we are familiar with the business environment of this country."

Chris is interested: "I mean, how can I join the conference, and then how much is the membership fee?"

"If you need to apply for membership, we will conduct an inspection. After the inspection, you will be able to join the conference. As for the membership fee, the annual fee is 500,000 US dollars."

Chris frowned and said: "I thought I only need to pay the consulting fee. It doesn't seem to be right now, hey, I think about it."

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