A War Between Spies

Chapter 528: Remote control system

"That's the case, there are very few people in the office area. I said that I have to think about it before I decide whether I want to join. Kyle Chandler can't guarantee it, but he said that as long as I join the meeting, there is a great possibility." Bring my beef into this market."

“Is there any other discovery, do you see other people?”

"No, there was only one Kyle Chandler who received me. No one else talked to me. I didn't even see anyone other than Kyle Chandler except the front desk."

Yang Yi turned to look at Brian, Shen Sheng: "It looks very difficult to do."

Brian looked serious: "If the Anderson Research Society is really related to the Greys, then we can't easily find the loopholes that can be exploited. Now there is only one way for Chris to contact the Anderson Research Society more frequently. ,at the same time."

Anton said faintly: "In fact, it is better to ask someone to torture."

When arresting people for torture, then it’s not a stunned snake. Just when Yang Yigang wants to express his opposition, Brian is also thinking about it for a while, Shen Sheng said: "If it doesn't work, then you can't just grab a person to torture. Anything that can be grasped by the whole hand!"

Yang Yi hesitated for a moment, and then he felt that this proposal might be the only choice.

Gray-shirt people are not an ordinary company. They are experienced and extremely concerned about how to prevent their exposure. Therefore, Yang Yi believes that anyone who can be contacted at the Anderson Research Institute is likely to be a real ordinary employee. They may not even Know who provided your work.

Gray-haired people may not have any contact with such customers as Chris.

Also, since the water organization has not been established for a long time, few spies organizations will be willing to set up a network intelligence center, so will the gray-clothed people have such an organization?

The most important thing is that time is limited. Before the gray man decides to withdraw from the Anderson study, or before the water organization exposes the crisis, so that the cleaners have to jump out to attract attention, Yang Yi must gain something.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Yi said to Chris: "Schultz and Tang Guo did not get any useful information from the Anderson Institute's computer system."

Chris was surprised: "Has it already started?"

Yang Yi nodded and said: "Yes, it has already started. It started before we got here, but there has been no progress. There is very little public information on the Internet, and any computer that invades the Anderson Research Society will be invaded. I can't do it. Now it seems that their computer system is physically isolated from the outside world. Any computer that can access the network has no sensitive information. I think maybe we should try our best to invade the Anderson Research Network. ”

After a moment of pause, Yang Yi looked solemnly: "If we still can't find a chance to invade the Anderson Research Society's network, then at the same time grab a few more people to torture, and immediately withdraw after the result of the torture, how much can be counted."

Chris suddenly said: "I found that the Anderson Institute's indoor temperature control system is connected to the network because the temperature can be controlled remotely."

Yang Yi immediately said: "Speak carefully."

"I talked to Kyle Chandler when I was chatting. He told me how much technological advancement has had an impact on our lives, and how much impact it is on the current business. Then he Speaking of the temperature control system in the seminar, he can control the problems in his office at home. The weather is very hot. He can remotely turn on the air conditioner in the office and set a temperature he likes. That's it."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Tang fruit will definitely invade this system. If Kyle Chandler's personal computer is open to us, or the mobile phone is the same, Chris, this is your biggest discovery today, and You didn't say it early."

An unexpected harvest, Yang Yi looked at the watch, and then said with a sigh of relief: "Now put the Kyle Chandler first, Anton."

Anton nodded and said: "I know, I will start to stare at him when he gets off work."

Yang Yi looked at Brian again and said: "Tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, you and Chris will go to the Kyle Chandler and put a few bugs if possible."

Brian nodded and said, "Okay."

"Today Tang can come, Xiao Yu, you will pick her up at the airport later, we have to start work as soon as possible. If you are lucky, we can enter the Anderson Research Society system today."

After that, Yang Yi suddenly said: "Maybe we should start preparing now. If the remote control system can be controlled by mobile phone, you may know the mobile phone number. Chris, you know Kyle Chand. Le's cell phone number?"

Chris shrugged. "Of course, he gave me a business card with a mobile number, but I don't know if it's a private number or an office number."

Yang Yi immediately picked up the phone. Tang Guo was already on the plane and could not call her, but she could call Schultz.

"Schultz, we know that the target company has a system that controls the temperature remotely. Is this definitely connected to the network?"


"Can I enter this network?"

"no problem!"

"I know the phone number now, I know..."

"Wait, do you know the phone number?"


"It is enough to have a mobile phone number. Give me the mobile number. I will try it first."

Yang Yi is not too reassured, said: "Hey, you are careful, the other party is not a small company without defense. If you are found, the consequences will be very serious ~www.readwn.com~ rest assured, just give it to me, I will never be found, the number is for me."

Yang Yi reported the number of Kyle Chandler.

After five minutes, his phone rang.

Schultz is not very excited, he is just very arrogant: "I have already invaded the mobile phone. First, I checked the remote control system. This mobile phone only controls the air outlet of a central air-conditioning terminal, but it can be found from the system. There are a total of seventy-six air outlets, but only temperature control.

Then talk about the personal smartphone, this phone is a work phone, I simply said, I have got the phone owner's address book, and his Twitter account, there are many other online information, this can be traced, but it takes a little time .

Finally, I re-entered the remote control system of the seminar from the mobile phone, and then got thirty-five remote control terminals, that is, mobile phones, give me a little time, I can enter these thirty-five mobile phones, in addition, from another Channel entry should be no problem, that is, I can invade the internal computer system of the research society. Well, these are the things that you want me to start from there. ”

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