A War Between Spies

Chapter 772: long time no see

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Brian was a little nervous, so he couldn't help but move his tie.

People rely on clothes and horses to saddle, this sentence is absolutely correct, although Brian is old, although he is blessed, although he is thankful, but Brian's momentum is not bad, wearing a class of expensive effect is also a great suit After that, for a man, who dares to say Brian ugly.

But Brian was not confident enough about himself. After a long struggle, he finally couldn't help but yell at Yang Yi: "Do you really need makeup?"

Zhang Yong suggested Brian makeup, while Kate suggested that Brian didn't need makeup. After getting Xiao Yu's reconciliation, Brian decided to see Anna in real face, at least not.

Regardless of whether Brian is wearing makeup or not, he will not be confident. Yang Yi has seen it early.

"No need to make up, you look very good now."

Brian sighed, then he glanced at his watch and whispered: "There is another half an hour to land. Look at my clothes..."

“Very good, perfect, not even a fold!”

Brian wore a handmade suit and a casual suit. If it was too formal, it was not suitable, but the clothes were more rushing. Brian was on the plane immediately after trying on the satisfaction.

And Brian also asked Anna Starkina to meet immediately after getting off the plane. In order to maintain the effect of the clothes, Brian refused to lean back on the chair in the first class. He was in danger and went all the way to Moscow. Fortunately, from Kiev. It only takes more than an hour to go to Moscow, and Brian doesn't have to insist on it for too long.

Kate stretched his head and looked curious: "Where are you meeting?"

Brian didn't want to say anything, because he wanted to go to see Anna alone, so he had to carry Yang Yi on the phone when he called. Even the location of the date was kept secret. He was too busy to see it.

The Kate language threatened: "This is the last chance. If you want to make it clear, if you want to make mistakes during the date, it is best to bring us."

Xiao Yu also helped me on the sidelines: "Do you think you really know how to date a woman? You are not worried about any unexpected situation?"

Yang Yi Shen said: "I think they are right, and it is definitely a woman who knows women better. Think about it again."

Brian, who has been very confident in his confidence, has been shaken.

"We will meet at the Red Square unknown martyrs."

After hearing Brian’s answer, Kate held her forehead with her hand, and then she said weakly: “Oh, God, how do you think about where to meet? Is that a place for dating?”

Xiao Yu’s face is sympathetic: “That place is too solemn and solemn. How can it be a place for a date?”

Brian said: "Not what I proposed, she said, I also think this place is not suitable, but, but I have no objection."

Xiao Yu nodded and said: "Well, at least take the place is more open, convenient for our onlookers."

Brian hesitated, then he whispered: "Do you say that I should take a bunch of flowers? Or a flower?"

Kate said with a wry smile: "Before the Tomb of the Unknown Martyrs? Do you want to give flowers to the unknown martyrs or give flowers to your dream lover? Don't be kidding, you can change anywhere else, that's where you can't."

Xiao Yu said: "After leaving there, send flowers again. After meeting, change places quickly. Just go anywhere, find a quiet place, take a walk by the river, go to the cafe, or go to eat, just go anywhere, casually. What are you doing, but don't be in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier."

Brian whispered: "Where am I going to be better?"

Kate said: "My suggestion is to take a walk on the Red Square, take a walk, walk and talk more suitable to remember the past, then go to a quiet place to sit, you may not have an appetite to eat, then go Just sit down and find an open-air coffee table, so for the time being."

Brian thought for a moment, then he whispered: "So what should I do after seeing her? Isn't it too awkward to hug directly, but I don't know what to say if I want to say something first."

Xiao Yu is very helpless: "My God, Brian, I can guarantee that if Anna does not have a purpose, you must not find a girlfriend."

Brian's face was ugly, and Xiao Yu quickly accompanied the smile: "When you look at your feelings, you can do whatever you want, anyway, now we will say what you will not think of when you arrive."

Yang Yi whispered: "Random, no, it is based on your feelings, what do you want, how is it."

Brian, who was stimulated by Xiao Yu, didn't talk anymore. He began to fall into entanglement and jealousy. He didn't care about him. When Brian naturally knew what to do.

The plane landed, and then Yang Yi left the airport. After leaving the airport, Brian made another call.

This time, Brian did not deliberately avoid Yang Yi.

The distance is a bit far away, Yang Yi erected his ears and listened to what Brian said, and then Kate and Xiao Yu are the same movements. To be honest, the soul of the gossip is not divided between men and women.

"I arrived, just out of the airport, now I am going to the Red Square."

I don't know what Anna Starkina said on the phone. Brian quickly hang up the phone, then he sighed and immediately said to Yang Yi: "Go to Red Square, where will she be?" wait for me!"

Got a taxi and went straight to the Red Square.

When he got off the taxi, Brian was a little scared. Of course, after getting in touch with Anna Starkina, he is now more expecting and excited.

Brian walked very fast, and he had to force himself to hold on to the urge he wanted to run.

Yang Yi, who was behind Brian, was about a dozen meters away and had been to the tomb of the unknown soldier.

Xiao Yu suddenly said: "Which woman is it?"

A woman in front of the flame of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier stood in a white dress, a pair of black flat-heeled shoes, a pair of ladies carrying a satchel in front of her, staring at the tomb of the unknown martyrs.

Yang Yi whispered: "If it is her, it should be facing us in this direction. It should not be. If it is true~www.readwn.com~ I am not very optimistic about Brian's end..."

If it is a woman who is looking forward to the arrival of her lover, she will certainly not face the direction of her lover.

There were other women in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier, but Brian was straight toward the woman in a white dress, but his degree was getting slower and slower until he stood behind the woman, first silenced for a while. I only trembled: "Hey, Kate, I am coming."

The woman in the dress turned around. She looked at Brian and smiled. "You are here."

Brian sighed, then he smiled and said, "Yeah, I am coming."

{Old iron please remember}...

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