A War Between Spies

Chapter 773: Unknown martyrs

Yang Yi envisioned various scenes when Brian and Anaskinkina met each other. The most likely one was that the two men embraced each other for a long time.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Anna Starkina looks very elegant, very calm, and she is a bit too calm.

Just say, it is not normal to meet in front of the tomb of the unknown martyrs. If it is a pair of lovers who want to think about it, how can they be in this place?

Anna Starkina and Brian are both looking at each other.

Anna Starkina had a faint smile on her face, and the enthusiasm on Brian’s face faded away until he was calm.

After waiting for decades of love, and persisting in decades of faith, it seems that it is not so strong now.

There was no deep affection for the audience. After the opening remarks, both of them fell silent. After watching the audience for a minute, Brian finally whispered: "Are you alright?


There was no new dialogue, but Anna Starkina said that after a good sentence, she hesitated a moment, then she shook her head again and said: "No, in fact, I have been very bad these years, you? Are you okay in these years?"

Are you ok? I am fine, what about you? I am fine too.

This is a normal question and answer, but after Brian’s questioning by Anaskinna, he was caught in long-term contemplation.

"I have been okay for years... but now, I am not sure, hey, I have not done well in these years. You know, the days in the black prison will certainly not be good."

Anna Starkina glanced at Yang Yi and then smiled: "The person you brought?"

Brian also glanced back, and then he said with a sigh: "Yes, the person I brought."

Yang Yi knows that Brian’s heart must be very cool now, because Anna Starkina’s performance does not seem to be the way to see a lover anyway, especially when she sees the lover’s appearance for decades.

Just say, how can the KGB believe, especially to believe that a KGB Swallow will fall in love with his own goals, which is simply a slippery world.

Anna Starkina looked at Brian again. After looking up and looking at Brian's eyes, she whispered, "Where is your hair?"

Brian reached out and touched his head. His face said with emotion: "The hair has gone away mercilessly because I am old."

"Not because you are old, because you have the gene for hair loss."

Anna Starkina is also old, but she is still very good, not like her age, the Russian aunt is generally bloated, her face can no longer be called beautiful, her hair has a lot of white hair.

But the old Anastakina is very elegant, very temperament, no longer youthful, but still beautiful.

Anna Starkina reached out and stroked her hair, then she whispered: "We are all old."

Brian looked disappointed: "Yes, we are all old..."

Anna Starkina chuckled: "Someone called me and asked if I would like to meet someone called Brian. I know it is you, but I really didn't expect to see you again."

Brian smiled reluctantly and said: "Yeah, I am already damned under normal circumstances. Even if I am not dead, I will not be able to leave the prison again. Even if I escape from prison, I will not see you. I believe this is the will of God. He wants me to see you again, so I am coming."

Anna Starkina licked her mouth gently, then she took a breath and whispered: "I feel complicated for you."

Brian simply didn't talk at the moment.

When it’s over, everything is over. Brian knows that Yang Yi knows that Kate and Xiao Yu know.

How can the KGB Swallows fall in love with their goals?

Anna Starkina continued to be plain and elegant: "You are my first goal and my only task. I have been trained for seven years, but after successfully reversing you, my mission is over. The spy career is over."

Brian sighed softly, then he looked blankly: "I just said it was fake..."

Anna Starkina shook her head, and then she looked at Brian's helpless face: "Sometimes I really wonder how you were the Pandora captain. Didn't the CIA test your psychological qualities?"

Brian twisted his face elsewhere. After he was silent for a while, he twisted his head back and whispered: "My mental quality is not bad. I made a mistake on you and made a mistake..."

"As a spy, isn't it enough to make a mistake?"

Brian is speechless.

Anna Starkina whispered: "In fact, you are a very naive person."

Brian smiled awkwardly, then he raised his hand, and after a weak wave, he whispered, "I should be quiet to leave, or should I hug with you and then go?"

Anna Starkina shook her head and smiled, then she looked at the long fire in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier.

Brian's face was gray, he looked at Yang Yi, his eyes were lifeless, and then he made a gesture to signal Yang Yi that they should leave.

At this moment, Anna Starkina whispered: "I personally sent you to prison, and then I returned to the country as a meritorious minister. Because of your special status, I don't have to continue to perform any assignments. So I was assigned to a foreign language department at Moscow University as a teacher."

Brian turned back again.

Anna Starkina sighed and said: "My spy career is destined to be used only once~www.readwn.com~ once, after I was sent to prison, I actually went to jail, but you The prison has walls and my prison has no walls."

Brian whispered: "Isn't the KGB's people who have made great contributions to themselves?"

Anna Starkina smiled softly, then she continued: "This is the first time I have come here, come to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and see why?"

Reaching out the finger to the tomb of the unknown soldier, Anna Starkina said calmly: "From the moment I became the KGB, I booked a place here, no one knows my name, no one knows what I am doing. What, at the moment of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, I was officially buried here, I am still alive, but my youth and my heart are buried inside."

Anna Starkina took back her right hand. She rubbed her shoulders with her hands and turned to look at Brian. She said calmly: "Nobody likes to see their graveyard, I don't like it, so this is my first time. Here."

Brian is already confused. He doesn't know what Anna Starkina is thinking.

Anna Starkina watched Brian for a moment, then she reached out and rubbed her hair again, smiling: "You are the first object I want to rebel, and the only one, which means that you are my only love. People who have passed, I am here to see you, by the way to remember and pay homage to myself."...

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