A War Between Spies

Chapter 810: Thick and thin hair

When I woke up, Yang Yi, who just got up, was trying not to work harder, so that when Mark Shabo came back early, Anton came to him.

"Marc Shapo is back."

Yang Yi’s first reaction was to look at the watch. He slept for five hours. It is now at 9 am, which means that he has been calling Justin for less than six hours. Mark Shapo has returned.

Therefore, Yang Yi felt that this was a coincidence, and Mark Shabo came back to have nothing to do with him.

"Why is he coming back?"

"Because the information distributed by the Ministry of Defense Intelligence Bureau last night was all over the world, the most important of which was the information, name, position, and place of work of several spies in the Ministry of Defense Intelligence Bureau in Dongwu."

"What? We didn't include these in the information we got last night."

"Oh, yes, because the Department of Defense Intelligence has appeared on the list of special wartime allowances for those spies, and where they work."

Yang Yi was speechless, and then he looked at Anton and said, "How did this news come?"

Anton shrugged and said: "Today, the Ministry of Defense is going to hold an emergency meeting. No matter how to find out the information, the most important thing is to prevent such key information from leaking out in such a ridiculous way."

"Good job, good job!"

Yang Yi began to applaud himself, and then he smiled: "Justin is also good, his efficiency is very high, hey, that is, you can do it."

Anton looked at his watch and said: "Mark Shabo has just arrived. He wants to investigate how the information leaked. An emergency meeting will be held an hour later."

Yang Yi frowned: "That is to say that he did not go home and went directly to the office. Well, this is also the case. Then we will wait for him to go home. If he returns, he will definitely go home."

After the talk, Yang Yi stood up, then he said loudly: "Hans! Hans."

Hans walked in without hesitation and said, "What is it."

Yang Yi pointed to Anton and said: "You two are going to star near Mark Shabo's house. When he gets home, let us know, hey, bring this. If there is a chance to kill him directly, then we will It’s all troublesome.”

Yang Yi threw the bomb's detonator to Anton, and then he said with a relaxed face: "Go, I wish you good luck. When it is dark, I will let people replace both of you. If you have been waiting for it." Dark words."

After Anton and Hans were sent out, Yang Yi came to the living room, and then he lazily said: "You know, Mark Shapo has returned."

Xiao Yu is very surprised: "I don't know, Anton guy didn't say this, how is it so fast?"

Yang Yi proudly said: "Because I got a good chance last night, and I seized the opportunity, Mark Shapo came back, although I was surprised at his speed, but thanks to Justin. ""

After that, Yang Yi lay comfortably on the sofa, and then he lazily said: "Ah, waiting for Anton to press the detonator is over, it's too simple, I think I can sleep back."

Xiao Yu is also frowning: "It's too simple, it's not the same as I think, it's too boring, there is no sense of challenge."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "I think it's still simple. I don't like complexity. I don't like all the complicated things. Well, you talk, I have to go back and make up."

Yang Yi really went back to make up for it. He only got up after sleeping until twelve o'clock, and then he had lunch.

In the afternoon, Jetero returned with Boyata, and of course the Alpha trio came back, and Anton and Hans did not have any news.

One day passed, and at 8 o'clock in the evening, there was still no news.

Yang Yi was a little anxious at this time, but there was only some urgency. It was not so irritating, because the problem faced by Mark Shapo was actually very tricky, and he could not solve it immediately.

If Mark Shapo is a very dedicated person, then it is very possible that he will not go home today, and the possibility of going out after he gets home is very small, but it is still necessary to stare at it because the possibility is small. Not equal to no possibility.

Let Paul and Chris replace Anton and Hans, and then it’s all right.

Well, things have evolved to the present and everything is under control.

When Yang Yi confirmed this, he suddenly felt that the water organization was really strong.

When the water organization was just founded, the quality of the water organization was very high. Kate was a commercial spy. Xiao Yu was cultivated by the cleaners. Brian needless to say that this is a **** of anger, but even if it is locked in In the prison for decades, he is still a big god-level figure. Zhang Yong is an old mercenary. He is also super powerful in mercenaries.

In other words, the five cores of the water organization, except Yang Yiquan, are very bullish characters, not professional enough, but they are really powerful.

Then Yang Yi also brought Chris, and Hank, and Professor Gewell, and then Boer, these people are not spies, but they are all stunts, and they are absolutely powerful in their respective fields.

Then, Brian brought Paul and Charles~www.readwn.com~Yang Yi invited Mike, which is a person who is too angry but is absolutely a god.

With the addition of Schultz and Tang Guo, the establishment of the Network Intelligence Center has enabled the Water Organization to have the industry's leading network intelligence capability.

Then, Yang Yi found McDonald. If he is famous, if he is a qualification, this is the real big cow, the grandfather level figure.

Then, the Alpha trio joined, of course, the most important thing is Anton's joining, then Hans.

Anton is very important. He has made up the weakest link in the water organization. Before the water organization's combat capability was stronger than the intelligence gathering ability, after the Anton joined, the shortage was not only supplemented but also strengthened. .

There is also Hans. Hans is an analyst. He can collect intelligence, but his real role is to judge and analyze the collected information. Since he joined, the blank left after Mike’s death has also been filled. .

To say the fighting ability, the combat ability of the water organization can be said to be surplus.

On the very important part of today's intelligence warfare, the network intelligence capability of the water organization is certainly incomparable with the great powers, but it is absolutely strong enough. At least the water organization has not encountered anything that cannot be done until now.

On the intelligence gathering ability, this is the weakest organization of the organization. If there is a task or something that needs to be done, the water organization must go all out and put everyone into this task, but this is a matter of scale, as long as If the water organization does not reach the level of CIA or MI6, then this feature can never be changed. A small team of more than a dozen people can't compare with the organization of thousands of people.

Unknowingly, the water organization is already very powerful and very powerful. What is this? This is the accumulation of thin hair.

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