A War Between Spies

Chapter 811: Wanjin Oil

Looking back, the water organization has become a seemingly powerful spy organization, and Yang Yi just realized this.

Change has always existed, becoming stronger is a continuous process, and how Yang Yi suddenly discovered it, because he felt that it was very simple to deal with Mark Shabo.

The director of a country’s intelligence service, in any case, should not be a very easy person to deal with. The water organization has hardly encountered any resistance when doing this, then this is not the embodiment of strength, and the power of the water organization. It is not only reflected in this aspect.

The power of water organizations is also reflected in bargaining power.

When it was time to do business with Justin, Justin said how much money is, now Yang Yi can and Justin counter-offer and can raise the price, not that Yang Yi will suddenly bargain, but the water organization is eligible to ask for more, if The water organization still stays at the level when it was just founded. Do you think that Justin will take care of Yang Yi.

The water organization can surround the black devil, although in the end the black devil has to be released, but it is because Brian, the purpose of the water organization to encircle the black devil has been reached, what is this, this is strength, is a strong strength.

The water organization can now also seek to kill the Deyo's legacy after killing the Deyo, regardless of whether it can be successful, regardless of how many coincidences there are, how many factors of borrowing, how successful it is, looking at the entire underground world, dare to have This idea is the embodiment of strength.

Yang Yi suddenly felt very proud.

Under his efforts, the water organization was established, the water organization grew up, and the water organization grew.

Of course, the strength of the water organization is inseparable from the efforts of everyone, but Yang Yicai is the one who takes the lead. He is the soul figure, although Yang Yi often does not look like a boss.

His men are strong and still very strong, but this has nothing to do with whether Yang Yi is a soul figure. The so-called soul figure is that he has water organization. Without him, the water organization does not exist.

So what kind of role does Yang Yi play in the water organization?

In addition to the role of the leader of the boss, Yang Yi plays a role of a million dollars, although that one is not the strongest, but what is great is that he will.

Need a spy, Yang Yi can go up, although he is not as good as Anton.

To start playing, Yang Yi picks up a sniper rifle is half a sniper, copying an assault rifle is a half assaulter, although sniper is not as good as Xiao Yu, assault is not as good as Zhang Yong, but he can be qualified for this role.

Need a killer, Yang Yi no problem, fighting but not Zhang Yong, but the problem is that there are not a few who can play Yang Yi, and as long as there is a knife in hand, Yang Yi can be transformed into a throat magic, when the killer no problem.

Need a thief or thief, Yang Yi is certainly not comparable to Hank, but no one else can compare with him.

If you need to lie, Yang Yi is worse than Chris's psychological quality. However, he is no worse than Chris. The performance is not white, and his judgment and observation ability are stronger than Chris.

Need a commander, Yang Yi is no problem, although the experience is not rich enough, but the meticulous thinking and excellent judgment ability, the extremely sharp observation of the details, who dare to say comparable to Yang Yi, not to mention Mike lived when Yang Yi It can be said that it is a slogan, so Yang Yi is the most owed to the shortcoming experience, but no one in the water organization has the qualification as a general commander. Brian can't do it, and Anton can't do it. No one can do it.

What's more, Yang Yi's strongest ability is not the above. His true strongest ability is to learn. If he doesn't need anything, he can learn immediately, and most of his skills can be learned very quickly. He learns very well. This is his most powerful place, the most terrible place.

Genius is a genius, and dissatisfaction will not work.

Of course, Yang Yi also has a short board. His short board is that he has some indecisiveness in his emotional problems. That is, he has been unable to make a choice between Kate and Xiao Yu, and he has not had a slap in the face.

Who makes Yang Yi not a real robot?

In general, Yang Yi is a person who is good at introspection, and he is too smooth because he feels that he has killed Mark Shabo. This has led him to examine the strength of the water organization and to examine his own gains and losses. He now feels like a good cow X.

Yang Yi warned that he could not be proud.

But it is still inevitable that Yang Yi is just a young man, or a very young young man. Suddenly he found himself a good cow X. He didn’t want to forget it. No one is already modest and deep.

Recalling the helplessness of the country when it was just gone abroad, the fear of the singer’s demise, the period spent in prison... the days of not being free but also fulfilling, the despair of being killed in the United States by a few knives, Yang Yi feels that she can have a good luck today.

Yang Yi looked at Kate. He remembered the situation when he first met Kate. So his mouth showed a smile, then his face was full of emotions. It was not easy. It was not easy. It was not easy for Kate to be easy.

Yang Yi’s line of sight turned to ~www.readwn.com~ and looked at Xiao Yu.

Well, I met Xiao Xiao earlier, although she was not guilty at the time, or had a plot, but I thought that I was killed by a killer on the streets of the United States, thinking that I had to hang when I saw it. The feeling of Xiao Yu, um, the feeling of being in a lifetime is unparalleled.

Thinking of Yang Yi, I started to have a headache again.

Finished, can't think about it, it's even harder to choose a memory. These two women are reluctant to go. It's just that they don't have to hang up for a lifetime, and it's a headache.

Xiao Yu’s face was pulled down, because Yang Yi’s smile on his face suddenly disappeared after seeing his eyes, and his face turned to a painful look, and he even hugged his head with his hand.

It is unbearable!

Xiao Yu told herself to be calm, but her tone was very gloomy.

"what are you thinking?"

Yang Yi turned to look at Xiao Yu, then he immediately covered his head, a painful look: "I don't know why, suddenly a headache!"

The strong desire to survive makes Yang Yi make a correct answer. Since Xiao Yu asked, he would never answer Xiao Yu’s question.

How to answer is wrong, but the headache can be.

Sure enough, Xiao Yu’s face was loose, but then he frowned. “How come a headache?”

Kate is also full of concern: "Is it a headache again?"

At this moment, Jetero came out of the room of Anton Boya Tower, and then he pointed to Yang Yidao: "Robot, I have something to talk to you."

Yang Yi stood up and said, "Okay, let's talk."

Yang Yi stood up and left. After Yang Yi left, Kate looked worried: "Yang Yi’s head started to hurt again. Should he let him go to the hospital to check?"

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