A War Between Spies

Chapter 894: That does not work

Woody is still watching the situation of Vitali, and now Vitali is still very dangerous, but his situation is much better than when he was just sent.

If it wasn’t for Woody’s judgment and persistence, Vitali was already dead. No, in fact, when Vitali had just arrived, it was already dead to some extent. Hemorrhagic shock had already stopped his heart, so it was Woody grabbed him back from the hands of death.

Woody is still busy, he looks at Vitali in an inseparable way, in order to create a sterile environment, Woody is really busy.

The dead do not have to worry about the infection, but the problem is that Vitali has survived, and Woody has to consider how to prevent Vitali from being infected.

Therefore, Woody temporarily modified a sterile ward. Of course, it was incomparable with the sterile environment of the hospital. However, after temporarily renovating a ward with a bedroom, he dared to say that he had tried his best.

Holding a bottle of disinfectant, Woody hurried out, and then he said to Brian and Paul, who were sitting opposite each other: "Two, help me, take a bath with disinfectant, then put on a sterile isolation suit. Then, you can help me carry the wounded to the ward. I will give you two and a half hours."

Both Brian and Paul stood up.

After looking at the disinfectant that Woody put down, Paul suddenly said: "This is not good! This is absolutely impossible!"

Brian sighed, then he whispered: "Help me first."

After taking a shower, putting on a gown, wearing a mask, and carefully moving Vitali into the ward under Woody’s command, Brian and Paul moved Lohman, still asleep, into another ward. .

The two men in the disposable gown did not change their clothes, and they sat down in the living room.

Woody came out. He spread his hand and hurriedly said, "Please, we can't ask someone to clean it, so can you help me clean this up?"

There was blood everywhere in the living room and dining room, and it really needed to be cleaned up, but Brian raised his hand and said: "We both discuss some things and we will clean up soon."

Since Woody saved Vitali, Woody’s position in the water organization has risen. It turned out to be a small transparent, but now, Woody is a doctor, the most reliable doctor in the water organization. What is important is that he is a A doctor who can save lives.

After being very polite to ask Woody to wait, Brian and Paul fell silent again.

The two sit opposite each other, you look at me, I look at you, they have something to say, but they don't know what to say.

Finally, Paul whispered: "Head! This is not okay!"

Brian sighed, and he nodded. "Yeah, it won't work!"

Paul pointed his finger and he didn't know where to point it, so after he wandered around, he took it back and whispered: "Zhang Yong's ability, although he is only a mercenary, but Zhang Yong's ability is good. , Anton, Anton is very strong, Hans, even Hans is very powerful, but they are obviously only miscellaneous troops, no, they are not considered troops!"

Brian said with a deep face: "Don't say that Anton is a black devil. Hans is also from Stasi. They are not a miscellaneous card."

Paul looked angry and said: "But what about us? We are the Box Force! Head! You are the captain of the Magic Box! Now? Now we are marginalized, and Anton and Hans are transferred to take on the transport. Tiff's mission, and we? We are sitting here!"

Paul snapped his hand and then he turned his head aside.

Woody came out of the bedroom. He looked angry and said, "What are you doing? You can be lazy, but you don't make noise!"

Paul immediately raised his hand: "Sorry! I am just not careful, no more noise, sorry."

Woody looked back in anger, and Paul sighed helplessly, then he pointed to Woody's direction: "Now Woody can do this to us."

Brian said faintly: "He is a doctor, and now he is the biggest here."

Paul hurriedly said: "The problem is that we should not stay here, we should not be responsible for hiring the wounded! Head, we are the magic box troops, we are Pandora! We are the sharpest knife, the sharpest Spear, but now we are assigned to take care of the wounded, God, what's wrong with this world!"

Brian whispered: "Not what you think, just because we... the most suitable for this task."

Paul shook his head. "No, head, I don't want to say it, but I can't help but say, find Kate... No, after you find Anna, you are no longer the same as you, you become sensitive, you lost. That kind of charisma for you! You just want to spend the rest of your life with Anna calmly, don't you? You don't want to take any more risks, right?"

Brian sighed and said: "For a while, it was like this..."

Paul looked impatiently: "He said, I don't know why I should say this, but where are we in the box, when is it like this... I can't afford it? Head, I admit that Anna Starkina and I imagine Not the same, she is a charming but more capable person, you can't go on like this, she is looking at the omnipotent Pandora captain~www.readwn.com~ not an old man who just wants to live a quiet life. child!"

Brian’s face was even more ugly, and Paul’s face apologized: “Sorry, sorry, head, me...”

Brian waved: "Don't say it, don't apologize, I really slack off, because I...hey, you know, but it's different now, I honestly tell you, I decided to change the status quo."

Whispered, Ryan whispered: "For water organizations, I am not special, especially, special care, but now I intend to change, our position is because I and the little egg know early enough, we The status of who is organized is because we only have us at the beginning, but now it is different, so we have to change."

Paul's voice is very small, but his expression is a look of excitement, said: "Yes! Head, water organization is where we can find the sense of existence, we should put the rest of the time and energy in the water Organized, there are still many of our brothers, they are struggling because of you, but we now have the opportunity to wash their shame, and give them the opportunity to make a fortune, live the life that our magic box troops have covered, the most important thing is! ”

Paul bit his teeth and said evilly: "Call the old brothers and let Anna Starkina see who is the best!"

Brian sighed softly and said: "The original water organization is just a joke-like spy organization. I don't know when it will be finished. I don't want to call the brothers, let them join us at any time, maybe the day of life, but now It’s not the same. If this is really successful... then you need a lot of people, Paul, contact the brothers, see what they mean, and see if they are willing to re-enter the box!”

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