A War Between Spies

: The second time I ask for help.

When I said that I want to break out, I have to be sincere in today’s five-day plan, so there will be one more later.

Believe it or not, I have to say that today’s outbreak is already fighting for my life. Now my eyes are blurred, watching the computer screen wipe the tears for a while, and it’s sad enough to wipe the tears.

I was also uncomfortable when I was in double-monthly tickets. I also took my luck.

You know that I don't like to open the chapter, and I don't like to sell it, right?

But this time, I not only opened two single chapters, but also told everyone that I was really desperate.

Looking at the brothers and I are so sincere, the monthly ticket does not give me any good intentions.

The results are too ugly, and I am also a person who wants to face, so... please give me the monthly ticket, otherwise it would be shameful to edit it...

Also, starting at least three chapters tomorrow will be based on sincerity.

Please, everyone, thank you, I will go on and write another chapter.

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