A War Between Spies

Chapter 913: Green area

There was a sudden more person around Brian, and he was still his old man, and Yang Yi knew nothing about it beforehand.

In love, Yang Yi must have to figure out what is going on, so he looked at Brian and wanted to get an explanation from Brian.

"I don't think there are enough people, so we need someone to help, and my people are naturally the best choice."

After Brian finished speaking to Yang Yi, he was very serious: "Of course, I can guarantee that they are absolutely reliable!"


Yang Yi was even more surprised. Brian nodded slightly and said: "Yes, a total of four people, all of them are the best all-rounders, can do anything, what role can be competent, of course, except for the stone statue, he is just a sniper Hand, but he is the best sniper!"

Yang Yi looked at the stone statue again. The stone statue and Yang Yi looked at each other, and then he began to stare at Yang Yi’s eyes.

What happened to this person?

It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. If you look at the eyes alone, the only feeling that the stone statue gives Yang Yi is that this person is very aggressive and will never give up in the face of challenges.

Or Yang Yi first shifted his gaze, and then he pointed to Jetro: "The most important thing is to buy weapons first. Can you buy a gun in Baghdad?"

Jetro nodded, but he quickly said: "I know who is the biggest arms wholesaler in Baghdad, but I never need to buy a gun in Baghdad, so you have to understand that I don't know those small vendors. For the three people I know, they all live in the green area of ​​Baghdad."

"Anyone who belongs to Deyo and Ivan?"

"Yes, Barbosa, Mugur, and Polovic, now that Polovich has left Baghdad, where Barbosa and Mugol are in the Green Zone, my opinion is to look directly Mugur bought a gun, the price is slightly higher, but it will be very convenient."

Yang Yi said: "Why don't you buy it directly from Barbosa? The first time I used the reason for buying a gun, we saw the truth. We really bought a gun. The first time we met, we left a good impression. The second time we used it. The excuse of trading scams him, how simple it is."

Jetero stunned, and then he was incredulous: "Yes, that's really ok."

Barbosa did not know the water organization, he used the excuse of trading to meet, maybe he had a chance to meet for the first time.

what chance?

Of course, it is an opportunity to start. Maybe the first time I meet, I will come directly to the black and black, simple and direct, and save the money to buy weapons. How good.

Jetero thought about Yang Yi’s proposal, and then he nodded: “Yes, but in this case, you have to find another contact channel.”

"What kind of contact does Barbosa have with anyone? Who can replace us to ask him to make an invitation to buy arms?"

Several people looked at each other and then Woody raised his hand and whispered: "Maybe I can."

Yang Yi is very surprised. He said to Woody: "Do you still know how to sell arms in Iraq?"

Woody smiled, then he nodded: "I don't know, but I know a lot of people here, they may be able to contact Barbosa."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Very good, very good, this matter is handed over to you. We have too many people who have no sense of security when they have no guns, so we don't have to find Barbosa. No matter what method can we use?" You can sell the gun."

Woody couldn't wait any longer. He stood up and said, "I will visit the friends I know. Who is going with me?"

Yang Yi looked at Anton and looked at it, so Anton stood up, then he sighed: "What identity?"

Woody said: "The mercenary is fine, or pmc, there are too many mercenaries."

Yang Yi waved his hand and said: "It is better to use the name of the mercenary. The name of the trident must not be used. You can just pick up a name."

To buy arms, we have to wait for the green area to enter. The original Yang Yi had to pay a lot of trouble to enter the green area, but with the help of Woody's friends, the procedure to enter the green area has become much simpler.

The so-called green area is better to call the safe area. After the end of the second Iraq war, the United States has drawn a large area in the core area of ​​Baghdad. It is heavily guarded and guarded. It is arguably the safest place in Iraq. It is.

Many American soldiers on vacation will come to the Green Zone. Many mercenaries will also be in the Green Zone as long as they don't have a job. It is the center of spy activity and the place where the arms dealers are located, as long as they are not the eyes of the Americans. There is enough money in hand, and the best choice for foreigners working in Iraq is to enter the Green Zone.

It’s normal to buy a gun in the Green Zone, and it’s a simple matter. It’s just that the Green Zone is heavily guarded, and naturally it’s the equivalent of a big prison. It’s not a high weight. If you neglect the rules, it is best not to look for things in the Green Zone. Therefore, the Green Zone is definitely the place with the highest gun rate in the world, but the law and order is quite good.

To enter the Green Zone to apply for a permit, Yang Yi has already prepared for it, but there is a lot easier for Woody to apply for a license at ~www.readwn.com~, almost all of them have gone through a process. Put Yang Yi in them.

The major that Woody knew had to return to the military camp. He and Woody agreed to meet in the evening to have a drink and then left, and Yang Yi, after a group of people entered the Green Zone, the problem that needed to be solved immediately was to find a place to live.

Like the outside, the Green Zone has not only hotels, but also the best hotels in Baghdad. The biggest difference between the Green Zone and the outside is expensive, and everything is expensive.

Expensive is also reasonable, at least in the green area, when eating, don't worry that someone next to shoot a bullet, or worry about going to the street to encounter a bomb, at most, worry about the occasional shelling.

After passing the extremely guarded guard post, Yang Yi looked at the watch, and then he said: "Hungry, did you find a place to eat before starting work, Woody, is there any good advice?"

"What do you want to eat? If it is Iraqi, I know a good restaurant, barbecue-based, very authentic."

"Okay, you lead the way."

Woody has been working in the Green Zone for a long time. He is very familiar with this place. With everyone familiar with the road, he found a restaurant that looks very simple, not too clean, expensive but almost full.

Even the hotel owner knows Woody.

"Woody? You are Dr. Woody!"

After taking off the dirty apron and holding a bearded boss and cuddling with Woody, he looked excited: "Long time no see, Dr. Woody, I heard them say you went back to the United States." Is your family still okay?"

Woody smiled awkwardly, then he said to the boss: "Please help us find a seat. My friends and I just got off the plane and are hungry."

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