A War Between Spies

Chapter 914: Sch

Doctors are respected everywhere, and this should be a universal rule worldwide.

As for Iraq, in Baghdad, doctors are more respected in places like the Green Zone. People here don’t know if they will get a shot, and once they shoot, then one can save lives. Doctors are extremely important, especially a well-known surgeon, which is not only important but also extremely valuable.

So when the people sitting there eating in twos and threes knew that a famous field doctor in a green area needed several tables to eat, most of them chose the table without any complaints, and they gave Yang Yi three tables.

"I didn't expect that you are very high here."

For Yang Yi's admiration, Woody is very modest: "This is nothing. In this place, doctors always have to receive some preferential treatment. Oh, everyone, please, please."

Woody patted his chest, then he said to the companion who was divided into three tables: "I invite this time."

No one is missing a meal now, but some people still have to scream.

Only after the menu was taken up, the talents knew why Woody looked proud when he said that he was treating the guests.

It’s so expensive, less than a dollar kebab outside the Green Zone costs five dollars here, vegetables are more expensive, but a bunch of baked tomatoes for $12 is too scary.

Expensive, expensive, it must be eaten, anyway, Woody is now not bad for those few meals.

After ordering dishes, several people who have just experienced a long flight have relaxed, but Yang Yi has been secretly observing the only new face in the group.

The stone statue, the name of this person reflects his characteristics.

Brian and the stone statues only met for a few hours, but Brian or Paul did not see the excitement and intimacy of the old comrades who had reunited for a long time. The three of them sat together, but there was no mutual communicate with.

Even if they talk, Brian and Paul say that they both turn a blind eye to the stone statues around them.

The stone statue is really like a stone statue. He sits in a chair and his back is straight. Even in a place full of soldiers, he can still make people see that this is a different soldier.

Don't talk or move, it looks like a statue.

But the look of the stone statue is too sharp, his eyes are like a sharp knife, no matter who is looking at it, like to see each other's heart.

Yang Yi has some doubts in her heart, because the stone statue is like a knife, and it is difficult for people to pay attention to it.

Or like a bullet on a bullet, just wait for the trigger.

There is no doubt that when you are with a stone like this, you won't feel comfortable.

Yang Yi is curious about such a sharp-eyed person but a sniper, because the snipers he has seen are introverted, and it may not be appropriate to use restraint, but there is no such sniper as a stone statue.

The first plate of barbecue was brought up. When the barbecue was placed on the plate and Yang Yi was on their table, Brian quietly pulled the whole plate to the stone statue.

The stone statue picked up a skewer on the far side of the plate and he began to eat it.

After the stone statue picked up the skewers, Brian pushed the plate back and made it accessible to everyone.

The stone statue is very characteristic. He eats very slowly and is very very slow.

Yang Yi was very hungry. When he took the first skewer and picked up the second one, the stone statue only ate two pieces of meat.

Slowly chew, slowly swallow, pick up the mineral water on the table, unscrew the lid and drink a small mouth, then tighten the cap, then bite the next piece of meat and slowly chew and swallow at the same frequency. After that, open the mineral water on the table, drink a small mouth, and then tighten the cap.

The mechanical repetition of the meaningless movement, the two hands of the stone statue are covered with the grease of the barbecue, after he finished eating the first kebab, Brian pulled the plate to him again, and this stone statue Pick up a bunch of roasted tomatoes on the edge of the plate.

The stone statues are also slow, and they also eat and rely on tomatoes.

His washed white but very clean, quick-drying shirt splashed the juice of the tomatoes, but the stone statue didn't care.

Moreover, the eyes of the stone statue have changed, become very gentle, completely incapable of being aggressive, no longer aggressive, because he will not look at people at all.

Yang Yi couldn't help himself. He waved at Brian, then he turned his head aside, and Brian whispered at the table with his ear: "Is this stone statue not schizophrenic?"

Brian was shocked, then he whispered: "Do you see it?"

Yang Yi was also shocked and said: "Is it really?"

Brian sighed and whispered: "Yes, he is schizophrenic. He has two personalities, one is a sniper and the other is... a different sniper."

"What's the difference?"

"A hunter like a prey, another hunter who... finds a prey."

Yang Yi didn't know what to say. He whispered: "Fuck! Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is a difference. Hey, his two personalities are similar but still different. Just like a hunter looking for prey and a hunter who has found a prey, this mental state is definitely different. How can I explain it to you? Well, his two personalities are similar but never the same. Hey, I can guarantee that he has two different personalities, but those who are not familiar with him can't tell."

"How to tell?"

"He was looking for prey when he was like a knife~www.readwn.com~ When his eyes were very gentle, he had already found the prey, no, it was already turning the prey into food, but what do you think? from?"

"I found that he was clean, but he didn't clean when he was eating. Of course, his eyes were really different. I saw this difference, so I am not too sure."

Brian said with amazement: "No wonder Anna said that you are different from others. Yes, one of his personality is clean and the other is not, so the free time of the stone statue is not in the bath or in the laundry, a personality stains himself. Another personality is responsible for cleaning up himself, so his clothes always need to be washed frequently, etc. It is time for me to ask him questions."

Brian sat up straight, then he smiled at the stone statue: "Hey, stone statue, what are you doing during this time?"


"What prey? People or animals?"


"Bounty Hunter?"


Brian smiled and said: "I am worried that you will be a professional hunter in Alaska, then I will not be able to find you."

The stone statue is faint: "Alaska, ten years."

"Oh, why didn't you hunt in Alaska? I remember that your dream was to be a hunter in Alaska."

"People, more interesting."

The stone statue put down the iron sign in his hand, and then he looked at the empty plate and did not move.

Brian immediately handed the half of the meat in his hand to the stone statue. When the stone statue was taken and he did not hesitate to eat it, he smiled. "I am very glad that you will help me, and I promise that you will not boring."

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