A War Between Spies

Chapter 989: Waiting for me

Yang Yi is privileged. He can leave here without having to be angry with Haghaus. Or he can let Walter give him an instructor. The problem is that Yang Yichang has not been so angry yet.

But let Haghaus wait for it, but now I want to retaliate back, but it is impossible.

So after a swearing, Yang Yi continued to run towards his residence.

"Hey, St. Regis, is this guy offending our sir?"

The speaker was very vocal, and St. Regis hesitated, just shook his head and whispered: "The sergeant Haghaus just decided to personally serve as his coach, for the reason...because he is a genius."

"Genius? Even if you are a genius, don't you let the chief teach him personally?"

St. Regis shrugged and said, "I don't know."

Haghaus has already got off the plane, so people dare not talk again, and the helmet is handed over to the ground, and Haghaus’s face is cold: "The boy didn't dare to come again, remember to go find him to take the helmet. Come back, let's go."

Haghaus returned to his office, Yang Yi ran back to his room, and St. Regis, he had to go to Yang Yi to bring the flying helmet back.

St. Regis rang Yang Yi’s door and listened to someone who was panting: “Come in.”

St. Regis entered the door and found that Yang Yi was still holding a toilet in the bathroom. Until now, the flying helmet was still on his head.

St. Regis breathed a sigh of relief, then he sighed: "Are you alright?"

"No, I am very bad, I am not dead, hehe..."

St. Regis shrugged, and then he turned his head and said: "I don't know if I should congratulate you. You are the fastest person to pass the written test at this training base. You set a record. The fastest person used before. Eleven days, if you are really zero-based, hey, the last time someone else learned to drive two planes, he passed the written test of the helicopter for a week, passed the fixed wing for four days, so if you really have zero basis Then you created a record and I think this record is hard to break."

"Yes, vomit..."

"You have also created another record. Hey, the Chief of Haghaus has not been a teacher for a long time. This is not the point. The point is that you created the record that was brought to the fastest, and created another record. It is the Chief of Haghaus who used the most tricks... to teach you."

"I should be honored? Vomit, Fuck!"

"Oh, there is actually a record. You are the first person to spit on Mr. Hagerhaus’s plane. Really, you are the first one. We are very surprised and admire you, especially. Admire your courage, because you finally provoked the governor of Haghaus, you let him wait, we don't know what you let him wait, but we all think you should leave."

Sighing, St. Regis said helplessly: "I know that you should have any background, it will be inserted in the middle. This is normal, but I hope that you don't want to find the trouble of Chief Blackhouse. He is a good person. In addition, he is also good for you."

"Good for me? Oh, for me, man, thank you for your advice, but I really don't understand where I offended him. Am I doing something wrong?"

St. Regis spread his hand, then he whispered: "I came to get the helmet back. If you spit it out, please return the helmet to me."

Along with the sound of flushing, a helmet was placed in the arms of St. Regis, and then Yang Yi ran to the faucet and washed her face, and left the bathroom.

St. Regis didn't go, he whispered: "So... you won't continue training right?"

Yang Yi lay in his bed, and he gasped. "Do you think I was defeated? I was scared? No! Dude, this level can't beat me, tell Haghaus... Instructor I just need to learn normally. If he is afraid of me, then even if he is good at playing tricks, let him teach me according to the normal procedures that should be there. I will let him know what is real. Genius, Fuck!"

After that, Yang Yi waved his hand weakly and said: "Sorry, I don't want to tell him the last sentence."

St. Regis had a strange saying: "Do you want to continue? Well, hey, I will tell him, the front part."

Yang Yi is powerless: "I don't even know what the instrument on the plane is. At least give me a manual, an airplane manual. I have to know how to get the plane up. Please tell me the instructor. As long as he dares to teach seriously and teach me the truth, I will let him know how long it will be to show a ace pilot. Also, I repeat, I am zero-based! Is it true that I am a genius?"

St. Regis shrugged: "I will convey, and I have to tell the Chief you that you will continue to train. Oh, I admire your courage, goodbye."

St. Regis left, and Yang Yi climbed up hard. Until now, he still felt dizzy. He didn't faint, but he knew that the feeling of motion sickness was many times uncomfortable.

Drinking saliva, and vomiting for a while~www.readwn.com~ Yang Yi just climbed onto her bed and decided to take a break, and St. Regis came again.

"This is the operation manual of the T-6A training machine. You can check it out. Heghaus’s chief said, tomorrow he will personally bring you on the simulator. Well, since you are a genius, then tomorrow should not be too early. Waiting for you to pass the simulator test, you will go to the real machine again, that's it, good luck, man."

St. Regis put down a thick manual and left without saying anything more.

Yang Yi struggled to climb up. He looked at the manual and found himself completely invisible.

The time is still very early. It is just in the morning. Yang Yi decided that he should rest and wait until the head is not so uncomfortable before starting to read the operation manual.

After a while, Yang Yi slept heavily, and was awakened when someone gave him lunch at noon.

After sleeping, Yang Yi felt much better. Although it was difficult to get in the stomach, it didn't make him unable to eat lunch. The only problem was that he still felt his head groggy after eating.

This state can't be done. Yang Yi thought about it. He felt that he needed to exercise and adjust the state.

Thinking about it, Yang Yi felt that it was not bad to go to the fighting training. He never knew how his fighting level was. According to Zhang Yong, he is a master, but the CIA's fighting training is very systematic and comprehensive, so since Come, why not see it, and improve yourself.

After deciding what to do next, Yang Yi picked up the phone, and then he was weak and said: "Hello, I have to apply for a combat training course. As long as I can participate in the training class, I will do it. I urgently need it. Thank you for your activity."


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