A War Between Spies

Chapter 990: Kicking pavilion

Fighting is the most basic training subject, and shooting is a training content that everyone must accept, so the primary class training Yang Yilian does not have to look at it.

A dozen people are in a training hall, where an instructor tells you what to do in response to the situation, and then ask his assistant or casually call a student to perform various actions according to his requirements. The instructor then tells the students what to do. Coping, this kind of training is meaningless to Yang Yi.

The intermediate class is not the same. The middle class students are those who really need to fight, such as the field personnel, and the agents of the action department, it is bound to have higher requirements for fighting.

However, the name of the CIA's intermediate class is advanced, and the advanced class is called a master class, which means that it is a good name.

Yang Yi went directly to an intermediate class.

When Yang Yi arrived, the training had just begun.

Fighting is not the same as learning a course. Fighting is a martial art. Anyone who comes with a certain foundation is likely to be in actual combat. Sometimes he needs to upgrade his fighting skills, so he will come halfway. It is normal for the training class to be studied.

The instructor was not very surprised by the arrival of Yang Yi.

"We have to carry out the instrument training. Everyone knows that there is nothing faster and more deadly weapon than a short knife in the close combat. A silent and quick knife is when you are performing a secret mission. The most powerful weapon is often more useful than a gun."

There are a total of four students, plus Yang Yi is five. The instructor is a middle-aged man in his 40s. He stood there talking.

This kind of fighting must be accompanied by someone. If you practice alone, you will be empty. This is true. Anyone who has learned to fight knows, so the students must be practicing. Even so, you can The training in a safe environment is the main reason for these trainees to come to the training.

"Then we start to practice, I will point out what is wrong with your actions, well, you, and... this newcomer will start first."

The first one of the instructors was called Yang Yi. This is normal. When he first came, the instructor needed to touch his bottom.

Yang Yi felt that her status was not very good, but the purpose of his coming was to move his body, so he took a rubber knife on the shelf.

The knife that is specially used for training, soft and soft, will certainly not hurt people.

Yang Yi holds a knife and a 30-year-old man standing opposite. There is no need to exchange any names. Everyone in this place may go out to work, even if it is a unit, but try to keep some mystery better.


Yang Yizheng held the knife in his hand, and his opponent held the knife in the backhand. After waiting for the instructor to make a decision, both of them rushed toward each other.

Yang Yi made a fake action, his body faltered, his right hand stabbed forward, feeling that he wanted to stab the opponent's chest with a knife, then his opponent's center of gravity moved down, his arm pressed down, made a Defensive action with an attack.

Very good, this opponent's standard is good, so he swayed, if you encounter a fighting rookie, Yang Yi's fake action does not make sense.

So Yang Yi’s fake action suddenly changed. He made a fake move during the high-speed hedging of the two. After discovering that his opponent had eaten his fake action, the body immediately stretched, the left hand stretched and pulled, and the right hand held the knife. Crossed the opponent's neck.

It was a process of hedging. After passing by, Yang Yi stood in the same place, and his opponent was throwing a few steps and fell to the ground.

Yang Yi turned his mind and turned around. He won. He cut his opponent's neck, so of course he won.

Climbing up from the ground, Yang Yi’s opponent reached out and touched his neck, then he said with a stern look: “What is this?”

Unlike CIA's fighting system, Yang Yi's technique is somewhat arbitrary. He just cuts his hand and cuts off his opponent's neck. As for how he did it, why did he do it, and what kind of fighting is used away? No one can see it, and the instructor can't see it.

So this sentence is actually asking Yang Yi, but the instructor thinks he needs to answer, but he can't answer.

Very embarrassing.

"This student, let's practice two of them."

The instructor picked up a training knife and then he said to other students: "Do you notice his characteristics? He is flexible, more flexible than you, and flexible opponents are very difficult, especially When holding a knife, because the power of the flexible person is necessarily relatively weak, but if there is a knife, the shortcomings of weak strength are compensated, and the advantages of flexibility are infinitely magnified."

Yang Yi wants to make a comment, but the instructor is ready.

"Come on, let's try both of us, are you ready?"

The instructor suddenly rushed over to Yang Yi~www.readwn.com~ The way he chose was to take the initiative.

A knife stabbed, but the instructor's hand was ready to flip, if Yang Yi sideways to avoid the knife, he would backhand open Yang Yi's stomach.

Yang Yi should be sideways, or retreat or avoid the instructor's knife far away, but Yang Yi is a belly, the upper body explores, the arm stretches out long, and then the tip of the knife directly on the instructor's throat Of course, if this is a real knife, the entire neck of the instructor has been pierced, but this is a fake knife, so the knife is placed on the instructor's neck.

For Yang Yi, this is too simple. In the intermediate class, he can't even achieve the purpose of moving the body.

The instructor stopped and everyone was stunned.

"What is this? Suicide counterattack?"

Is it a suicide-style counterattack, it depends on what people use it. In the fighting technique, this kind of action that lengthens the body and straightens the arm is suicidal, but for Yang Yi, the simplest and most direct way to do this is that Is it necessary to consider the problem of empty door leaks, and solve the problem of killing the opponent and letting him die?

Yang Yi took back the knife, and then he looked at the instructor and didn't know what to say.

Yang Yi’s emotional intelligence is not low, but he really didn’t know what to say at this time.

So in the unspeakable and silent silence, Yang Yi finally said: "Where is the master class?"

The instructor's face is hard to describe, and his face is calm: "Go out, turn right, go straight, the first training hall you can see."

"Thank you."

Yang Yi put down the knife, and then he left the instructor slightly and fled.

Although it is not the one who is ashamed, Yang Yi still feels embarrassed because he wants to take a chance to learn something and learn something. The result is the result of kicking the pavilion. He can only say sorry, then , hurry and leave, don't come here again.

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