A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 32: Soldiers approaching the city (1)

That night.

Yunzhong County.

The torch inserted in the crack of the earth wall dripped with grease, and in the dimness, it was vaguely visible that there was a flag on the head of the city in front of——

The Yellow Emperor in the temple is dedicated to Chi You Yu Peiting, and the flags are all red when provoking drums and flags. The slayed Snake Baidizi, the killer Chidizi, therefore went to the red.

In the howling north wind, a big Chinese character fluttered in the wind.

Under the darkness of the night, the Han army defending the city couldn't see anything abnormal in the distance.

Two miles away, the dazzling swords, axes and spears were dazzling, and a line of cavalry lined up neatly, waiting for the leader to order.

At this moment, Jin's lips were pressed tightly, and he was staring at the three-foot-high city wall in front of him in a daze.

The Huns are good at riding and shooting, they can ride sheep, shoot birds and mice with their bows, and shoot foxes and rabbits as long as they grow, but they are not good at attacking cities——

Even with the help of those who are more and more dead, they still won't erect ladders and make siege cones.

In this situation, there are only two most commonly used methods. One is to siege the city. When the food in the city is exhausted, the city will naturally break itself. The other is to buy fine crafts and open the city gate when the night is dark and windy.

"Chief, when can I enter the city? If it goes on like this, I am afraid that the reinforcements of the Han will arrive. After all, the Yellow Turbans cannot be trusted..."


When the words were over, Jin squinted his one-eyed eyes, staring at the gate of the Han army, waiting for a detailed message.

Although burning, killing and looting is indeed their style of nonsense, as long as those Han people who have the ability and know how to work sincerely give up, they will not be treated badly.

This time, in order to conquer Yunzhong County, the Jin family took out the wealth that the tribe had accumulated for decades, repeatedly threatened and lured, and bought a few greedy guards of the city, and made an appointment to open the door at Haishi.


Since the leader did not give orders, the Huns cavalry sat on horsebacks one by one, calming the horses while waiting patiently.

Suddenly, two torches on the top of the city were extinguished!

Jin's expression was happy, and then he immediately converged. He drew out a longbow from behind, and drew out two peculiarly shaped bone arrows, aimed at the sky, with his thumb tightly clasping the bowstring, and his eyes were full of chill.

"call out!"

Two specially made Mingdi soared into the sky, and the sound spread for several miles, awakening the sleeping soldiers and civilians in the city.

"Enemy attack..."

A guard of the Han army roared subconsciously, but was flying all over the sky, and the arrows that were as dense as locusts instantly pierced into a hedgehog.

Bronze arrows entered the city gate and buzzed continuously. The people who were forcibly conquered to defend the city had never seen this kind of formation, and all of them paled with fright.

In the city.

The governor Zhang Yi woke up suddenly and realized that he was not having a nightmare. The Huns really launched a night attack!

at the same time.

Seven hundred miles away, Dingxiang City.

"Master Wang is majestic, majestic!"

"Master Wang is majestic, majestic!"

"Master Wang is majestic, majestic!"

It was late at night, but the county residents gathered together, looking at the endless fire outside the city, shouting.

The gathering here is under the jurisdiction of Xinxing County, but it borders Yanmen and Yunzhong County. It is often seen that some refugees are coming here on the glacier, saying that the Xiongnu's coming this time is fierce, and the number is huge.

The people of Dingxiang believed such exaggerated words, because not only the refugees said so, but also the gentry who were lucky enough not to die and took domestic slaves.

However, all misfortunes will pass.

The king has arrived, they will definitely be the same as before. In the future, the foreign races who commit crimes will be killed, and their heads and corpses will be used to build the Jingguan.

Zhu Qi has a crimson sky, and its long halberd is like a forest.

Looking at the army camping in front of the city, many refugees who were preparing to flee south again wept bitterly, screaming that they were going to visit the general.

An old man shrank in the corner of the city, his voice choked: "After the foreign race broke the city, the massacre was rampant. Most of my family's dozens of people died, and all the female relatives were taken away by them..."

"General, please take revenge for my family and kill the thieves to quell the chaos."

Hearing that, Lu Li, wearing a black armor, originally wanted to say something, but when he heard the words, he turned into a long sigh.

He arched his hand towards the old man, and then, pulling the reins, the black mane horse knew instantly and ran towards the Chinese army camp.

For some reason, the battle was approaching, Lu Li suddenly had a thought in his mind to see how the people on the border were doing.

However, when he reached the gate, he couldn't bear to walk inside after seeing the scene in front of him.

The alien should be killed!

If you encounter it later, just treat it as a beast.


Twenty thousand soldiers do not sound like many, but now they are tens of miles long.

Especially for the pawns, one person stands guard every ten steps. Behind him, a tent is set up. It covers an area of ​​five steps and can accommodate ten people sleeping together.

[Huo companions are all frightened, they have been together for twelve years, I don’t know Mulan is a girl]

Among them, the fire partner refers to these ten people.

However, Mulan's participation in the army on behalf of his father only occurred during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, because Lord Ding Yuan ruled the army extremely strictly and clearly stipulated:

The soldier’s bag must not only indicate the number of clothes and sundries he is carrying, but also register the weapons, protective gear, and military supplies he has received, and indicate his state, county, battalion, team and his name. , Appearance, organized into a file by the battalion officer.

If there is damage or consumption, the fire chief should know its usefulness, register it, and report to the battalion authority every three days. If it is concealed, the military law will do it.

And this is just one of dozens of military disciplines. Zhang Liao once told Lu Li a truth:

If you want to be a qualified general, you have to kill three out of ten soldiers, so that you can deter the enemy, and if you don't help, you have to kill one person, so that the officers and soldiers of each battalion will follow the orders without compromising.

How long can Mulan hide under strict military laws?

"I have seen the general."

At this time, a soldier noticed Lu Li's gaze and subconsciously gave a military salute.

Hearing this ~www.readwn.com~ the confused Lu Li retracted his gaze and said, "No need to be polite."

Frankly speaking, he was not a general, and he could not treat human life as a waste. Moreover, military books and military laws are not things that can be clarified overnight, and require experience.

In addition, as an intruder of the times, after Zhang Liao’s reminder, Lu Li had a clear understanding of himself——

It is impossible to make a decisive victory over a thousand miles away in the planning and strategy, nor can it even tens of thousands of troops, the battle will be won, the attack must be taken.

Therefore, the limit of his current ability is to serve as a vanguard officer, not to worry about other chores, to kill through the enemies encountered along the road, to frustrate his spirit, or to act as a guard to protect the safety of the lord.

But embarrassingly, he is not a world-class military commander and lacks actual combat experience.


The black-maned horse stopped.

Lu Li returned to Daying again, and the tent was already full of people. There were civilian officials with leather belts and swords and bronze seals on their waists, old men with crutches, and dozens of ordinary people in ordinary clothes.

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