A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 33: Soldiers approaching the city (2)

It only took half an hour to go out, how did you come up with this battle?

Lu Li put down the curtain and backed out.

At the same time, he suppressed all kinds of chaotic thoughts, and kept reminding himself: Taishan collapsed in front of him, but the color remained unchanged, and the elk was thrilled to the left without blinking.

Next, he has to deal with the lord who doesn't know what kind of thoughts he has in his mind, and he has to prepare for the upcoming battle, so he has no time to be distracted.

"Brother Meng Ming, didn't you go to the city to patrol, why did you come back so early?"

At this time, a hearty voice came from behind, and only a man in a fish-scale armor came over.

"Song Yuhou."

Lu Li raised his brows, first turned and arched his hands at the person who came, and then sighed: "The people in the city are so difficult, I can't bear to watch."

"Oh, since the year before last, the year's achievements have not been good. The rich have even farmland and the poor have no place to stand. The people have been silently enduring it."

Song Xian was a middle-sized border man, half a head shorter than Lu Li, but his muscles were as strong as a rock. He walked quickly, changing the kindness he used to greet him, and said angrily:

"The people's livelihood is so difficult, but the Huns and Xiutu Gehu are embarrassed, and they looted the border together. They are simply not sons of man!"

Lu Li quite agreed with this, and his resentment was slightly reduced.

He is not a person who has no stomach, but the vanguard position that he dreams of and is at his fingertips is gone, even if he has nothing to do with the other party, he will have a little grudge in his heart.

"Blood debt is paid for by blood, and we will surely kill this group of extinct beasts in the future."

Somehow, when he thought of the old man kneeling down and begging for him, Lu Li always felt a surge of blood rushing into his heart.

More than a dozen people, most of them died, and all the female relatives were arrested.

Who is dead?


The Xiongnu knows the principle of cutting grass and roots, regardless of age, as long as they are males, they will definitely kill all of them.

And what will happen to the female relatives being robbed.

Serve as slave?

Lu Li didn't dare to think deeply, it was too humiliating!

And Song Xian's straightforward character, Xu is used to seeing this kind of thing, and he feels less sad and more calm in his heart. He patted Lu Li on the shoulder, and said with relief:

"When the time comes, you and my brother will have a good time, and see whose weapon is rolled first, how about?"

"Don't dare not follow."

After speaking, Lu Li took a long breath and tried to calm the chaos again, and added: "So he used one month's salary as the prize, and the loser invited all the brothers to drink."


Song Xian licked his lips, "If it weren't for the strict military laws, drinking in the camp is forbidden, so I must invite my brothers to have a good drink."

At the end of the speech, he straightened the armor on his body, pulled Lu Lili and crashed into the Chinese army camp.

In the account.

Don't drive Ding Yuan to kneel and sit in the most conspicuous position, his expression extremely serious.

The elder brother Zhang Liao stood aside, although he did not speak, but he had a certain tolerance.

And below, there are five old people with wrinkled faces. In order to keep them from getting tired, the lord also specially ordered the attendants to bring some soft cushions over. They don’t need to kneel and sit directly, sitting cross-legged, just like the Bodhisattva in the Buddhist temple. comfortable.

Perceiving Lu Ci's doubts, Song Xian, who was standing in the corner with him, whispered: "These people should be the respected village elders in Dingxiang City."

[Han Method: The king's stick is awarded to those over a hundred years old, and those who hold a stick are treated the same as those who hold the festival, compared to six hundred stone officials. If you don't go to the official temple, you can walk on the road to show respect for the elderly.]

After Song Xian's explanation, Lu Li nodded and cast his gaze to the front again. To be precise, it should be the crutches in the hands of the five elders. This thing is nine feet long, and the flying general Lu Bu he saw the day before yesterday He is no more than eight feet tall.

Isn't it tired to hold this thing?

Of course, Lu Li also said in his heart that there was no disrespect. This long crutches was the king's stick, and it was only awarded to young people with high virtue.

There are more than 10,000 people in a county, and there are at least two thousand elders. Only these five elders are recognized by the imperial court, and they should not be underestimated.

"Don't take the lead, go to the border to fight, and the old people will help the people in Dingxiang, Yunzhong, and Yanmen..."

At this time, five old men on crutches, supported by the county's civil officials, stood up, took the wine bottles, and walked up tremblingly.

Upon seeing this, the lord Ding Yuan didn't care about his manners, so he hurriedly stood up, bowed and took the wine, and said, "How dare you work the elders like this!"

"General Wen led the king to the teacher, and the people were all very happy. Since ten days ago, the gangsters have been offended, and our county has suffered from the poison. The surrounding counties and counties are even more empty. Most of the people died and the dead were stunned."

At this moment, a scribbled scribe took a step forward. Looking at the appearance and the conversation, Lu Li felt that this person should be the county magistrate, but saw him pouring a glass of wine, and his tone raised:

"Now, the king will finally hope that the common people will be saved! This bottle of wine will wash the dust for the general. I hope the general will not refuse."

It may be that this kind of thing is often encountered, Ding Yuan nodded reservedly, and said loudly:

"On this trip, this general led 20,000 elites to start. My son led the wolves first to kill thieves for the country and calm the chaos for the people!"

When the words were over, he took the bottle of wine with both hands and drank it. Then, he wiped off the wine stains on the corners of his mouth and beard, and said impassionedly: "Tomorrow, the army will go out and drive for seven hundred miles, to get rid of this thief for the elders of Binzhou. !"

After standing in the corner and seeing it for so long, Lu Li finally understood that this is clearly a show and reputation!

Flying commander Lu Bu led the wolf to ride behind?

Had it not been for hearing about the lord’s tactical arrangements, Lu Li would have almost believed it. The wolf ride clearly went to the south to help guard Taiyuan. Not only that, but the group of elites was ordered to die:

Stand firm and stand by for help.

Although the Yellow Turbans should not be underestimated, they can beat a wolf rider that can cross the world?

Plus a living demon **** Lu Bu, and a group of fierce Titans~www.readwn.com~ Even if the Xianbei send troops to help, they are not enough to fight!

In addition, five village elders, officials of Dingxiang County, and dozens of people who were specially selected, ate pots of wine, saying that they came to comfort the army and thank the soldiers for their hard work. However, what is the use of this thing, mainly It is to show your attitude and give the Lord a better face.

Poor governor Zhang Yi was still trapped in Yunzhong County at this time, and he didn't know his life or death.

Lu Li didn't know that at this moment, he was the only person in the army who could think of Cishi.


"The leader ordered to capture Zhang Yi alive, reward two hundred dimes, 10 Han servants and maidservants, cut Zhang Yi's head, reward one hundred dimes, and 20 catties of gold."

When Ding Yuan met with the village elders, the shouts of killing persisted in the sky above Yunzhong City for a long time.

For the Huns, Dingkou means everything. It is more valuable than money and women. You know, some small tribes on the grassland do not have a hundred dimes!

For a time, the sound of horses' hoofs became more and more rapid, and the Huns cavalry were like crazy, humming back and forth, seeming to search for the whereabouts of the governor Zhang Yi.

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