A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 14 The Song Sung by the Drowned Man (8)

The arrow whose tail was made of white gull feathers disappeared from sight instantly as the rough fingers loosened. The sound of the bowstring's tight playing echoed in his ears, followed by a sudden scream.

Ten meters away from the gray stone where the archer was hiding, a hurried blond man was hit by an arrow in the chest. He was shaking all over, and his body that subconsciously moved forward was unable to move and fell to the ground.

It seemed like a fatal move, but the archer did not relax. Instead, he pulled out an arrow stuck there from the dry ground behind him with his backhand, and skillfully placed it on the bow.

The sun was strong and the brown-haired young archer was soaked to the skin. Sweat stains rolled down from the edge of the iron half-helmet he wore on his head to the bridge of his nose. With a slight sting, the bow string that was pulled up quickly loosened.

After a brief sound of breaking through the air, there was a dull sound of metal pouring into the body. The blond man who was slumped facing the ground twitched once again after being hit by an arrow, and then there was no sound at all.

The young archer then stared at the seemingly silent village at the end of his sight. He put down the bow in his hand when he didn't notice anyone else approaching, stood up and walked to the dead body, pulling his legs and dragging him hard.

The chain mail on his body rubbed with his movements, and the purple scar on the bridge of his nose continued to send out bursts of severe pain. When he finally dragged the body behind the stone, the sweat seemed to have The whole person was completely submerged.

He casually released the dead man's ankles and let his feet fall on the stone to twist and deform. He struggled to take off the iron half-helmet on his head. At the same time, he grabbed the wet and soft cloth cap under the iron helmet and threw it on the stone, but nothing happened. Carefully, the tail of his hat lightly scratched the bridge of his nose. Renly gritted his teeth as severe pain struck him.

He therefore glanced at the dusty clearing behind him where the dead body lay.

The red-haired boy, the black-haired old man, and the guy with short light blond hair who looked like a blacksmith. The blood from the arrow wounds of each of the three corpses continued to flow out, and eventually it gathered under them to form a bed board composed of dark red liquid.

It was the afternoon of the eighth day after Renly entered this place.

I remember correctly, today was his first time to kill, but I don’t know whether it was the memory of archery skills that gave him the corresponding change in mentality, or whether it was his innate personality, even though he watched the living beings pass through his own hands. It turned into puddles of dead flesh, but he didn't feel sick or have any other abnormality.

On the contrary, Renly felt inexplicably ridiculous.

"I wonder if I will be as ugly as them when I die?"

The stinging pain on the bridge of his nose made him couldn't help but glance at the black-haired old man who stared blankly at the sky with his eyes wide open.

Although he had a "mission", when he first faced the old man with silver-white hair, Renly did not kill him. Instead, he shot an arrow in the man's calf, thinking that it would prevent the man from acting normally. Enough.

However, the cruelty of the war and the consequences of this soft-heartedness left him with lingering fears.

When he put down his bow and arrow and reprimanded him, the opponent directly picked up an ax on his back and threw it at him. Renly was completely caught off guard.

If the iron helmet on his head hadn't blocked the attack, he would have been torn apart by the axe.

Only the helmet blocked the ax blade, but the nose guard on the helmet was dented by the huge force of the iron axe, which directly caused the bridge of his nose to be bruised and purple at the moment, and he seemed to have lost his appearance.

"Thankfully this isn't my real body."

Muttering, Renly looked up at the sky and realized that it was already dusk - they arrived here at noon, but the Drowned Man had not left the village yet.

This made him unable to help but think about it, but this did not prevent Renly from putting on the helmet and rag hat that he had thrown aside after a short rest.

There were originally sixteen arrows in his quiver, but now there were eleven arrows left that were not stained with blood. As a result, three Oak Island villagers died in his hands.

And he's now waiting for the fourth.

But when the fourth figure actually appeared in sight, Renly hesitated again.

It was a young woman who hurried over with an infant child in her arms. Her long brown hair was messy, and the light blue button-back skirt she was wearing was also covered with gray and white patches. Now she was walking in a hurry with her head lowered. From time to time he raised his head and looked around.

It's a pity that she never saw the person she should really pay attention to.

A jet-black arrow flashed under the dusk light and struck the sandy ground in front of the woman with a hiss, causing her to scream subconsciously. Then she saw a young boy with a bow appearing from behind the stone. , and now this man is fully drawing his short bow and aiming with narrowed eyes.

"Stop, take one more step forward, and I will-" The boy started to warn, but the other party screamed in horror, then hugged the child tightly and turned around and ran away, regardless of what he was saying.

This made Renly a little dumbfounded for a moment.

"You are the stupidest woman I have ever seen."

Muttering, Renly kept aiming the bow and arrow at the opponent's back, tightening his fingers again and again, but never letting go, until the woman ran out of range and ran into the village.

Seeing this, Renly sighed and put down his bow.

Just as he was wondering whether he should run away before the villagers came out and hacked him to death, a group of people suddenly appeared at the entrance of the village at the end of his sight, each holding an iron pick, sickle or even a wooden stick. Led by the motley tall figures, they moved forward menacingly along the road in front of the village.

One of the bald old men happened to encounter the woman running back, so he grabbed her and dragged her into the group.

They did not go towards Renly, but walked on the road held by the cook Ryan. Remembering the Drowned Man's words before leaving, Renly quickly put away the few arrows stuck on the ground behind him, and then hurried towards He chased after the group of people.

"The Drowned Man has gathered a group of villagers? Where are they going?"

An old drunkard wearing light mail suddenly popped out halfway, trotting next to Renly.

"Go and fight for the great Drowned God." Renly replied angrily. He thought this was actually nonsense, but this question could only be answered with this kind of nonsense.

Hanging far behind the group of people, he saw Chef Ryan quietly appearing in the other direction and following the crowd.

It was unclear what the Drowned Man was doing, so he didn't run forward, and the same was true for the old drunkard.

Moving forward in a hurry until the light of the day has completely faded away,

Then they saw a unique "siege battle".

When the silver moon cast its cool light on the pine needle-covered ground, the group of villagers had already arrived at the door of a rock castle standing towering on a hill.

The castle has no outer walls, and a raging moat connects to the faintly visible coastline not far away. A group of people who were blocked by the moat gathered around the drowned man. There were soldiers patrolling the city wall scolding them to retreat, but no one moved.

The Drowned Man then blew a whimpering horn sound that sounded strange.

Then he saw that the wooden suspension bridge that was originally suspended high suddenly trembled, and then took a photo!

The gates of the castle were opened immediately.

"Is this the legendary magic?"

Renly was a little stunned when faced with this situation, but the old drunkard next to him reacted quickly. When he saw the group of villagers pouring into the castle, he suddenly yelled in regret, and then ran towards the castle.

"Go quickly, if it's too late, we won't have a share!"

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