A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 15 The Song Sung by the Drowned Man (9)

A fight that exceeded Renly's expectations began.

At the same time that the castle gate was opened, the bells in the castle rang loudly. The farmers organized by the Drowned Man rushed in with crude weapons, and then the shouts of killing and panic were heard.

The soldiers on the city wall woke up belatedly and hurriedly launched an offensive, but they seemed to be few in number and the effect was not great.

Under the moonlight, the chaos inside and outside the castle intensified. The water in the moat was turbulent. When I ran across the wooden suspension bridge, gravel fell into it and disappeared instantly. The old drunkard in front rushed quickly, but it was obviously not because of bravery.

Because the group of people had previously opened the way, they were not attacked when they first entered the city gate. Instead, they could faintly see the faces that remained in the killing cave next to the city gate.

This made Renly realize something, but now was not a good time to think about such things.

Dozens of farmers had already dispersed by the animal houses at the city gate and rushed in all directions. The soldiers on the city wall hurriedly returned to defend, but were surrounded by a larger number of enemies.

The battle on the battlefield on the right has ended. Five villagers are eagerly picking up the weapons and armor from the defeated and rushing towards the depths of the castle, ignoring the two injured and dying companions on the side.

At the entrance to the city wall near Renly, three soldiers wearing mail were surrounded by more than twice their number of farmers. A farmer wearing a light linen shirt stabbed one of the soldiers with a shovel. , but was completely blocked by the opponent's armor that shone darkly in the moonlight.

The defender counterattacked with his sword and cut off half of the attacker's neck. But at the same time, the hand ax in the hand of another bearded villager suddenly hit his helmeted head. There was a loud noise and the soldier He staggered back, but the axe-wielding villager was very fast. He aimed at the gap in the gorget exposed at his neck and took the opportunity to hit the ax again. The soldier screamed miserably and blood splattered from his neck.

The other two defenders were not idle during this period. One of them was fending off the siege of three strong men, and the other was pulling the blood-stained sword out of an old man's chest. Then he trembled and looked down. After looking at Arrow's chest, he fell to the ground.

In a moment, two more arrows struck, hitting the last soldier's shoulder and chest one after another, ending his fight. Seeing this, the farmers gathered around the ground without hesitation and snatched away the weapons and armor worn by the soldiers.

Renly did not stay here longer, because the battle at the city gate had basically come to an end. After scanning the road ahead that was spread by thatched houses and towers, he tightened his bow and arrow and ran forward quickly.

Renly originally thought that the battle in the castle would be a stalemate, or even at a disadvantage. However, he did not encounter any formal battles along the way, but instead saw only brutal massacres everywhere.

He saw a thin old man with gray hair lying dead in a pool of blood, and not far from him was the headless body of a thin boy. I saw two villagers in the stable pulling a maroon war horse with greedy faces. A stable boy who looked to be about twelve or thirteen years old was bleeding from his abdomen and huddled in a corner, sobbing uncontrollably.

He saw a fat chef wearing an apron at the door of the kitchen, holding a kitchen knife tremblingly and confronting the villagers, but all he received was laughter and ridicule from the enemies opposite. I even saw a naked girl standing in the mud crying loudly, while her young mother not far away was being pressed to the ground by a bald old man and being brutally tortured.

Bloodshed and tragedy filled the castle. Renly stepped forward and knocked the opponent to the ground with a punch. The interrupted bald old man stood up angrily from the ground and roared at Renly: "Go grab food elsewhere, boy. !she is me--"

A sharp arrow interrupted his words, and the long arrow held upside down in his hand was like a dagger, piercing into the opponent's mouth where spittle was flying.

Under the sound of whooping, the attacker half-knelt on the ground, and finally collapsed and died.

"What are you doing? He is with us!" Chef Ryan jumped out of nowhere and grabbed the boy's arm, his face frightened and angry.

"Not anymore!"

Renly kicked the opponent away and then strode deeper into the castle.

Halfway through, he saw another companion, who was hiding furtively in the corner of the alley with his clothes in his hands. He grinned with joy when he saw Renly.

"Come on Hal, I found a room full of jewelry. We are going to get rich!"

Unfortunately, the other party did not stop following his words, and even just glanced here and left in a hurry, which left the old drunkard a little confused.

"What kind of stimulation are you getting?" He muttered, looking down at a large handful of jewelry in his arms, and couldn't help but grinned. Halfway through his laughter, he suddenly closed his mouth tightly, looked around carefully, and then quickly slip.

Renly saw the Drowned Man in an open tower hall. He was talking quietly to a middle-aged man in shining mail and dressed as a garrison in a low voice. When he saw the young man, he waved. The man turned and left.

"Gord is a devout believer of the Drowned God. He and his people helped us open the city gate." The tall Drowned Man explained to him.

"You can see that." Renly said as he glanced at the departing figure.

The drowned man was very mysterious along the way, but now he has figured out his specific plan - their original goal was to rescue the place called Driftwood Castle, but the rescue method was not to go straight in, but to run here to surround Wei and rescue Zhao. .

The Drowned Man was well prepared, knowing that this place was empty, and even prepared a traitor. Unfortunately, the storm caused all the soldiers he led to die in the sea. As a last resort, he could only run to recruit villagers as soldiers.

But these soldiers...

At this time, Renly had calmed down, but the screams and cries coming from outside the hall still made him upset.

"Your people are like beasts, harming the natives of this castle."

"This is what they deserve." The long-haired Drowned Man, wearing a gray, green and blue coarse cloth robe, replied: "The belief in the Drowned God can make those mining slaves stand on my side, but only tangible benefits can make them hold their weapons tightly and fight for us."

"The so-called benefits are to act recklessly?" The boy couldn't help asking.

He was actually a little mentally prepared for this, but when he saw it all with his own eyes, he was still full of disgust.

"This is one of the indispensable rewards." The Drowned Man noticed that the other party's tone was wrong, so he frowned: "You must remember that our great Drowned God has never been a kind god. The Drowned God created the Iron Race so that we can burn, kill and plunder."

"Is it the same for our own people?"

"They are not our own people. Their masters and men are besieging our castle. They are among the ranks of traitors."

The Drowned Man replied indifferently, and then raised his hand to interrupt Renly who wanted to continue speaking: "Let's stop here about this matter. You are still young and have never experienced the cruelty of the way of war, but sooner or later you will get used to it all. Now, there is something you may be able to help me think about."

Renly did not speak, but his expression became colder as he looked into the depths of the other party's blue eyes.

"Our original plan was to garrison this Whip Castle and lure the Tawney family, who were besieging Driftwood Castle, to come back for help. But the Storm God made us lose all our men, and I'm not sure if we can stop Todd Tawney's counterattack with just the people we have now."

"You need help." Renly said as he thought, and the many scenes he encountered in the castle flashed through his mind one after another, so he knew what he should say.

"We need real warriors, not these miners who can only swing pickaxes. It's lucky enough to use them to take down this castle, you can't ask for more."

"The real warriors are on Old Wyke Island."

"Then send a letter back to Old Wyke Island to ask for help from His Majesty the King."

"We don't have ravens from the Green Land to deliver messages, so we can't send letters at all."

"Send the old drunkard, send Ryan, send anyone who can go back to get reinforcements, use a small boat, as long as the wind direction is right, it will be fast." Renly said: "The current manpower in the castle should be able to hold out for a while. Besides, it will take time for the enemy to return here."

"But it's still too slow." The Drowned Man frowned and thought, "Do you think we have any other options?"

He is a senior priest of the Drowned God, who is good at calling believers and holding ceremonies, but that's all.

"You can call on more local believers to come here to help defend the castle, or you can take prisoners to threaten the Tawney family." Renly pointed out.

"But you can't be sure that the people you summon are really on our side. Maybe they will secretly open the castle gate for our enemies like Gord did. This is enemy territory after all."

"Without the baptism of war, I really can't tell whether the believers of Oak Island are pious." The Drowned Man frowned even deeper. "But I will never use prisoners to threaten the enemy. The Drowned God will not allow us to be so weak."

The reason may not be limited to this.

Renly shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

"You are right, we do need to ask for help, but Ryan and Pys are not worth using." After thinking for a while, the other party said something that Renly silently expected.

"I hope you can go on this trip for me."

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