Chapter 151 Assassination (19)

As an ambitious iron race, Harrag believed that his mission should not be to wait in the stable with Poole, who he always thought was stupid, but to enter the inn full of prey and start a real battle.

Although it was safe to stay here, and although Chief Iren claimed that his mission was important, Harrag still had a skeptical and resistant attitude towards this -

The exit of the inn was blocked, who else could run here to ride a horse and escape?

So the mission of him and that stupid Poole was just to guard the horses?

What was the importance of this?

It was obvious that they were excluded. When others ran in and paid iron money unscrupulously, Harrag could only squat at the door of the stable, smelling the unpleasant smell of horse manure and listening to the neighing of restless horses.

"If all these horses belong to us, we will be rich." Poole said hopefully, and Harrag secretly added: He endured this stupid and foolish remark in his mind.

"Maybe you should ask our leader Iren whether it is right to pay iron money for a few horses." He responded with a cold snort.

"Forget it, the leader will hit me in the head if you say that." The other party replied in a silly voice.

You are self-aware. Harrag secretly curled his lips when he heard it.

Their group of people went ashore secretly in order to find out the news, but there was obviously no news in the remote fishing village, and there was no news in the hidden forest.

So after thoroughly exploring the surrounding area, Lord Iren, who led them, decided to start with this hotel near the edge of the forest - there was a lot of people moving around in the hotel, so the news was relatively more informed.

Under normal circumstances, this is a good method. However, the alcoholic leader Aeron Greyjoy seemed unwilling to accept that his brothers were commanding the fleet to fight the enemy, while he was only sent as an unimportant spy. So perhaps to vent his feelings or to pay some iron money, leader Aeron decided to use a tough attitude to inquire about the news instead of hiding it.

In his heart, Harrag disagreed with this very much - although this method was fun, it obviously had consequences. If anyone inside escaped and leaked their existence, they would probably not have a good ending.

He would not forget that this was the territory of the lion.

And it was an angry old lion.

Thinking secretly, Harrag suddenly heard some movement behind him, turned his head and frowned.

What did he see?

A little boy?

How did a child get out?

The doubts in his heart did not make Harrag hesitate at all. The order issued by the leader of Aeron was not to let anyone go, so he turned his head to look at his companion beside him.

"Go and deal with him, Poole."

"I hate to attack children." Complaining like this, the strong iron man named Poole did not hesitate at all, but stood up with a long axe and strode towards the child.

Seeing this, the boy with a messy black hair at ear level seemed very panicked. He took two steps back and turned around and rushed out of the back door of the stable. However, Harrag sneered secretly at this.

There is a closed yard behind, where can you run to?

Poor little guy.

Watching Poole's back disappearing after chasing, Harrag thought secretly.

These children in the Green Land are obviously different from the children in their Iron Islands. They lack courage. When they encounter danger, they will only cry loudly or flee in panic. Little do they know that in the face of real danger, running away can not solve any problems.

The only correct choice is to face it head-on. Harrag thought of a sentence his father told him before he left.

This way, at least he can die bravely.

He thought this sentence was correct, but it was actually his father's advice to him on how to deal with danger. He was very worried because there was no sea water on land. If he died here, could he return to the Drowned God's Palace of Water and have fun with the mermaids?

When he thought of this question, Harrag's mood became very bad unconsciously, and because of the child who just appeared, he thought of this matter that was very important to him, or to the Ironborn.

Ironborn were born in the sea, and they must die in the sea...

Obviously, Harrag didn't think there would be any unexpected situation, but he squatted at the door of the stable and waited for a while, but what he waited for was only a faint scolding and a sudden scream, which made him stunned and frowned.

"Can't even deal with a child? What a waste."

Thinking so, he simply stood up, pulled out the short axe on his waist, and stepped towards the back door of the stable.

The scream sounded familiar to him, but he thought it might be a child biting his arm or something like that, and he didn't think that his stupid but strong companion would be in any danger.

However, just as he opened the curtain of the back door, bent over and stepped out, he suddenly found that his stupid companion was now collapsed not far from the yard, covering his bleeding thigh and neck, with his mouth wide open but trembling silently as he pointed at him!

This situation made Harrag's heart tighten, but before he could react, his neck suddenly sank, as if something heavy had fallen on his shoulders.

Following this was a rough feeling of a sharp object piercing his eyes, accompanied by a fierce pain, which made Harrag scream. He subconsciously swung the weapon in his hand towards his head, but it seemed to be swept away, and the sharp object in his eye was instantly pulled out.

This pulling out brought a more intense pain, but Harrag did not have time to experience this pain. He suddenly felt a cold metal weapon piercing his neck fiercely, his throat was blocked, and even breathing became very difficult.

The young iron man was forced to stop screaming, and the strength of his hand holding the weapon also dissipated instantly. The only remaining eye stared upwards with effort, but he could not see the attacker's face at all. He could only see a calf hanging on his chest. Judging from the size of the leg, it was obviously not an adult.

At least he died bravely...

This thought flashed through his mind again in a daze, and then his mind was swallowed by endless bitterness.

What kind of bravery is it to die at the hands of a child?

The important thing is, there is no sea here...

The young Iron Man's body fell to the ground involuntarily with a thud, raising a cloud of dust, and the black-haired boy hanging on his neck also rolled on the ground in the direction of the fall to relieve the force, and finally stood up nimbly.

The surrounding environment became quiet as a result.

After standing there for a while and panting, the boy squatted down and wiped the blood stains on the dagger in his hand with the clothes on the corpse. Finally, he turned his fingers and put the dagger into his sleeves.

Then he looked at the body of another Iron Man lying in a pool of blood not far away, staring blankly at the sky and dying quietly, and then turned his head and listened quietly to the movement outside for a while. Feeling that there was nothing unexpected, he stepped forward and ran towards the front of the stable.

The series of battles seemed to last less than a minute, and the shouting and killing sounds from the direction of the hotel were still hazy and violent. Obviously, the Iron Men had not yet dealt with everyone inside.

The boy thought that he had plenty of time, and he was thinking about whether he should just leave. However, when he walked to the front of the stable, everything he saw made him change color instantly.

In the woods not far away, a group of iron men suddenly appeared, and the direction they were heading was the stable!

Thank you to the book friend Sanqian Menggui for the 2,000 reward, thank you to the book friend xiaotang246 and the book friend Meili Qiang Wudi for the 1,000 reward, thank you to the book friend Xuezha who worked hard to become a top student for the 400 reward,

Thank you to the book friend Yu De Sheng Niu Nai, the book friend Chen Tiandao, the book friend I Junjun I, and the book friend 20181231231722781 for the 100 reward~

I will come up with a plan for more updates later, and all the previous rewards will be returned.

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