Chapter 152 Heir to High Court (29)

The attack on the hotel at the entrance of the forest ended in a complete victory for the Ironborn. Facing these ferocious and numerous enemies, the travelers in the hotel were no match at all.

The whole battle seemed to last less than ten minutes, and the noisy shouts and screams basically disappeared.

At this time, the sky was bright and sunny, but it could not dispel the coldness of winter. In a forest of dead branches not far away, the ironmen hung more than a dozen corpses that were shaken and interrogated and died tragically. Blood gathered on the toes and dripped. The surface of the earth blends into the soft soil and turns into patches of dark red. The dead-looking faces are dull but still remain in pain, silently accusing this cruel world.

However, not everyone died on the spot. Although the ironmen's purpose was to find out information and kill all these people, after the battle was over and the ironmen achieved their basic purpose, two people were still alive. He pressed it to the front of the black-haired Ironborn leader who was sitting on a chair in the hotel.

Two people, one big and one small.

The older one is a "man" who is covered in scars but still full of anger, while the younger one is a sloppy child who looks honest.

"This woman killed six or seven of our best men, Chief Aeron. I don't think her identity is simple."

As a grey-haired old ironman spoke, he kicked the silver-haired "man" who was tied up. The other party gave him a threatening look and received another slap in the face.

"No matter how simple she is, she is just a woman." The black-haired Ironborn, known as the leader of Aeron, had a very obvious aquiline nose, and his black eyes glanced at the captives kneeling on the ground with interest.

"But her looks are pretty good."

"She killed a lot of us."

A bald ironborn next to him grinned: "Leave her to me, Aeron, and I will interrogate her properly."

"This is my prisoner!" After hearing this, the old ironman glanced at the bald head displeasedly, causing the other party to spit: "I am doing it for your own good, Hollard, you are too old, this kind of woman you But it can’t be tamed.”

"I believe that Hollard has dedicated her to me." The leader, Aeron, glanced at the bald head: "So, it is better for me to do this interrogation myself."

After saying this, he ignored the expression of this subordinate who had never been very convinced of him, and instead glanced at the sloppy boy next to the female prisoner.

"What's going on?"

"When we went to the stable to check the horses, we found that he was about to climb over the wall and run away." A middle-aged ironman replied: "There are two of our brothers in the backyard who had their throats cut, but the murderer was not found."

"So you suspect this kid did it?"

The unwilling bald ironman on the side heard this and said sarcastically: "This is really rare. Two good guys were killed by a kid whose hair has not yet grown. Who doesn't know and thinks that we ironmen are all a bunch of wimps?"

"Shut up, Mulder, it's because I didn't find the murderer that I brought this kid here." The middle-aged Ironborn glared at the bald man, then looked down at the black-haired boy.

"And I suspect that his identity is not simple. Look at his hands and neck. Ordinary farm children are not as tender as him."

These words caused the leader of the black-haired Ironborn to look away from the female prisoner's chest and turn to look at the boy. The more than twenty ironmen around, either sitting at the table or simply standing, also looked at the sloppy boy with his head lowered.

The boy seemed startled by this, so he spoke in a very weak voice: "I-I don't know how those two people died. They were already dead when I ran there. It has nothing to do with me! "

These words did not arouse the suspicion of the Ironborn. After all, the boy looked to be only six or seven years old, and even at this age in the Iron Islands, where the people were tough and tough, he was still playing in the mud. He wanted to kill him so cleanly. Something that two skilled Ironborn players couldn't possibly do.

"So, who are you, kid?"

The ironborn leader named Aeron asked with great interest: "Where are you from? Why do you appear here? To be honest, maybe we will let you go after we find out."

The boy stood up and opened his mouth when he heard this, but before he could speak, someone answered the question for him.

"He is the person your King Balon wants!" The tall female prisoner kneeling aside suddenly said: "Someone hired me to kidnap him and then send him to the Iron Islands to hand him over to your King Balon!"

These words made all the ironmen who didn't care much at first startled. After looking at each other, they all looked at the leader, the black-haired Aeron, who frowned at the boy and then looked at the female captive.

"My brother never said anything about this, hiring you to kidnap a child?"

He narrowed his eyes as he spoke: "And you hired a woman who started fighting after seeing us? Tell me, if you were really hired by us, why didn't you tell us?"

"Your people didn't give me a chance to say anything!" the woman retorted, "If I don't resist, am I going to be slaughtered?"

"That's it..."

The other party nodded suddenly: "Maybe after the interrogation is over, I will cut your tongue first, and then send you to my brother to ask for details. Maybe he will be happy to actually interrogate you."

These words made the silver-haired woman's face turn red instantly, but she didn't say anything more about it. Instead, she gritted her teeth and said, "I wasn't hired by Baron himself, but by someone else."

"So, who is this other person?" the other party asked with raised eyebrows.

"I don't know who it is, but it must be a friend of your Iron Islands!"

"Friends of the Iron Islands will not hire a woman to do this kind of thing."

"Sometimes a woman's identity is much more convenient than a man's!"

The leading Ironborn wanted to say something else, but the bald Ironborn next to him interrupted impatiently: "Don't hesitate, since you said that our King Balon wants this kid, then who is he?"

"Randall Tarly's eldest son, the heir of the Tarly family in the River Bay!" The woman said without hesitation: "His father is currently fighting with you. I think you should understand how important this prisoner is."

After these words fell, the boy who lowered his head looked a little strange, and the surrounding Ironborn were stunned and confused. Only Aeron, the leader, narrowed his eyes.

"As far as I know, Randyll Tarly only has one son who is over one year old. When did he have such a big eldest son?"

The captured woman was stunned by these words, and the surrounding ironmen looked at her with malicious eyes. The old ironmen who was holding the woman kicked the captive to the ground and spat angrily: "Lying bitch, you are still not honest, wait and see how we deal with you later!"

"I'm telling the truth! Maybe you remembered it wrongly, he did--" The person who was kicked didn't care about being angry. After half a sentence of refutation, he suddenly came to his senses and looked at the boy next to him.

"Boy, who are you!?"


The boy hesitated for a moment, and then faced the interested gazes of the people around him, and whispered: "My name is Willas, Willas Tyrell."

"The heir of Highgarden."

After the words fell, all the ironmen were stunned, and then they couldn't help looking at each other.

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