A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 159 Cut off my head (9/9) Please pre-order!

Chapter 159 Cut off my head (99) Please order first!

Just like he had not considered turning to this question, Renly had not considered that the mark on his wrist would suddenly show any strange phenomena.

In other words, although he had encountered many troubles and problems in the past six months since he obtained this mark, he had never found that this mark would suddenly... heat up?

This situation surprised him for a while, but at this time, the boy leaning against the board clearly saw that in the crowded port area, there was a middle-aged man with long black and gray hair pointing at this side. The target seemed to be this ship, but a closer look showed that it was clearly himself.

So Renly's face changed, and then, under the surprised greetings of many iron people behind him, he climbed up the wall of the ship without hesitation, and then jumped into the deep sea in front of the port.

The sound of plop was accompanied by a splash of water. The gray-haired old ironman who had talked the most with Renly on the way lay on the boat and looked down, but only saw a hazy figure quickly dived into the deep water area and disappeared.

"What the hell is this kid doing?" He cursed in surprise.

"Too excited?"

Someone behind him laughed, "That kid encountered a storm, it's not easy to come back alive."

Pike Island is a very important island in the Iron Islands. The Greyjoy family who ruled the Iron Islands has lived in Pike City on the island for generations, so Pike Island is vaguely regarded by many people as the symbol and symbol of the Iron Islands, and also the proof of their return home.

The voyage was not long, but it also allowed the ironmen to understand that the little guy who was rescued halfway was a very interesting and sensible child, quiet and honest, so although the identity of the squire made the ironmen quite controversial, most people on the ship still had a certain goodwill towards the little guy.

However, they soon lost their mood to joke, because the crew found that a group of soldiers suddenly rushed over to the port, and they were all staring at them.

"Are you from the Tawney family?" When the ship was completely docked and the ladder was set up, one of the soldiers ran up and asked seriously.

"Yes, we just returned from the battlefield." The old iron man answered hurriedly.

"Why did you come back?"

"To send the wounded. We encountered a storm before, and fought several battles with the fleet of the river bay. Many people were injured."

"Where is the boy just now? Who is he?"

"We rescued him from the sea halfway. He is the squire of Heras Harlo." The old iron man answered, and then asked carefully.

"Sir, what's wrong with him?"

"King Baron wants to see him."

The Ironborn soldier replied, "Do you know where he ran to?"

"He went into the water and should come out soon." The old Ironborn replied, "Naughty boy, haha, he is not very honest, don't blame the leader."

The soldier nodded and returned to the boat and waited quietly with other companions.

However, they waited for a while and did not see the child's figure coming out from the sea in front of the port, nor did they find his appearance from other places. At first they could remain calm, but in the end they looked at each other in surprise.

Finally, until someone came to the port to urge them, they did not see the child appear on the sea behind the ship, so the soldier who asked the question had to go back to report.

Not long after, all the soldiers in the port received an order-

Watch out for a little boy with black hair and blue eyes, and report immediately if you find him.

But don't act without authorization.

"Why did my father suddenly order the pursuit of a little boy?"

After the last rays of dusk faded, the port environment of Pike Island was a little deserted. In a stone hall, a middle-aged man with long gray-black hair sitting on a chair waved away a subordinate, and the tall and thin boy standing next to him asked: "Is his identity not simple?"

"I'm not sure." The middle-aged man with sharp features and thin cheeks had a pair of sharp black eyes like knives. When he looked at his eldest son, he did not show any gentle emotions.

"But maybe he is very important."

"Why do you say that?" The boy was stunned when he heard it: "As far as I know, the boy is just a squire of a side knight in my mother's family. What's so important about him?"


The middle-aged man smiled faintly when he heard it: "The squire of Heras Harlo is indeed a young child, but as far as I know, the child is a boy with brown hair and black eyes, not black hair."

"Is he a spy?" The boy understood it after hearing this. However, the middle-aged man shook his head.

"Would you use a little boy as a spy?"

"Then he..."

Without responding immediately, the middle-aged man sitting in the first seat glanced at the empty rock hall with his sharp eyes, and then suddenly said: "Do you know how I won so many finger dances?"

The young man was stunned when he heard this, and then asked hurriedly: "You said before that it was the blessing of the Drowned God that made you win every time. Is there any secret in this?"

"There is indeed a secret." The middle-aged man said: "The secret is the blessing of the Drowned God."

"This-" The young man opened his mouth in surprise, feeling as if he heard a piece of nonsense, but seeing the serious look of his father in front of him, it didn't seem like a joke...

Not long after my father took the throne of Seastone, it was impossible to call on all the Iron Islands to launch a war, but this happened for him. Outsiders may be very surprised by this, but in fact there is nothing wrong with this process. The complicated place——

Won a bet.

A special "game" similar to a knight's duel has been circulating in the Iron Islands since ancient times. The rules of this game are that two people throw sharp hatchets at each other. The person being thrown must catch or dodge the whirling axe. , but cannot move even half a step.

This game is known to the Ironborn as the Finger Dance because the game usually ends when one of the participants loses at least one finger.

Finger dancing is so popular among the Ironborn that it is even a cultural practice. Legend has it that ancient Ironborn even used finger dancing to win the position of King of the Iron Islands.

No one knows whether it is true or not, but it is enough to prove the status of finger dancing in the hearts of the ironborn.

Every outstanding ironborn is good at finger dancing, and all ironborn agree that finger dancing is a game similar to dueling. Balon Greyjoy used this game to "persuad" all opponents, and finally brazenly started this war.

Of course, the specific situation is not simple. A simple finger dance will not have this effect, but Balon has won ten games!

In one day, ten consecutive finger dances, witnessed by all the lords of the Iron Islands and the Drowned Priest, Balon Greyjoy bet that he would win until the last one.

And his opponents are the veterans who are proficient in this art among the opponents on each island!

This process should be very difficult. Even if you are proficient in finger dance, you will inevitably become exhausted after participating in ten performances in a row. After all, fingers are not something that can be discarded casually. Each performance requires full concentration.

However, this seemingly impossible challenge was accomplished by the new king of the Iron Islands. Therefore, the lords of the islands who were willing to admit defeat had no objection to his proposal to launch a war. At the same time, they had no objection to the new king. support has also reached a higher level.

After that unforgettable finger dance competition, the boy's admiration for his father grew day by day. Originally, he thought that his father could be so brave because he did have powerful skills and reactions beyond ordinary people's understanding, but now it sounded like Isn’t that the case?

"I'm proficient in finger dancing, and so are others. If it hadn't been for the blessing of the Drowned God, I wouldn't have been able to save my hands for ten consecutive games, let alone win that contest."

Seeing his son's puzzled look, King Balon, who was sitting on the chair, said seriously: "You may think that my words are perfunctory, but in fact they are the truth. I can win precisely because of the Drowned God's power." Bless you!”

"But father, the Drowned God, the Drowned God—"

"You want to say that you have never seen the Drowned God perform any miracles?"

"No one has seen it." The boy replied softly.

"I have seen it." Balon said solemnly: "And now, His power is in my body. It is this power that protects me, and it is also this power that encourages me. The great Drowned God is in his palace of flowing water. Urges us to restore the ancient ways, so as long as I work hard for this goal, His blessing will always be there!"

Such mysterious and mysterious words made the black-haired boy even more confused. He stood there blankly, not knowing how to respond. In response, King Balon did not force him, but patted his son on the shoulder and narrowed his eyes. .

When did you attract the attention of the Drowned God?

He thought of the captain who violated his orders and went to sea without permission before the war broke out.

Balon admires the ancient roads very much and believes that only the ancient roads are the basis for the survival of the Iron Islands. Therefore, after taking the Seastone position, he set himself the goal of restoring the ancient roads and freeing the Iron Islands from the constraints of the rules of the unified kingdom.

But his initial plan was to unify the major forces on the island, twist them into a rope, and accumulate strength before finally launching a war.

However, after beheading the captain who disobeyed his orders, he suddenly changed his mind.

He could clearly feel the existence of the Drowned God's will, and he could also feel that the Drowned God was constantly urging him to start the ancient path. He could also feel that every time he thought about how to restore the ancient path, and every time he worked hard for it, At this time, a kind of power will emerge from the bottom of his heart, making his condition better and better.

As a result, he was able to quickly integrate the divided situation in the Iron Islands, so he was able to successfully reach a cooperation agreement with the Drowned people who suddenly appeared on the island, and then the war broke out.

The Drowned God was protecting him, Balon was convinced of this, and this made him more excited and confident than any other incentive.

So this war...

"What does this have to do with that boy?"

His son's words interrupted Balon's meditation. After thinking for a while, he said: "A few days ago, Aeron came back and claimed that there was a boy who could call fish schools and turn into a fish. He said that he was the son of the Drowned God. "

"Uncle Ellen's nonsense?" The young man heard the words and said disapprovingly: "Is he and the drowned people the only ones who believe this?"

"No." Balon stared at his son's face: "I believe it too."

"This-" The young man was startled again when he heard this.

"I didn't believe it at first, but now I believe it." Baron said some fanatical words in a calm tone.

"I felt him, I looked him in the eye, I am sure that boy is the second gift from the Drowned God, or he is the one who brought the Drowned God's blessing! You have to believe, Rodrik, the Drowned God is watching us, and the ancient road will surely revive!"

The black-haired boy named Rodrik nodded blankly after hearing this, feeling that he could no longer understand his great father, and this feeling reached its peak after the other party's next sentence.

"But if the war doesn't go well, Rodrik..." Baron was silent for a while, then lowered his voice and said, "You have to chop off my head before the enemy."

I will make a plan for more chapters later, and the rewards from friends in the past will be made up~

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