A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Update plan and some issues during this period

Regarding the update of this book, the initial plan is to add one chapter for 300 monthly tickets and one chapter for 10,000 recommendation tickets.

I thought about the final reward and update, and decided to add one chapter for each headmaster, but it is not that one person rewards one headmaster, but that one chapter will be added when all the rewards from the book friends are accumulated.

This update plan is also valid for the previous ones, so I currently owe eight chapters in terms of recommendation tickets, and I didn’t have any monthly tickets before. I won’t count today’s rewards. According to my previous statistics, I owe eight chapters in terms of rewards.

At present, I owe 16 chapters of updates, which I can’t pay back all at once. I can only pay back one chapter a day, and it may not be continuous, because the author’s typing speed is very slow, and sometimes the state is not enough. If I force myself to write, I can’t write anything satisfactory. For example, after the last book was put on the shelves, I tried to update three times a day, but I couldn’t stick to it after a while, because my mind would become very confused and I didn’t have much time to think all day.

So I hope you can understand this. Every author is different. I am obviously a novice author, lazy, stupid and slow, and can't be compared with those masters...

In addition, regarding the problem of the writing style being too obscure, I reflected on it and found that many places were indeed not written clearly. This may be because I am confused, or the foreshadowing is not clear enough. Everything is in my mind. What I feel is clear may not be felt by others. Just like I think that friends who have not read Game of Thrones should be able to understand this book, but in fact it is not the case. I will slowly improve this later.

Many friends feel that the Mark of Chaos is very messy. The main fault lies in my writing style. I have to write about the bad side effects first and then write about its use for the protagonist. I don’t explain it, but the pace is very slow...

This problem has caused many old and new friends to leave this book. I have to bear the consequences. However, I will not change the previous content, because I think the published articles are equivalent to things that have "happened" and are the only plots that the friends who follow the book know. So unless there are obvious loopholes, I will not change it. Those contents can be discouraged. I can only say that I will adjust my writing style appropriately in the following chapters.

As for the continuous arrival of historical figures, many friends also feel that it is very messy, and even destroys the original authenticity and the flavor of Game of Thrones. I have never thought about this. I mainly think that the appearance of historical figures from the same world in the contemporary world is not a real time travel. I even felt that this should be a very interesting setting, but it seems that it is not the case.

But again, since it has already happened, I will not change it. I will continue to write this setting according to my ideas. It also involves the protagonist's golden finger and some future plots. The only thing I can guarantee is that these characters who come only involve the second destroyed copy, and there will be no other timeline.

Finally, regarding the problem that some friends in the book review area complained that the names of Western people are too complicated, you don't need to remember what they are called. According to the current chapters on the shelves, the main characters are the protagonist, the female Maegor, the little queen who tracks the protagonist, the leader of the Ironborn team, and Baron who appears at the end.

I write the names of other people not because they are so important, but mainly because many people in the original book have names, and it is clearer to write them out. In fact, they don't have too important roles.

That's all.

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