The dazzling blue light was not limited to the drowned people on the Holy Coast. Even the commoners and nobles on Old Wyk Island could see it clearly or dimly after the light emerged.

The obviously extraordinary phenomenon shocked many people who put on their clothes and hurried in that direction. Some ignorant people believed that some treasure might have fallen from the sky in that direction, but more people realized that that The direction pointed to the Naga Hill where the Gray Sea King's Hall was located.

And recently, the incident of the Son of the Drowned God over there has been making a big fuss - a large number of Drowned people are gathering there, trying not to attract attention.

"Did they really perform some kind of miracle?"

In a castle tower, an old man looked over there and muttered to himself as he looked at the situation that was flickering like stars falling from the sky. After observing for a while, he resolutely turned around and walked towards the outside of the tower, deciding to take people to see the details. .

As the head of the Zhuogu family on the island, and also the leader recognized by the other lords of Old Wake Island, the old man's traveling team was large, and members of several other major families gathered on the way, heading towards that place. Heading towards the Sacred Coast.

They discussed this a lot on the way, and various speculations were constantly raised, but it was generally believed that the Drowned Men and their sons of the Drowned God might have caused the noise.

However, we still won’t know the details until we get there.

The light was very bright, so the closer they got to their destination, the clearer the road under their feet, and their speed was also fast.

Unfortunately, the light quietly extinguished before they reached their destination. When the team finally passed through a pile of rocks and arrived at the sacred coast, they were directly stopped by the drowned people.

"This is Dunstan Zhuogu, the head of the Zhuogu family and the leader of the plunderers on Old Wake Island." Some retainers under his command came forward to negotiate, but the drowned people who blocked the team did not give this face. .

"It involves the Son of the Drowned God. Even if King Balon comes, we can't let you in." One of the white-haired old Drowned people said expressionlessly: "My lords, please come back."

The Drowned people have a special status in the Iron Islands. Although they do not hold power and have no soldiers, from the leaders of each island to the common people, every iron race needs to be polite to them and cannot offend them at will.

Because what they represent behind them is the Drowned God.

"What happened inside?" A lord couldn't help but ask.

"We will tell you what you should know afterward." The old Drowned Man declared, and several other Drowned Man behind him were still blocking the way motionlessly.

So many lords and nobles who came in a hurry looked at each other, and in the end they could only leave in despair.

Their curiosity was not satisfied in the end, because the news that came out afterwards was only a few sentences, and it was mostly nonsense - the Son of the Drowned God communicated with the Great Drowned God, and performed miracles on the top of Naga Hill.

No one knew what the miracle was. Later, when they were able to get closer to the Naga Hills, all they saw was the bare top of the hill. That’s right, not only did they not see the miracle, but they also lost the ancient The remains of Naga.

This situation made the noble class generally dissatisfied, but the Drowned people remained silent about it and never revealed a single word. However, whenever they talked about this matter, their expressions looked fanatical.

"You are too presumptuous, Sauron!"

Under the sun, a skinny old drowned man pointed at the gray-haired old man opposite and cursed with dissatisfaction: "You are the one who asked us to come to Old Wake Island to worship the Son of God, and you are the one who prevents us from seeing the Son of God. We've been here for five days and we haven't even seen what the Son of God looks like. What are you doing to exclude us?"

"that is."

A bald old drowned man next to him heard this and complained: "We all know what you and that Zhuo Gu are planning. We have all agreed now. Yes, we agree, but you have to let us see our son of God. Sir! Apart from anything else, I want to apologize to you personally, but now you don’t even let me go. Do you want to kill me? "

These words made the gray-haired old man glance at this guy. He felt that this old guy was really thick-skinned. When he came here, he was just a little brat, but now he is like an adult.

But thinking about the shocking scene that happened that night, it is completely normal to have such a change...

What he was thinking did not affect his response. The gray-haired old man looked at the last person confronting him.

"Beron, you are a smart man. You should be able to understand that what I said is not a lie. It is indeed inconvenient for the Son of God to see people at the moment, and it is not that I have to stop you from seeing him."

"My lord, it is impossible to always be inconvenient." After hearing this, the blind man Beron, who opened his eyes and revealed a pair of gray pupils, said calmly: "I am different from them. I just want to ask when will it be convenient for Lord Son of God to see us who are devoted and devoted to our service?" Servants.”

"I need to ask." Salttongue Sauron heard this and said, "I will send someone to inform you of the results."

"That's what you said last time."

The skinny old Yan man heard this and said dissatisfiedly: "It was the same last time."

"Yes, I suspect you are lying to us."

The bald-headed Three-drowned Man Taler said angrily: "Actually, I didn't even ask!"

"I certainly didn't ask."

Salttongue Sauron said expressionlessly: "But it's not that I didn't ask, it's that I can't get close to you."

"You are joking?"

The skinny old man nicknamed Old Gray Ou sneered: "The gatekeepers are all your people, but you told me that you can't get close?"

"That's right, they think we are fools." Thaler, the Three Drowned Man, echoed.

"They are indeed my people." Salttongue Sauron said, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

"But now they obey the orders of the Son of God."

"This..." After hearing this, the two people opposite couldn't help but look at each other.

The tent made of fine sealskin looked strong and thick. At least, all the noise outside was blocked at this time.

There were always people running over from outside the door wanting to enter the camp, but the Drowned people guarding the door faithfully carried out the order given by their Lord Son of God before, that is, no one was allowed to disturb them.


Therefore, no matter the Drowned leaders, ordinary Drowned people, or even ordinary people who sneaked into the camp, they could not see the son of the Drowned God who was becoming more and more mysterious on Old Wyk Island, and even on the entire Iron Islands.

People who could not see the shadow of the Son of God were not dissatisfied because of this. They generally believed that their sacred Son of the Drowned God might be busy with something important, such as communicating with his father. However, this was just people filling their own minds. , In fact, Renly, the so-called Son of God, was not doing anything serious at this time, but was sleeping.

Yes, sleep.

In other words, he had just woken up and was sitting on the bedside rubbing his eyes.

Standing on the top of Nanaga Hills for three days, constantly communicating with the inexplicable will, this process was very taxing on Renly, and even after it was over, he passed out without even having time to check the changes caused by it.

It wasn't until after sleeping for a day and night that he woke up again, but he also felt very tired and weak. He couldn't help but yawn.

So he basically spent the past two days eating, sleeping, and eating.

It was only then that he felt mentally better, but he still had a faint headache.

But this did not stop him from looking in the mirror——

Products are scarce in the Iron Islands. The round mirror placed beside the bed was even brought by the Drowned all the way from Great Wyk Island, but it still didn't look like the ones he had in Highgarden or even Storm's End. Thorough, but this does not prevent Renly from observing himself, or in other words, observing the information emerging from the mirror.

[Racial Level: LV3]

[Occupation: Bard (entry), Knight (entry)]

[Professional characteristics: Sensitivity to music, spirit in singing]

[Possess knowledge: Heraldry LV7, Swimming LV7, Archery LV5]

[Possess knowledge: Poison Making LV5, Dagger Mastery LV5, Etiquette LV3, Fishing LV2... (LV1 skills are ignored)]

[Derivative characteristics: Psychic Crest, Valyrian Bloodline (Mutation), Curse of Ember, Son of the Warrior, Psychic Word, Naga Fire]

[Psychic language: You can feel the emotions transmitted by living beings, and you can also convey your own emotions through physical touch]

[Valyrian bloodline (mutation): The mutated Valyrian bloodline in your body has been strengthened again, your physique has been enhanced, and you have some mysterious qualities that come with the bloodline. When you are in the underwater world, you cannot You will feel tired and hungry, you have the ability to hallucinate and mimic, and your existence is very tempting to aquatic species]

[Naga Fire: Naga Fire will greatly inhibit the aging of your body, and your lifespan will be extraordinary]

Raising the racial level brought about an all-round improvement in physical fitness. However, because he was relatively weak at this time, Renly could not detect his current physical condition, but he could clearly see the changes in his body's characteristics.

The Valyrian blood mutated again, and it even seemed to allow him to become a tireless "perpetual motion machine" when in the ocean.

The psychic language is no different from the ability he had explored before, but now he seems to be able to feel the emotions of creatures at will, instead of only doing it when the other party is eager for it?

As for the final characteristics of Naga Fire…

Renly narrowed his eyes.

The physical improvement is just a change along with the communication. In fact, the most important gain from this change is not the self, but an external object. If exposed, it is destined to cause chaos and turmoil. foreign objects.

Thinking about it, he looked away from the mirror in front of him and looked at his left wrist.

The mark of chaos occupies the center of the wrist, the Seed of the Ancient Path symbol is in the lower left corner of the mark, and in the upper right corner of the mark, a blue snake head with clear lines and vividness is quietly flashing.

Or it is not the head of the snake, but the head of the sea dragon, the head of the sea dragon Naga.

However, in fact, there is not much connection between this quietly emerging mark and Naga. Its appearance is like this, but the inner situation would be enough to shock anyone if told.

What is sealed within this mark is a god.

The Drowned God!

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