What are gods?

As a modern man, Renly originally thought that the so-called gods might be some powerful beings with many abilities beyond ordinary cognition.

They might exist by relying on the faith of mortals, spreading their own will in the secular world at will, or they might be independent and powerful individuals, living in a world invisible to ordinary people.

He now believes that half of his cognition is correct, that is, gods rely on faith to exist, or there are indeed gods in this world that rely on faith to exist.

But this kind of gods are not so great.

Carefully considering the birth of gods, the process must be very complicated, but in general, Renly thinks it is very clear-believe, there is, do not believe, there is nothing, under long-term worship, the so-called gods gather many human wills and are born.

Renly does not know other gods, but this one on his wrist, or the Drowned God of the Iron Islands, he knows clearly what this thing is.

It is the Drowned God, but it is also Naga, a primitive totem belief.

That's right, the Drowned God is the sea dragon Naga, the first sea dragon in the world, the most powerful creature born in the sea. It feeds on sea monsters and sea beasts, and can swallow the entire island when angry.

In the story of the Iron Islands, Naga appeared as a villain. The first king of the islands, the Grey King, personally slaughtered it on Old Wyk Island, and used its ribs to make beams and pillars, its mouth to make a throne, and its teeth to make a towering pale crown.

Finally, the Grey King used the fire of Naga to warm his newly built new hall, and ruled the islands here for a thousand years, and finally stepped into the sea.

This story is talked about by countless iron races, and is also considered nonsense by many scholars, but in fact it is not a story, but a real thing.

Renly could not determine the specific year and month of existence, but when communicating on the top of the hill, he "saw with his own eyes" the general process of the terrifying sea dragon Naga from being worshipped to being killed.

Humans feared it, so they knelt down to worship it and offered sacrifices to it. As they worshipped it more, the so-called Drowned God was born.

Unfortunately, no one among the Ironborn understood that the faith in the Drowned God, which they had inherited for thousands of years, had actually long been a "degenerate" and godless pseudo-god school. In other words, the Drowned God they chanted day and night had long been killed by their first king, and the divinity that the Drowned God had brewed by gathering many human beliefs, or the Naga fire in the story, was also extinguished.

So the Drowned God no longer existed, both physically and spiritually.

But this non-existence was not complete, because the Drowned God would not disappear completely until this belief was forgotten by humans.

It's just that this non-disappearance is actually no different from the real disappearance. He lost his life and his spirituality, and he had become a mindless existence formed by the gathering of many beliefs and wills.

What can this existence do?

The facts of the Iron Islands for thousands of years have proved that he can do nothing, because he has become a dead water.

It was not until Renly appeared that a ripple appeared in this dead water.

Renly didn't understand why this ball of dead water would react to him. He guessed that it might be because of the chaotic mark on his left wrist, or that his spiritual heart characteristics were sensed by this ball of dead water, which gave him feedback, and then took him through a hazy "memory flashback" again.

At the same time, he couldn't understand why the Drowned God was "resurrected" on his wrist.

That's right, resurrection.

It wasn't a real resurrection, but at this moment, a wisp of Naga fire had been born in the blue mark on Renly's wrist, or a wisp of the divinity of the Drowned God, which could burn out with just a slight touch.

What can it do?

Renly couldn't be sure, at least, he didn't think that this thing would continue to breed new seeds like the axe mark, because after a few days of observation, he found that this thing was slowly growing, instead of splitting new flames.

At the same time, he could "dig out" this wisp of flame like the seed of the ancient road, but after digging it out, he could put it back.

So Renly guessed that he seemed to... maybe... maybe use this thing to... create a god?

What's the use of this?

Or, what's the use of creating a god?

He was not sure. During the communication with Naga, he vaguely saw many terrifying scenes that made the sea water roar, but he was not sure whether it was the ability of the sea dragon itself or the power of the Drowned God.

Because there was only such a wisp of fire, Renly did not dare to try it casually. At the same time, he was not prepared to use this thing on himself, or he tried, but the fire could not be integrated into his body at all.

Maybe this thing is also picky?

Everything is unknown. Renly only knows that with the birth of this fire, his race level was "incidentally" raised by one level. There is not much information to explain the extra characteristics of the Naga fire, but referring to the stories and legends, it is very likely that he can live for hundreds or thousands of years...

Not to mention the increase in race level, he suddenly changed from a mortal with a limited lifespan to an obviously inhuman existence. No one in the world can keep a normal mind for such an opportunity - human beings' desire for immortality comes from the desire deep in life, and even many wise monarchs cannot avoid this desire.

Now he has "easily" obtained it, which is obviously a good thing.

However, Renly is still a little kid now and cannot feel the existence of aging. He does not feel that there is anything too surprising about this. In other words, for now, he pays more attention to the troubles that will follow after this fire is ignited... …

Thinking about this, the boy sitting on the bedside frowned.

The birth of a god, or in other words, the resurrection of a god, obviously cannot be just the radiance on the surface. At the same time, this brand-new fire is obviously some great treasure.

It would be fine if no one knew about all this, but there was so much movement that day, and hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes saw the vast scene that was like the arrival of a god into the world. If all this spreads...

Westeros is certainly a seemingly normal medieval world, but who knows what is hidden in this world?

Could it be that you are the only one who “knows it”?

"We can't wait any longer according to the original plan, lest some evil spirits come to visit us."

he thought.

Leaving Old Wyk Island or the Iron Islands is not a difficult thing for Renly at present, because many Drowned People have begun to obey him unconditionally, but if he communicates this matter directly with the Drowned People...

Renly was a little hesitant about this, but that attitude had mostly disappeared that afternoon.

Because the arrival of a visitor brings a better opportunity to the door——

The visitor is Balon Greyjoy, King of the Iron Islands.

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