Renly believed that the storm was unavoidable, because all the phenomena outside were exactly the same as his previous encounters, silently revealing that the remnants of the curse in his body had recurred.

However, just as they were preparing and waiting silently, no storm was born that day. And the next day, when the light of dawn bloomed, they saw that the dark clouds covering the sky had quietly dispersed.

"Why is this happening?"

Standing in front of the window and staring at everything, Renly was a little puzzled by this.

Taking a closer look at everything yesterday, it seems that nothing special happened except for a crow flying by, so the storm that was supposed to appear was blocked by that crow...?

Or was everything yesterday just normal and not a curse?

Generally speaking, this is a good thing. He is still happy to see the incomprehensible and incomprehensible. It seems that the curse on his body has a "cooling time", and there are no signs of recurrence in the following days until they He was safely sent to land by a small boat sent by the captain of the Hammer of Fury.

The destination of the Hammer of Wrath was still farther away, under the sea city, but that didn't mean that Renly and the two of them needed to follow it, so after waving goodbye to the brig that was gradually moving away, Renly took a bag of Balon. The golden dragon given to him by Thunderjoy and a "man" who was as tall and thin as a bamboo pole walked on the road back to Highgarden.

"The initial route is to cross the seaside city where the war is still going on, then follow the path along the coastal edge to Lannister Port, and finally follow the coastal road there to Highgarden."

The bald boy wearing an ordinary gray cotton coat and linen trousers said to the bamboo pole beside him: "You can ride a horse, right?"

"Is riding a horse harder than riding a dragon?"

The other person's soft question made Renly touch his forehead, but after hearing that the other person's words were just teasing, and his expression actually relaxed, he understood that this person could actually ride a horse, so he nodded and continued to give instructions: " If we meet anyone, we are a father and son who escaped from Haijiang City. Although this matter is not important, don’t reveal the truth. "

"Don't worry, it's much harder to be a faceless man than you think." Rhaenys said as she glanced at the boy: "I can be anyone if necessary."

This guy is indeed no longer the guy who looked mature but actually didn't understand anything.

Renly nodded and then went on his way.

They landed on a sunny afternoon at a rocky beach. Gradually walking deeper into the land, they passed by a low pine forest and finally landed in a vacant and abandoned village when the sky was dark. .

"It is said that whenever the Ironborn invade, Seaside City will ring a huge bronze bell to call the surrounding people to take refuge in the castle."

In the house made of mud, the two people had set up a bonfire for heating. The dim yellow light made the two shadows, one large and one small, hazy and swaying. The green smoke drifting from the firewood also made the The air inside the farmhouse became quite pungent.

"Everyone who wanted to come here has already taken refuge."

As the boy spoke, he glanced at the other person and found that his expression was much more serious than before. He couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong?"

"This is too close to the battlefield."

Rhaenys would always speak in her original voice when no one else was around, so Renly felt very awkward.

"Indeed, but I don't think the Ironborn will have the heart to send people out to sweep the surrounding villages under the current circumstances. It is already the end of the war, and there is not much time left for them."

He said, seeing that the expression on the other person's face still did not relax, he couldn't help but make a joke.

"Besides, with the existence of a great magician like you, do we still need to be afraid of those stupid mortals?"

The words made Rhaenys glance at him briefly.

"Magic cannot be used casually. It requires preparation time and a certain price."

As she said this, she frowned unconsciously: "Magic is more difficult to cast here than before, and many of them are no longer useful."

Renly had no say in the matter, so he just shrugged.

"Anyway, I don't think there will be any surprises if we hide here. Let's not talk about the situation of the battle. The ironmen don't have the time to raid a village like this that looks like it has already been raided."

This was not a full statement, but it also showed a lot of confidence.

Unfortunately, accidents always happen suddenly and do not occur according to common sense.

That night, the two people turned off the fire and hid in the fur cloaks prepared in advance. However, relying on his sensitive hearing, Renly suddenly heard an abnormal sound of horse hooves approaching quickly. This made him wake up from his half-asleep. He stood up and looked around. Not far away, Rhaenys had also been awakened and was looking over.

After the two looked at each other, they quietly walked to the window of the house and looked out. Then they saw a group of three knights running wildly on the road in the center of the village under the moonlight. They looked like they were obviously running away.

This made Renly secretly feel a little bad.

But they did not act rashly, but stayed quietly in this inconspicuous mud house and carefully observed the outside world.

Not long after, the pursuer came into view——

It was a group of ironmen, also riding horses, but they looked obviously not as skilled as the previous three. However, their speed was not slow, and it took less than a few dozen seconds from the time they came into sight to the time they disappeared into the distance.

The whole process of chasing and escaping seemed to last only a minute or two. The two people who were awakened were completely sleepless at this time, but it seemed that they were still safe.

"There won't be any surprises?"

Rhaenys's question made Renly a little embarrassed.

"Isn't it that there is no accident? If you sleep deeply, you won't even notice that this happened."

The other party did not respond, but turned around and began to pack up his luggage. Seeing this, Renly also got busy.

Being chased by the Iron Men, he must be an important person, but this has nothing to do with them.

It's just that no matter whether those Iron Men can catch up with their target, there is a high possibility that they will pass by here when they return, so the two of them will be exposed if they stay here, so they must move as soon as possible.

This does not need to be said explicitly, they can think of it naturally. But seeing the skilled appearance of the person next to him and some conversations on the road, Renly felt disappointed.

He could not match the person next to him with the Rhaenys in his memory. The former one was cunning, lively and active, but the one in front of him was very dull.

Time can change everything.

He thought, then shook his head, ignoring the melancholy that suddenly grew in his heart, and quickly packed up his cloak, tinder, oil cloth, dagger, etc., and then followed her decisively out of the door and left the village.

Although it was different from the expected route, they still carefully avoided the direction of the group's advance and hurried on under the hazy moonlight.

However, it seemed that their luck began to deteriorate after landing. Before they had been on the road for long, a knight who was on the way made the two of them change their faces instantly-

One of the three runaways!

The other party also obviously discovered the existence of the two, so he shouted.

"Run, there are monsters!"

He didn't need to say it, the two had already turned around and ran towards a bush behind, but why did this sound a bit strange.

With this thought in mind, Renly heard a strange wolf howl behind him, and couldn't help turning his head to take a look, and then he saw a werewolf.

Or... werewolf?

Thank you to the book friend Meili Qiang Wudi for the 5,000 reward, thank you to the book friend Heath Ice Tea for the 1,000 reward, thank you to the book friend Peerless Argumentative for the 500 reward,

Thank you to the book friends Arcane on the Top, Tianting Difu Renjian and Rugeng for the 100 reward~

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