At a quick glance, the white-haired monster was very clear under the moonlight, with its blood-stained and ferocious wolf mouth, scarlet eyes, and the strange appearance of the monster running on all fours like a wolf, but with a human body shape...

The one who yelled a warning at them had already galloped past on horseback, but the two people on the roadside had no time to dodge or hide before they were caught sight of the monster.

Renly narrowed his eyes because of this. Seeing that he could not hide, the tall and thin man beside him rushed forward without retreating. A sharp dagger appeared in his hand at some point.

"Wait a minute -" Renly called out from behind, but the other party who was so focused on it didn't seem to hear it, or in other words, he didn't pay attention to it. He jumped forward quickly, facing the roaring and biting mouth of the monster, she quickly spun around. He dodged with his body, and the dagger in his hand penetrated into the monster's jaw with a sneer!

Her movements were very fast, and she looked like a dragonfly floating lightly on the lake. However, her attack did not work, or it should be said that the fatal situation did not cause serious injuries to the monster as usual——

Although the dagger penetrated deeply into the throat next to the wolf's mouth, it only made the monster's roar hoarse and weak, but did not hinder its movement at all!

Instead, it seemed to be irritated. It swung its back, raised its paws on the ground and scratched at the tall and thin man!

Rhaenys reacted quickly and narrowly escaped this attack. However, the monster's next grab directly tore several gaps in the clothes on her arms, leaving traces on the surface of her skin. A bloody scar.

The confrontation in one or two breaths has now progressed to the next stage. The monster that should have been seriously injured is jumping alive, but the tall and thin man whose arm has withstood a small attack seems to be affected by it. Facing the biting monster, he is a bit confused. The reaction was slow, and in the end he had to roll sideways to avoid it. However, this reaction seemed particularly unwise in front of the monster on all fours.

However, the situation did not continue to deteriorate, because Renly on the side had already rushed into the battlefield, blocking the monster's attack route.

"Get out of the way!"

Rhaenys's voice sounded behind her, filled with anxiety.

Although the confrontation was brief, it still made her understand how difficult this inhuman existence was——

The reaction speed is fast, but the attack is wide open. If this was a normal human enemy, she could basically defeat it in one round, but this monster that looked like a humanoid seemed to have no weaknesses.

In other words, its weakness is unknown!

In this case, it would be unwise to continue to fight with brute force, so Rhaenys was already thinking of running away. However, it was not clear whether it was the aging of her body or the poison on the monster's claws. At this time, she only felt dizzy. His heart was beating wildly, and even his evasive movements were affected, and he finally had to face the enemy in embarrassment.

However, although she seemed to be lying on the ground in a panic, in fact, as a faceless man who was proficient in mysticism, she still had the means to try to get rid of the monster's counterattack.

But now that Renly was running in front of her, she couldn't use it at all.

Maybe the long years have made her accustomed to facing danger alone, maybe the erosion of time has long made her forget how she was rescued, maybe the violent dizziness has made her a little hazy, in short, at this time, she subconsciously looked at the scene in front of her. Bit Dang was treated like a child with little strength.

So when she found out that the child had successfully stopped the ferocious monster and even took the initiative to "negotiate", she couldn't help but look dazed, and then looked dazed as if she had recalled something, but then she didn't think much about it. What's wrong, because she felt that the surrounding environment was getting more and more erratic, hazy, and...

Renly in front did not notice anything unusual about the person behind him. He was currently trying to comfort the werewolf monster in front of him, looking at it, and even raising his hand to touch the monster's forehead.

The distance is very close, the monster's appearance is very clear, its eyes are scarlet, full of violence, the ferocious fangs are stained with blood, and even entangled with a few strands of human black hair, the narrow mouth and head are similar to a normal wolf head, but The body is like a human being.

Renly saw the existence of this kind of monster for the first time, but in fact he was not unfamiliar with it. This unfamiliarity was not just because of the memories related to his previous life, but because of the mark on his wrist.

In other words, he can feel that this monster is a product of chaos——

Just like his octopus.

During the long experiment, he learned that most of these products would not be hostile to him, so he was ready to stop Rhaenys who wanted to attack from the beginning, so he stopped the two at this time. middle.

This is actually a bit risky, because no one can be sure that this rule will work for all chaotic existences, but Renly is prepared for this, and even if he can't stop him, he can still escape——

The recent upgrade of his racial level had strengthened his physical fitness again. After getting through that period of weakness, Renly had already tested that his strength was no weaker than that of an average adult, but in terms of agility, due to his short and nimble body, Renly The body is even more extraordinary.

This was the reason why he dared to intervene rashly. Fortunately, or unsurprisingly, the monster in front of him did not attack again after being stopped by him. Instead, he hesitated in place, sniffing with his nose, and the scarlet eyes gradually faded.

Renly could feel that it seemed to be full of pain at this time, so he raised his hand to transmit the comforting emotion to it. This made the monster's mood become more stable, and the monster's appearance that was a little ready to bypass him and continue to attack also changed. He became much more obedient, even sitting on the ground with his lower body crossed like a dog, whimpering at Renly's touch.

Unfortunately, this kind of honesty did not last long and disappeared. It was not that there was a mistake on Renly's side, but that there was a sudden loud sound of horse hooves on the road ahead.

This sound made the monster a little restless, but it seemed reluctant to let go of the boy's touch, so it did not react directly. However, when an arrow suddenly flew from behind, it was instantly filled with anger after the arrow was hit in its back. He howled, and then without hesitation, he ran towards the depths of the bushes nearby. His movements were fast, like a white ghost. After a few breaths, he disappeared into the woods behind the bushes.

Its escape movements are very skillful...

This thought flashed through his mind, and Renly stared at the group of knights who appeared in front of him.

Under the hazy moonlight, a silver-grey flag fluttered slightly in the night wind. Under the flag, more than twenty knights were fully armed and were trotting towards here.

They are obviously not Ironborn, and although the drooping flag is hard to see clearly, if you look closely, you can still find the symbol of the twin towers.

"It's House Frey from the Riverlands."

Renly said with a slight sigh of relief, turning his head to look at Rhaenys behind him as he spoke.

"They may be chasing the monster. Let's treat it as father and son later. Don't-"

Before he could finish his words, Renly suddenly realized that Rhaenys behind him had passed out unconsciously.

This made him a little dumbfounded, and then his expression changed when he saw the wound on her arm that had been scratched by the monster.

"The claws won't be poisonous, right?"

This guess made Renly squat down to check the wound, and found that the surface seemed to be faintly black, and his heart quickly sank to the bottom.

At the same time, the group of knights from the Frey family had arrived nearby. One of them rode a horse closer, lowered his head and asked, "Boy, is she scratched?"

Upon hearing this, Renly turned his head to look at the knight in full plate armor, but before he could respond, the other party had clearly seen the scars on Rhaenys' arms exposed in the moonlight, so he didn't say anything else. He immediately turned over and dismounted, and as he stepped forward, he drew out the long sword from his waist.

"What do you want to do?" Renly asked with a frown.

"kill him."

There are only two chapters today. After the tooth extraction, my face is swollen and my brain is hurting. I am really not in a good condition. Will try to update tomorrow. In addition, I am now owed 18 chapters. Yesterday, the monthly ticket price surged and increased by two chapters...

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