There is silence in the sacred forest next to the southern wall of the Red Castle. When walking in it, the chirping of birds and the crunching of leaves underfoot are the most obvious sounds here. The surrounding trees are towering, including elms, cypresses, black poplars...

Dense trees stand continuously, with greenery overhead, and the road in front of you is covered with spots of radiant sunlight.

There is a peaceful atmosphere here, and there is no stinky smell in the air like other places in King's Landing. It is a very suitable place to relax, and Renly feels that he has missed a lot before——

But it’s not too late to find out now.

Renly's destination was the Heart Tree, the core of the Godswood Forest, because the Seven Gods needed to plunder the power from the Heart Tree to repair the dagger. However, when he arrived at the Heart Tree, he suddenly found a person who shouldn't have been here - Queen Cersei.

His footsteps were not concealed, and when he saw the woman in a crimson dress standing under the Heart Tree, she also turned her head and looked over. Renly couldn't help but frown when he saw this, because he found this A beautiful woman with bright blond hair now had a bruise on her left cheek.

"Your Highness the Queen." Renly paused and bowed from afar.

The other party obviously did not expect that someone would come to disturb him, and it seemed that he did not expect that it would be Renly, the Baratheon who has been in the limelight recently. There was a hint of displeasure on his face unconsciously, but he did not raise his hand to cover his face. "Ugly", but smiled openly and nodded at the black-haired young man.

"Why is Lord Renly here?"

"I come out to relax occasionally, but I don't want to meet His Highness here." Renly replied politely.

Although he has regarded the other party as an imaginary enemy, no one can see any hostility on his face at this time.

"It's quite quiet here. It's not as noisy as the church. It's really suitable for relaxing." Queen Cersei said in a calm tone. At the same time, her green eyes moved and she glanced at the surrounding environment. "But if there are gods, then the old God may be angry that we use His temple as a recreational space without any respect for it.”

"If God is really God, then does He care what humans think of Him?" Renly replied with a shrug.

"It's a pity that I'm not a god, otherwise I could answer your question."

The godswood is the "temple" of the old gods in the north. Before the ancient Andals and the Seven Gods they believed in invaded Westeros, the faith of the old gods spread throughout the continent. Naturally, places like the godswood It is also very common in Westeros and can be found in historic castles.

However, except for the northern border and some scattered areas, no one believes in the old gods anymore. Even the area below, or the sacred woods in most castles, have become a forest garden for ordinary relaxation. Entering this place There are few people who have piety and awe.

The two of them were naturally the same now, but no one cared about it. After chatting and laughing for a while, Cersei took the initiative to leave after seeing that Renly had no intention of leaving.

Watching her leaving figure, Renly couldn't help but frown.

The other party's walking posture looked dignified and elegant. Looking at the back, who could have guessed that her face was disfigured at this time?

The marks were obviously the result of being slapped hard, silently revealing the existence of domestic violence.

And as a queen, who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, who dares to hit her?

The answer is self-evident.

Renly couldn't help but sigh.

Looking back at the past, he realized that he had done something wrong.

The fundamental conflict between Cersei and Robert is not that Cersei has an affair with her brother, but that the two have different tempers. Even if they work together, even if there are no problems with the heirs, other problems will arise.

This made him think more.

Cersei had an affair with her brother before getting married, and Robert had an illegitimate daughter before getting married.

After marriage, Robert went out to visit prostitutes every now and then. After marriage, Cersei had an affair with her brother and gave birth to three illegitimate children...

It's obvious that neither Cersei nor Robert is a stickler for rules. No matter what their moods or unspeakable secrets are, both of them behave in the same way. From Renly's point of view, neither one is much better than the other.

And whoever becomes the king in the future seems to have nothing to do with me... So what does it have to do with me if the cheap brother is a cuckold?

As long as there is no other trouble, what will happen even if a Lannister descendant sits on the Iron Throne?

It's just... this seems a bit taken for granted. It would be nice if it was really that simple.

After some random thinking, Renly suddenly felt a sense of world-weariness. He felt that it was really annoying that he was trapped in such boring dramas. When could he put everything down and quietly become a traveler?

After sighing, he shook his head and stopped thinking about it, and walked to the heart tree.

The heart tree in the Godswood of the Red Castle is different from the ones in other places. Generally, the heart tree in the Godswood is a pale weirwood, but now this one is a large twisted and tangled oak tree.

The oak tree is wide and thick, with lush branches and red grass growing around the roots. An exaggerated and ancient-looking human face is carved on the trunk.

Sitting here on his knees, Renly found that his face was facing this face. After taking a few glances, he suddenly felt that this face was really a human face that was pressed alive on it, rather than carved on it. illusion.

Of course, this feeling cannot be true, because the line structure of this face is simple and exaggerated. At a glance, it looks like a grimace.

"If I came to see it at night, I would probably panic."

Muttering softly, Renly raised his left hand holding the medium dagger and touched the face on the heart tree.

The dagger blocked the way, but it would not prevent the use of a certain power. The Seven Gods, who had existed for more than ten thousand years but rarely saw miracles, could now use the mark on Renly's wrist to do something, but they needed Renly to touch it himself.

For example, resurrection and hair dyeing in the past, and the current "plundering power".

The rough tree trunk felt a little cold and hard, and a faint golden light grew from Renly's palm that touched the tree trunk, crowding out along the gaps between his fingers and around his palm, and became brighter and brighter.

The light in the Godswood was originally a little dim, but at this moment, the golden light bloomed, as if a bright lamp was lit, and the handsome face of the black-haired young man was illuminated by it, as if it was coated with a layer of gorgeous gold, but for some reason, although the light coming out of the gaps in his palms became brighter and brighter, Renly did not feel the slightest bit of glare.

The light emanated from his palm and gradually penetrated into the big oak tree. It didn't seem obvious at first, but gradually, the whole tree slowly lit up with golden light, as if a golden flame was smoldering inside the trunk, and the light radiated through the bark, becoming brighter and brighter.

This scene was a bit unexpected, and he regretted not waiting a little longer. However, when Renly wanted to withdraw his hand, he found that his hand seemed to have been tightly tied to the trunk by a rope, and he couldn't get away no matter how hard he pulled.

It seemed that this process could not be stopped once it started.

So he could only grit his teeth and keep this posture, with a bad premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, after a while, a female scream appeared on his back.

The title is gone, gosh...

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