The dark clouds slowly dissipated, revealing the bright sunshine that had been blocked for a long time, gradually spreading and spreading on the ocean surface in sight, with waves of deep blue waves.

The surrounding sea breeze was no longer violent, but became soothing and intermittent, and the waves were stable, and they seemed particularly warm when hitting the reef under his buttocks.

Observing all this quietly, Renly secretly felt a pity.

The storm did not really blow up, but suddenly dissipated after brewing for a long time, so that the endless huge fleet escaped a disaster.

Obviously, this was not a normal dissipation, but the result of supernatural interference, probably those red-robed monks, or even the leading red-robed monk who was shot through the heart by his arrow -

That's right, Renly did not think that the red-robed monk was completely dead.

Although he saw the man being shot by himself, he remembered that the red-robed monk had the ability to resurrect people. He didn't know much about the specific situation, but he had been prepared for failure. At this time, it seemed obvious.

However, the act of shooting the leader of the red-robed monks may have failed, but it did not affect his other gain.

Thinking of this, Renly turned his head and looked at the sloppy young man who was lying on the stone behind him.

This man looked like a beggar, with long silver hair like weeds sticking to his cheeks, and the clothes that should have been luxurious were now wrinkled. His face was pale and his eyes were closed. Now he was in a coma.

Renly narrowed his eyes.

Originally, he came here just to observe the enemy's preparations to obtain intelligence, and at the same time he held the extravagant hope of triggering the storm. However, after encountering the "sea monster" under the pirate ship and "communicating" with the familiar pirate to understand the details, Renly saw an opportunity.

So after the pirate threw a longbow and a tube of arrows into the sea, Renly took action. The effect was obvious-

The man behind him was Viserys Targaryen, the only remaining male of the Targaryen family.

In other words, this person is the core of the enemy's uprising, the candidate for king, and his status among the enemy is comparable to Robert of Westeros.

And now, the enemy's "king" has been captured by himself...

"Therefore, there seems to be little hope of withdrawing troops, but at least they can be in chaos for a while." Thinking about the consequences of his actions, Renly felt optimistic, "It seems that the only Targaryen left is the Dragon Mother, but she is a woman, and now there are no dragons. Will she be given the title of queen?"

Renly is not sure about this, but he believes that the enemy will definitely pay attention to a "pretext for the war", otherwise without the banner of Targaryen, they will completely belong to the ranks of invaders, and invaders cannot be recognized by local lords, which is completely different from the name of Targaryen's comeback.

But it's useless to think about this now. After thinking about it, he stopped thinking about it and focused his attention on the captive himself.

This hostage is very useful in hand, but it is not so easy to take him back to Westeros. It wasn't a supply problem. In fact, Renly had already considered supply when he got off the pirate ship. Fresh water and food were provided by the pirates, which were very sufficient.

The problem was to hurry.

The sea monster was a very obvious sign. When Renly was ready to use the sea monster to attack the ship, the pirates had to run away in advance, otherwise they would obviously not have a good end if they stayed there.

The sea was different from the land. After this separation, he couldn't find the pirates at all.

So he had to rely on himself to return, and...

The young man who was unconscious on the reef suddenly groaned faintly, as if he was about to wake up. In fact, he had woken up before, and Renly had asked all the questions he should ask. He found that this man was obviously a simple-minded fool, and what he knew was not of much value.

So at this time, Renly had no idea of ​​communicating with Viserys. After noticing the noise, he stood up and kicked directly, and the beggar-like captive fell asleep again.

Then Renly looked at the sea ahead. Under the dark water, a huge black shadow could be seen lurking on the seabed, with its tentacles swinging unconsciously, silently, but extremely terrifying.

It was an alienated sea monster octopus, a terrifying giant.

Renly did not think of using "Octopus Son" to continue attacking the enemy, because the last attack had seriously injured it, which could not be seen from the outside, but the emotions it conveyed were full of pain.

However, after letting it go freely for a while, the pain of the monster seemed to be much relieved when it came back again. Apart from anything else, it was not a problem to take two people on the road.

It's just that the speed is not fast, and it's still bumpy...


"...Strange... It's been too long..."

"Detoxification treatment... Hateful..."

"You need to increase the dosage..."


There were faint conversations around him, and he tried to listen clearly, but it was always vague and he couldn't do it.

His thoughts seemed to be hung with a heavy object. No matter what he thought about, it seemed slow and laborious. His whole body seemed to be falling apart. He felt weak and painful everywhere, which made the old man lying on the bed feel very difficult. He groaned unconsciously.

Then he felt that the conversations around him suddenly stopped. After a while, a relatively clear female voice sounded from his ears, "Jon, are you awake?"

"Jon? Are you awake?"

The voice sounded familiar. The old man struggled to think, and after a while he remembered that it was his wife Lysa.

She is taking care of herself?

Why did she get sick?

Who is the person she is talking to?

Many questions slowly rose in his mind, but they didn't seem to be very important. The slightly relaxed mind made the old man instinctively feel that his condition was very bad, so he gathered all his strength, his lips trembled and moved, and he said something that sounded very inexplicable, "Help me, help me to the chair!"

There were only a man and a woman by the old man's bed at this moment. After hearing this, they looked at each other,

"What should I do?"

The red-haired woman asked in a low voice, "He, he seems to be awake?"

"It's just a struggle before death." The thin man said indifferently. Said: "He is too old. Even if the detoxification treatment of the maester is effective, don't expect him to recover."

"But he is now-"

"Don't worry, there will be no problem."

As he said, the thin middle-aged man confidently stepped forward to help the bald old man who was lying on the bed and leaned against the bedside, and raised his voice and said: "Lady Lysa, go and ask Maester Kemon to come over. The Prime Minister seems to be awake!"

The loud voice startled the woman, and then she glared at her lover with a reproachful look, turned around and walked quickly out the door.

After a while, the young maester in a gray robe trotted over and quickly examined the old man who was slumped against the bedside. However, his examination was hindered because the old man insisted on sitting on the chair during this period, as if it was something important.

His voice was as weak as a mosquito, but the majesty of the former prime minister forced the scholar to treat it with caution. At first, he pretended not to hear it, but finally he gritted his teeth and made up his mind, helped the old man out of bed and walked to the desk not far away.

The man and woman in the room looked at each other, thinking that this behavior might worsen the "illness", so they did not stop it. But the Grand Maester Pycelle who ran over later was angry about this. After looking at the weak old man slumped in the chair, he glared and scolded.

"The most important thing for Prime Minister now is self-cultivation. What are you doing?"

"The Prime Minister ordered me to do this." The young scholar replied. He was a bachelor brought by the old duke from the valley, so he naturally had to obey the old man's orders.

"Don't you know that this will make the Prime Minister's health worse?"

"I think proper exercise will be more conducive to the Prime Minister's recovery."

"You-you young man, your knowledge is so shallow, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! Get out of the way, I have to help the Prime Minister back!"


The young scholar didn't say anything, and suddenly stopped talking. The expression on the face of the Grand Maester Pycelle, who was quite angry at the argument, was also stunned. In addition to them, the remaining couple in the room were even more frightened at this time.

The old man who was originally slumped in the chair trembled and picked up a letter and read it with difficulty for a few times. He was much more energetic, his hunched waist was slightly straightened, and his weak and crooked neck could barely hold it back. His drooping eyelids opened, and the turbidity that should have been filled in his blue-gray eyes suddenly became much clearer.

Then, under the stunned gaze of the people in the room, the old man panted and began to flip through the documents. At first, he was slow and trembling, but gradually he became more flexible. In the end, he even breathed more steadily as if he had just recovered from a serious illness. He even picked up a feather pen to start reviewing!

"Am I dreaming?"

The rustling sound of the pen tip touching the parchment was endless. The white-bearded scholar stroked his snow-white beard unconsciously, with a thoughtful expression and a confused heart.

The young scholar next to him was also quite surprised by this, but more of a surprise. He watched all this excitedly and sincerely rejoiced for his master's recovery.

The only two people left in the room had strange expressions. They stared blankly at the bald old man on the chair who was becoming more and more energetic. They were speechless and obviously dumbfounded.

Thank you to Heath Ice Tea Book Friend for the 10,000 rewards,

Thank you to Xiaotang246 Book Friend, Pear Apple Pear 303 Book Friend and Tal'dalin Bige No. 1 Book Friend for the 100 rewards~

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