A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 275 Thoughts, Plans, and Accidents

There was silence in the room. The black-haired young man had been sitting quietly on the chair. He seemed to be covering his wrists and closing his eyes in deep thought, but in fact he was communicating with "people".

"What do you think about my ability to travel into history?" he asked.

"I think this is because you stole the power of the old gods of the north." The pleasant voice replied: "The old gods of the north are the oldest belief in gods in the world. They can see a little bit of the future and look back to the past. . Your abilities are very similar to them."

"Then what do you think about history and the present?" Renly asked instead.

"History has been written, now we need humans to create it."

"I mean, the historical world and the present world."

"This involves the origin of the world and the movement of time. I can't answer this question." The pleasant voice said: "It exceeds the knowledge reserve given to me by the gods."

"Okay, then I'll just say it." Renly said: "Can you be sure that the time we are in now is a normal time, not a history? How can you be sure that many things now are what humans need to create? , instead of something that has already been determined?”

"This is impossible. The past and present are inseparable, but completely different. It-"

"To me it's possible."

Renly interrupted, "In my opinion, many things in this world are doomed, and how similar is this to what we call history?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about, Renly." The other party said strangely: "Are you talking about the power of prophecy? But that doesn't mean anything. Prophecy only involves a little depth of time."

Renly shook his head and said nothing.

How can he say that this world is actually a TV series? Or is it a novel?

According to the memory of his previous life, this was naturally correct, but being in it, Renly did not think that this world was fake. The environment, animals, humans, the slightly dull air that penetrated his nostrils, the hard wood under his buttocks... The chair, the smell of freshly washed soap, and the silky feel of the satin robe...

This world is real, Renly is sure of it, but it is also false.

In many ways, this place is actually very similar to the historical copy that has been finalized.

At the same time, after being reincarnated as Renly, he changed many things, but one phenomenon remained unchanged, and that was the birth of the original character.

He has focused on this over the years.

Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran from the Stark family in the north, Joffrey, Myrcella, Tommen from the Red Keep, Shireen from the Baratheon family, Samwell from the Tarly family , Brienne of Tarth...

He had an impression of these people, but they had not been born since he came here and were younger than him.

So here comes the problem.

Normally, even if conception occurs at the same time and in the same place, the probability of giving birth to the same child should be one in a billion.

Renly didn't do much research on this, but he believed that even if he did nothing and did not interfere with the original plot at all, many faces seemed unlikely to appear again.

However, they all showed up.

Not only do their names match, but their genders and personalities are also roughly the same.

One or two may be accidental, but all of them are like this. Is it possible that this is normal?

And considering one's own origin, who can guarantee that what is in front of us is not another "copy of history" in which many things have already been doomed?

Maybe this copy is special, maybe the truth is completely different from my guess, maybe...

There are many possibilities, and Renly thinks that the only way to learn the truth is to go to the north, to the old gods who are said to control the old world.

But no matter what the truth was, a question always remained in his heart.

Will you stay here forever? Stay in this world forever?

Will one day suddenly break away from here just like in the dungeon?

Are you a visitor to this world?

Everything is unknown and cannot be determined, so Renly doesn't like to make more friends, and he doesn't want to leave any bonds here.

Therefore, he does not care about secular power struggles and does not want to interfere too much.

So he just wants to wander around the world, see some unique landscapes, and get in touch with some interesting civilizations and customs, instead of wasting time "integrating into the world" because his integration may be in vain.

Maybe one day when he wakes up, he will suddenly find that he has become an earthling again, or appears in other worlds.

That's why he didn't want Rhaenys to remember him.

Because she is too persistent.

At that time, she had been searching for him in the dungeon for decades. It was hard for Renly to imagine what that kind of life was like, and he couldn't figure out what the other person was thinking. It sounded very tiring to have to live that kind of life. Life.

But it's hard for Renly not to think about it. If he is really just a passer-by in this world, will the same thing happen again?

Is it really okay to continue contact with Rhaenys?

No one told him the answer. Renly couldn't even be sure of his own future, let alone the future of others. So Renly didn't want to take any chances, so he asked Rhaenys to forget him.

The idea might be taken for granted, it might be selfish, but Renly didn't think it was a mistake.

His mistake was that he believed in the Seven Gods. As a result, the Seven Gods failed to handle the matter, and the "risk" came again.

The hand that touched his left wrist had already loosened. Renly, who found that he could not explain anything, simply stopped explaining. Looking at the letter on the table, he could not help but think of the words that the "death" said before.

"I hope she really hates me."

Muttering, Renly shook his head, then stood up, picked up the letter and lit it with a candle, while squinting his eyes in thought.

I thought I could give the other party a carefree new life, but the situation turned out to be a mess. It can only be said that things are unpredictable and nothing can go smoothly.

But he did not think that this matter was difficult to solve. Isn't it said that the other party has not recovered her memory at this time? Even if she recovered, she would not come to Westeros in the current situation. And when the war is over, Renly does not plan to stay in King's Landing honestly.

His plan is to go to the North after all the chaos is over, find the three-eyed crow, and then, if there is no accident, he is ready to "die directly".

After "dying", all problems will not be problems. He can concentrate on doing his own private affairs instead of wasting time in King's Landing.

Anyway, he has no attachment to his current identity, and he does not think that he will encounter difficulties after leaving the name of Baratheon.

Renly does not intend to pay attention to the problem of his cheap brother's cuckold. He thinks that it is good for everyone to be happy. Anyway, it is Robert who is cuckolded, not him. Robert's hair color has changed first, and it is impossible for others to find out because of the hair color problem. There is no genetic testing in this world. Who can determine whether the child is his own except for appearance?

As for Dorne?

In Renly's view, this is not a big deal. He promised Dorne, but his promise does not mean that he must do it.

At the same time, even if Dorne knows the truth, even if they will tell it everywhere, Renly does not think that anyone will believe it. In fact, in recent years, there has been a rumor in King's Landing that the king's children are not the king's children, but the Lannisters.

Of course, this was not because anyone had foreseen it, but because the incest rumor that Renly spread in the early years was still prevalent in King's Landing. Everyone was wondering whether the golden twins of the Red Keep would roll around in the king's bed when the king went out to visit prostitutes.

In this case, one more Dorne would not be a big deal.

In short, Renly had already thought of a way out for himself, so he felt relieved.

However, some things were simply unpredictable. Just as he had a good night's rest in his residence in the Red Keep, and when he got up the next day and was ready to look at the current war situation, someone suddenly handed him a message, claiming that a little girl named Rhaenys wanted to meet him.

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