Renly's impression of Robert was a man who loved to joke and laugh very much. Except for a period of time before the war when his face was dark and angry, he usually seemed like a stupid man who didn't know what distress was.

Now when the green cloak was reported, the sturdy black-haired young man also laughed loudly. Then, ignoring the looks of many onlookers beside him, he stepped over and patted Stannis's shoulder hard, then knelt down and squeezed it. Renly's face looked very happy.

He didn't know whether he was happy to see his family brothers or whether he was happy to get rid of the current tedious official duties.

He finally looked at Mace Tyrell behind the two brothers, and his smile faded.

"Damn it, I smell the stench of roses." As he spoke, Robert waved to a middle-aged man in white robes on the side of the hall: "Barlistan, take my little brother away first and arrange accommodation and food for him. "

The middle-aged man he greeted was wearing a pair of neat and shiny white glazed armor. He was tall but pale, and seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries. After hearing the words, he bowed and then leaned on his waist with a sword hanging. Shan stepped forward.

"Child, please come with me."

Renly nodded, took one last look at Stannis, who was looking down at him quietly, and turned to leave with the knight in white robes.

"What a great Randyll Tarly, back in Ashford, if not..."

The sounds coming from behind gradually faded away, and the sound of the collision of armor and weapons when the man next to him walked became more and more obvious. At the same time, as they walked towards the back of the king's hall, the special smell also became more obvious. It’s getting thicker and thicker.

After encountering two media clues one after another in one day, Renly felt that he was really lucky, but he was not familiar with the people and things in the castle below him, and he was not yet sure where the smell was.

So he looked at the white-robed knight beside him.

Looking closer, the middle-aged man named Barristan has a handsome face, but he looks a bit old. His brown hair is mixed with a few silver-white strands, and there are long and narrow wrinkles on both sides of his deep eye sockets. His face is pale and weak, and he looks pale and weak. He kept moving and coughed from time to time.

Only his shining blue eyes, combined with his handsome white glazed armor and white cloak, made him look younger than his actual age.

"Are you the legendary Ser Barristan?" This man pursed his lips and remained silent as he walked, as if he was worried, so Renly started talking.

Barristan the Fearless was a name he had heard before and in his current life.

Alone, he sneaked into the rebel town to rescue the captured king, and personally killed the last heir of the Blackfire family during the war, ending the long division that had plagued the Targaryen dynasty for nearly a hundred years.

The most recent time was on the way to King's Landing. Davos told him about the annihilation of the Kingswood Brotherhood, and one of the leaders was the man in front of him.

He is one of the seven Kingsguard who protect the king, and is also a great knight with many great deeds. Although he was born in the Stormlands, he fought for Targaryen in the past.

Now it seems that Baratheon has surrendered.

"Baristan Selmy, Ser Leonor Selmy of Harvest Hall is my father." The white-robed knight nodded in response to Renly's question, looking down at him with complicated eyes, as if he was repelled, but And quite painful.

This emotion made Renly very strange, but he had no intention of exploring. Instead, he followed his own thoughts and said, "They all said that there are decorative dragon bones in the king's hall. Why didn't I see it?"

"Because Lord Robert hates everything related to dragons, he ordered the bones in the throne room to be collected." Barristan replied while coughing. "They are now in the crypt."

"Can I go take a look?" Renly asked impatiently.

He has never been to King's Landing, and he doesn't have much impression of this place in his past life, but as he just said, he has heard that the king's hall is filled with the dragon bones of the Targaryen family.

The medium he could smell seemed to be no ordinary item in itself, first the dentures, then the daggers of the Zelanders, and now in the Red Keep, he could not think of anything more special than the dragon bone.

"My task is to place you properly." The white-robed knight shook his head and denied: "If you want to see it, son, you can discuss it with your brother Robert in the future."

Renly frowned at this.

"I'll just take a look."


"why not?"

"Lord Robert's orders were for me to get you settled, not to take you to see the dragon bones."

"Are all the Kingsguard so inflexible?"

"No, kid, we just need to follow orders to the letter."

Renly blinked when he heard this, then changed the subject.

"My eldest brother asked you to arrange a place for me." The boy said thoughtfully, "But he didn't say he wouldn't allow me to see this castle, right?"

"That's not what he ordered."

"Yeah, he didn't say that." Renly frowned and said, "So I want to see if there is anything wrong with the surrounding environment? Could it be that Robert brought his little brother all the way to King's Landing just to imprison him?" of?"

The white-robed knight looked at the black-haired boy in surprise when he heard this, and at the same time hesitated in his tone, "But Lord Robert's order is-"

"My eldest brother is very good to me. There is no way he wants to put me in solitary confinement." Renly interrupted the other party pretending to be thoughtful, and then suddenly looked at the knight beside him.

"Jazz, you don't look well. Are you injured? Seriously?"

"Yes, I was injured on the battlefield." Barristan replied smoothly. Only after he finished speaking did he react, his old face suddenly turned red, "Child, don't get me wrong, it's not because I was injured——"

"It's okay, Sir, I understand. Let's leave quickly, and then you can go back and have a good rest." The boy's words sounded very sensible, but they made the other party even more embarrassed.

So after hesitating for a moment, he said: "Follow me. I will take you to the cellar, and then we will go to Maegor's Tower, where your residence will be arranged."


"Come with me."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Thank you for your kindness, kid, but I'm pretty sure of this."

Renly groaned when he heard this.

So the originally straight and deep route turned into a curve, and the tall white-robed knight led a black-haired boy towards somewhere in the castle.

The ground of this castle is paved with red bricks, and it is very large. The towers are taller than the other. There is an endless stream of people in the fortress courtyard, and a large number of servants in a hurry shuttle through the columns and corridors. After walking for a while, Renly felt that he was wandering around a bit confused.

The knight in white robes obviously has a good reputation in the castle. There are always people greeting him along the way, including the old washerwoman holding a pile of clothes, the kitchen boy fetching water, the well-dressed young lady, and the young man washing the knight's mail. Attendant, they even saw a bald sissy wearing a pink robe.

The sissy was wearing a pair of soft slippers and a glossy robe made of silk and satin. She had a round face and a plump face. Her body was filled with the scent of makeup and powder, and her greeting voice was soft and soft.

After hearing the sound, Renly unconsciously looked at his lower body, but the other party cleverly pulled his robe to cover it, and then glared at him as if reproachfully.

"A good boy doesn't have a pair of voyeuristic eyes, what a beautiful little guy."

Renly rolled his eyes at this, but the other party chuckled when he saw it, then turned and shuffled away.

This guy is quite interesting.

The boy thought to himself, and after one last glance at the fat bald head, he motioned to the white-robed knight who had stopped to wait for him to continue on his way.

"That's Varys, Chief of Intelligence. We call him the Eight-Clawed Spider." After walking away, Barristan frowned and told Renly: "He is cunning and - I mean, this guy is not a good person, kid, you better Stay away from him."

"Is it because he keeps spiders?"

"It's... so to speak, so it's dangerous."

During the conversation, the white-robed knight led the boy to a desolate-looking hall. After taking off a burning torch on the wall, he squatted down and opened a fan-shaped wooden entrance in the corner, then turned towards The boy said: "This is the cellar, kid. The keel you want to see is down there."

Renly nodded, the rich smell lingering in his nostrils making him feel happy——

Apparently he was right.

I update very quickly. I have published an average of 6,000 books per day so far, which is incomparable to those that are updated three or four times after being put on the shelves. However, the amount of updates in the books before they are put on the shelves is not small.

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