The entrance to the cellar was narrow for the white knight, but Renly had no problem with it.

After arriving, they walked in one after the other, stepping on the rock steps and going deeper and deeper. Soon, a chilly feeling came over them, and goose bumps appeared on their arms.

After entering the cellar, the environment became very dim. The white knight walked in front with a torch in his hand. There was light from the fan-shaped entrance behind him, but it became less and less as they walked forward, and finally disappeared completely as the two of them walked down the stairs.

As they continued to move forward, the special smell became stronger and stronger, covering all other smells in the place.

The orange flame burned at the top of the torch, casting a narrow shadow behind the knight. A bright black flashed from the corner of their eyes as they moved forward, but it quickly dimmed as the fire left.

It was a skull the size of a puppy's bone, lying loosely on the outer edge of the cellar. Renly took a curious look, and then his attention was drawn to the larger dragon bone in front.

The torchlight was dim, but it could still clearly illuminate the surrounding area. With the crisp sound of armor colliding and footsteps on the knights, more and more skeletons were seen in front of him.

Hound-sized, calf-sized, horse-sized, bison-sized, and even... dragon-sized.

The dark skulls were one after another, each taller and larger than the other. The deepest one was even as high as the dome, and it seemed that the cellar could no longer accommodate them.

Looking closely, the eye sockets of the skull were hollow and deep, and the sharp teeth were like long pillars standing there. The firelight shone on them, as if the dark skeleton surface was coated with a layer of flame-cast film, which kept flickering as the firelight burned.

"The largest one is Balerion, the Black Death." The white knight said, "Aegon the Conqueror rode this dragon to bring Westeros into his kingdom."

No voice responded to him. In the dim environment, the black-haired boy was quietly looking up at the huge monster in front of him, as if looking at some miracle.

Although he had long known that the world he was reincarnated into was a place full of mystery and fantasy, and although he had the ability to travel through history and had seen another kind of huge remains.

But when a dragon's skull, a legendary, huge creature's remains that obviously exceeded his cognition, appeared in front of him, he was still surprised.

At this moment, he briefly ignored the strange fragrance that tempted him, and stared at the huge dragon skull that seemed to move faintly with the flickering firelight, and was full of curiosity about its true face.

But in fact, his target was not the largest one, but the second largest skull next to it.

It seemed that the black head was just a little smaller and the mouth was longer, but unlike other skulls, the special fragrance was emitted from its surface.

After a few glances, Renly retracted his gaze and said to the white knight beside him: "Let's go, sir, thank you for bringing me here."

The knight was a little surprised that he was ready to leave just like that. He thought the little guy would stay here for a while.

After all, most children who see dragon bones for the first time are either scared and cry or aroused by strong curiosity, and then can't wait to ask questions or go to study by themselves.

Secretly amazed, the white knight didn't say much nonsense. He just nodded when he heard it, and then turned around and walked away.

The atmosphere became silent.

On the way back, Renly kept thinking about dragon bones and didn't want to speak again.

Although he was shocked by looking at the skull before, it didn't make Renly lose his mind. Although the second largest skull was the source of the smell, he would not use his special "means" in front of others.

After entering that kind of copy, his body in reality seemed to fall into a coma. It was nothing simple, but he was not sure what would happen if he let himself leave the medium that entered the copy during this period.

And if he really fainted here, the person next to him would not wait for him to finish before talking, and even if he could wait, it would be inappropriate for outsiders to see this phenomenon.

"We have to think about how to prevent others from finding out." Thinking about this problem, Renly finally stepped into a square fortress in the castle protected by a dry moat.


The next period of time was quiet and noisy.

It seemed that since Renly and his friends arrived, the banquets in the Red Castle had never stopped. Every night, a warm and noisy grand dinner would be held in the throne room of the castle.

There were many participants in the dinner, and singers and jugglers performed one after another.

The Lannisters in the West, the Tullys in the Riverlands, the Arryns in the Vale, and even the newly surrendered Tyrell family in the Reach.

Many big families have people in King's Landing at the moment, and their subordinates are also numerous. There is an endless stream of nobles walking in and out of the Red Castle, as if all the lords and nobles in Westeros have arrived here recently.

There is only one reason - the new king is about to be crowned.

In fact, if it weren't for waiting for the return of Eddard Stark, the Duke of the North, the king's coronation ceremony would have started long ago. After all, the country cannot be without a ruler, and if it is delayed for a long time, it is inevitable that something will happen.

But all this has nothing to do with Renly. For now, he only needs to pretend to be a polite child.

In the morning, he had breakfast with Stannis, Robert, and a Duke of the Vale named Jon Arryn. In the evening, he was taken to a banquet. During this period, ladies from all over the country would point and talk around him, and children of "the same age" would come to play with him.

He also met several people whose appearances were very different from his impressions.

Jaime Lannister looked only seventeen or eighteen years old at this time. He was wearing a white robe of the Kingsguard and had dazzling golden hair. He smiled handsomely, but seemed a little arrogant.

Tywin Lannister, Jaime's father and the Duke of the West, was one of the top nobles in the Seven Kingdoms. He was taciturn but full of majesty. Every time he appeared, he was surrounded by some guys with golden hair. Renly heard that they were several brothers of Duke Tywin.

However, although the Lannister family looked powerful, they were not well-received at the moment. Every time they appeared, others would retreat and dodge, and then point and talk.

So Renly rarely saw these people.

In addition, he also met Lysa Tully, the newlywed wife of Jon Arryn, the old Duke of the Vale. This mean woman with a pointed chin in his impression now seemed to have a round face. She was slender, cute, and had beautiful long red hair.

She was only seventeen or eighteen years old, but she sat next to an old man who was nearly sixty years old. No matter how you look at her, she looked like a grandfather and a grandson, not even a father and a daughter, but they were husband and wife.

She seemed to have a good personality, always smiling at Renly during meals, and she looked very shy when she smiled.

But Renly felt that the way she looked at him was a little strange, as if full of sadness.

And this person's sister, Catelyn, the wife of Eddard Stark, the Duke of the North, has not come to King's Landing yet. It is said that she has just given birth to a baby boy and cannot travel long distances...

Apart from these few people, Renly had no impression of the others, and he did not pay much attention to them. Relatively speaking, Renly liked the food at the banquet more.

The lifelike cream swan tasted sweet and fragrant, but it was not as attractive as the real swan meat. After tasting the food similar to goose meat, Renly was more curious about the roasted bear meat with rich sauce.

In addition, the tender butter-baked quail, crispy fried trout, honey pie, snail soup, roasted capon with a hollowed-out belly and filled with spices...

The world was occupied by all kinds of delicacies for a while, making Renly seem to have suddenly awakened some unique hobby. Every day, his belly was round and his mouth was full of oil. After finishing, he went back to the room and lay on the bed and began to sleep. Not long after, he felt that he had gained a lot of weight.

The morning and evening time were basically spent eating. At other times, he did not hide in the room, but took the family guards assigned by Robert to find Barristan, the Kingsguard, under the pretext of admiring the other party's various legends and achievements, but in fact he was familiar with the route and prepared to go into the cellar as soon as he had the chance.

And this opportunity came not long ago.


During one of his strolls, Renly took advantage of the moment when two guards were attacked by a mad black cat, and quietly disappeared behind a wall at the corner of a building, then quickly moved forward in a direction that he was already very familiar with.

Soon, he heard shouts and hurried footsteps behind him, but the sound was heading in another direction that he was used to, without noticing where he was actually.

Renly was completely relieved, and then hurriedly set off along the wall towards his destination.

The short and fat fortress, the solemn sanctuary, the ruined semicircular short tower, the deserted courtyard... Carefully avoiding everyone on the road, he finally came to the abandoned hall that he had arrived at not long ago, and then struggled to open the heavy fan-shaped wooden door and stepped down into the cellar.

Dark, gloomy, and cold, the cellar environment was still the same, but at this time the boy was not protected by the light of the torch, so at first there was nothing in front of his eyes, and he could not see anything.

After adapting a little at the door, his vision slowly recovered, but it was also quite blurry.

But this was enough.

He moved forward cautiously in the dark, and walked past one strange corpse after another with empty eyes, and finally arrived in front of his goal.

Looking up, the deep eye sockets of the dragon skull were both empty and strange, and it seemed that there were really two eyeballs staring at the black-haired boy in front of him, which made him unconsciously get goose bumps and feel a little scared.

After rubbing his arms, Renly took a deep breath, then dived into the open mouth of the dragon skull, sat in it, stretched his legs, and held the hideous black teeth in front of him that were taller than him.

A warm but cold strange touch emerged, but Renly did not have much time to feel it. As he exerted force with his hands, his originally clear thinking quickly blurred and diverged.

The surrounding environment also became darker, and finally turned completely black.

Thank you to Fantasy Z Wings for the 1,000-yuan reward, thank you to Long Sheng Yun Xiao and Xiao Tang 246 for the 600-yuan reward, thank you to Lu Ren Jia and Q Model Hegemony P for the 500-yuan reward, thank you to Monster Party and Tai Wu Zhen Ren for the 100-yuan reward~

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