Hot, scorching and blazing.

The heat, as if the flames were close to his skin, surged from all around, and quickly awakened Renly who was in a hazy state.

After opening his eyes, he found himself lying face down on a gravel-covered sandy ground, with flames shooting up from all directions. There was a collapsed wall on the side, and now he was being pressed down by a pile of yellow bricks.

There was a sharp pain in his forehead, and there was also a burning pain in his right arm and legs. Not far away, a pool of sticky blood was slightly illuminated by the surrounding firelight. Three lines of strange words emerged from the concave surface of the pool of blood as Renly watched -

[Save Rhaenys Targaryen]

[Survive for 30 days]

[Escort Rhaenys Targaryen safely to the hands of Aegon the Conqueror]

The air was full of heat, and all the buildings in sight were burning with raging fires, and many hazy figures shuttled in and out of the buildings. There were chaotic footsteps, panicked screams and loud shouts, and faint sounds of arrows breaking through the air.

The situation seemed to be full of danger. There was no time to think carefully about these three lines. Renly immediately prepared to get up from the ground. However, just as he stood up, he suddenly felt a violent impact on the back of his head. The huge force brought a burst of pain. After an unconscious groan, Renly fell back to the ground.

He thought it was an enemy attacking him, but what he saw was a figure running past. It was a soldier wearing a helmet, wearing brown leather armor, holding a spear and a shield in both hands. It seemed that it was the shield that knocked him down just now.

It didn't seem to be an enemy, but before Renly could think about why he was hit, a dazzling silver-red fire column in front of him suddenly fell from the sky, directly submerging the running soldier, and the heat wave spread, and even the walls of the surrounding buildings that were still intact were all collapsed by the impact of this strange fire column!

The silver fire that fell from the sky made everything in front of him extremely dazzling, but the flames did not stay in place, but swept towards the high tower building in the deeper direction like a thick high-pressure water gun. However, water can bring coolness, but fire can only make people scream and step into the abyss of hell.

Wailing and screaming, cursing and shouting, accompanied by the silver-red fire column surging forward, this castle covered with yellow sand was split in two like a piece of cake.

Renly felt that he was lucky because the fire was gushing in the opposite direction of him, but he did not relax because of this, but became more nervous.

The situation around him was full of dangers. To his left was a burning stable, and behind him was a tower and low houses. Not far ahead was a rock wall, and now some soldiers on the wall were all screaming and running around because of the fire.

Standing up from the broken wall with difficulty, Renly wanted to find a safe place to hide and calm down, but when he looked around, he saw flames everywhere. There was no secret place for him to hide. It seemed that the ruins where he was were the safest.

A roaring sound came from the sky in the distance. Renly looked up and saw a huge silver figure with wings spread out, flying around the castle in the sky. From time to time, it flew low and sprayed a blazing silver-red fire. The walls and towers here were boiled by the fire, and the people in them were forced to wait for death like ants in boiling water. Renly was one of the ants.

Rhaenys Targaryen.

This name flashed through his mind.

He had not studied the history of Westeros for a long time, but he knew at least three people referred to by this name.

However, in combination with the style and emblem flags of the surrounding buildings, the soaring dragon in the sky, and a certain task he had just seen. Renly quickly learned who the dragon rider above him was and what the current situation was.

After landing in what would later be called King's Landing, Aegon Targaryen, who was born on Dragonstone, and his two queens officially began his road to conquest. He burned Harrenhal, invaded the Stormlands, and set fire to a fertile plain in the Reach, burning the royal gardener family of the Reach and many of their descendants to death, and also conquered the then king of the Lannister family in the West.

The King of the North, who marched southward, knelt down and surrendered when he saw the bad situation, and the Vale also offered the crown with a smile after the arrival of the Queen's dragon. Among the seven ancient kingdoms, only Dorne did not surrender to the little queen's dragon, and the lords chose to abandon the castles in various places and hide in the vast desert.

In the first year of the conquest, Aegon was crowned king in Oldtown. After that, he was busy pacifying the chaos in all directions and ignored Dorne, who had not yet surrendered.

But this disregard was only temporary. In the fourth year of the Conquest, Aegon officially launched the first Dorne conquest war, but was defeated by the enemy's guerrilla tactics and withdrew his troops.

The next attack was in the seventh year of the Conquest. Aegon and his little queen rode dragons to burn castles in Dorne. The Dornishmen retaliated frantically, starting a military operation to avoid the dragons and counterattack the borders of the Reach and Stormlands bordering Dorne.

As time went by, hatred quickly heated up.

The fall of Rhaenys Targaryen raised the anger of hatred to another level -

When burning a castle called Hellgate, the dragon ridden by the conqueror's little queen was unfortunately shot in the eye by a crossbow, so the dragon and the dragon rider both died on the ancient land of Dorne.

The lord family living in Hellgate is called Uller. Their family emblem is a staggered flame of yellow and crimson, and at this moment there is a tattered flag that has been burned to a large extent on the city wall.

So Renly was sure that he was in Hellgate, so he guessed that the one burning the castle above his head was Aegon the Conqueror's sister and little queen, one of the founders of the Targaryen Dynasty, Rhaenys Targaryen.

And he was currently in this historical event, that is, he had come to the era when the Targaryen Dynasty was just established more than 200 years ago.

If the historical records were correct, he would then witness the tragic fall of the majestic dragon rider in the sky.

The premise is that he was not burned to death by the other party first.

"If you want me to save her, why don't you let her let me go first?"

In the chaotic and noisy environment, a young man with messy black short hair leaned over and hid at the base of the ruins, muttering, and then looked down at his current situation.

The surface of the brown-black leather armor was burnt all over, and the rough and thin linen trousers were worn out in several holes. The sleeves of the clothes left by the flames on his left arm were mixed with muddy blood, causing sharp pains... The only consolation was that there was a sheathed dagger on his back.

But what use could this dagger have against the dragon's flames?

His mind was racing, and he couldn't help but glance at the surrounding walls.

According to historical records, the dragon Milaxis ridden by the little queen was shot to death by a ballista, so if the ballista here was destroyed in advance, wouldn't there be nothing wrong?

However, he soon discovered that there was no ballista on the wall not far from him, only a few corpses burning with blazing flames and the ruins of wooden equipment dotted on the top of the city.

This made him hesitate for a moment, but considering that if he didn't act now, the mission might be forced to fail in a while, he gritted his teeth unconsciously, then rushed out and quickly ran to the end of the road behind the ruins wall, which was covered with fire, and rushed to a high tower on the left side of the castle.

He was going to find a bow, and then stand in a high place where he could attack safely and shoot the soldiers operating the crossbows in the castle one by one, so that he would naturally complete the mission.

The high tower at the end of the sight was quite suitable - although the surrounding flames were surging, it didn't seem to be able to completely dissolve the stone.

Unfortunately, in the chaos, before he could reach his destination, a painful dragon roar suddenly came from above his head.

Renly, who was in the shadow of the burning wall, looked up at the sound, and a huge shadow falling rapidly in the sky immediately came into his eyes, and it became bigger and bigger in his pupils.

Thank you for the 500 reward from Sanqian Menggui~

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