A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 328: The Sea King's Decision

The heavy rain hit the window, making a crackling sound, blurring the rough glass window. A cold wind rushed into the warm room from the gap, making it cool and damp, giving people goose bumps.

Standing in front of the window, staring at the rain outside, a silver-haired woman in luxurious clothes looked sad and frowned, as if she had many unresolved worries in her heart.

"My dear lady, are you thinking about your daughter again?"

A gentle voice came from behind, which eased the silver-haired woman's frown a little. At the same time, a pair of strong arms hugged her, which also comforted her heart.

"I heard that the people of Westeros are very barbaric, and the capital King's Landing is as smelly as a toilet." She said sadly: "I don't know what my daughter looks like now, will she get sick? She encountered such a thing when she was so young... God bless me, I really hope I can suffer for her..."

"The lords of Westeros have always had a tradition of treating noble captives well. Madam, don't worry too much, I believe our daughter will not encounter any accidents." The person behind replied.

However, this did not satisfy the woman, and the sadness on her face did not dissipate at all, and she even looked more melancholy. However, she was weak in character, so she did not say much, but stared out the window blankly.

"Rhaenys likes rain the most. I still remember that when she was a child, she would run out and scream every time it rained. It's strange that she did this many times, but she never got sick."

"Of course our daughter will not get sick. Others say that she has been blessed by the moon and is protected by the gods."

"Since she is protected by the gods, why would she be captured?"

"She is too naughty. She can go anywhere else but sneak to King's Landing..."


After chatting for a while, seeing that his wife looked tired, Lord Sea King of Braavos signaled the maids to come forward to help her bathe and rest, and he stepped out of the room and walked towards the hall outside the corridor.

A middle-aged man with a straight mustache quietly rushed out and followed him, silently, but the Sea King could feel the other person's presence.

"The war is still at a stalemate. The people of the Vale are frightened and are unwilling to give their all." The middle-aged man with a small mustache reported in a young voice.

"Is there any possibility of breaking the deadlock in a short time?" The Sea King asked without stopping.

"Unless we instigate another force."

"That's not that easy."

"How about we send troops to harass the Stormlands, my lord?"

"It's useless. There are many Baratheon troops stationed in the Stormlands."

"Then try to contact Dorne again?"

"Dorne, hehe..."


The conversation was all about the war on another continent. It sounded like the side was still in the initiative, but the Sea King Fereg Antalion frowned quietly, feeling quite heavy.

The situation was completely different from what he imagined. He thought that this act of instigating the Vale would break the current stalemate in Westeros in one fell swoop, but he didn't expect that the war over there was like a deep quagmire, and he couldn't get out of it no matter how hard he struggled after falling into it.

Why is this happening?

He couldn't figure it out. In other words, since the beginning of this war, he couldn't figure out many things.

Holding the banner of the orthodox bloodline of Targaryen, he thought that after the army landed, even if there was no situation of raising arms to gain a lot of support, there should be many lords to surrender, and then split the noble class on that ancient land, just like the Blackfyre Rebellion in their history

But it is not clear what happened. It is obviously a usurped throne, but the rule of Baratheon is so solid, and it cunningly uses the issue of faith to exclude them, so that the beginning is very unfavorable.

At the same time, the Dornish, who should have been among the allies, also betrayed them and chose to stand aside and watch.

The only consolation is that Baratheon did not relax its defense of the borderland of Dorne, so a large number of troops were tied up, otherwise the war situation would be more unfavorable to them.

The Sea King did not know why the Dornish chose to wait and see, but he could guess that they might not be optimistic about the outcome of this war, and the ruler of Dorne, Prince Doran, was always cautious.

But the Dornish had at least made an engagement with Prince Viserys of the Targaryen family, so their wait-and-see attitude was really unacceptable...

Thinking of this, the Sea King was full of contempt.

But fortunately, when Viserys was captured by the enemy, they were able to change their candidate without much impact, without having to care about the dissatisfaction of the Dornish, and even gained the support of tens of thousands of troops of the Golden Group.

But what's the use of this?

The Sea King asked himself.

The original composition of the alliance army was very chaotic, and the participation of more forces made it even more cumbersome.

The nine free trade cities were not harmonious with each other, and nothing could be seen in a short period of time. Now that time has passed, many problems have been exposed.

The distribution of supplies, the deployment of troops, the coordination of joint forces...all kinds of military measures are often difficult to complete after being issued. The relationship between the forces that already hated each other became worse during this period. The unruly Dothraki people simply did not obey orders, and the sudden withdrawal of the Qohor people from the battle not long ago made this command difficulty reach a peak.

Why did the originally firm allies suddenly withdraw? Did they encounter some difficulties? Or did they discover something?

No one knows the details. Even if people are constantly sent to ask, the Qohor people never reveal anything, but their attitude is very bad.

The reason cannot be found, but the impact caused by the Qohor people is very serious. Morale has dropped sharply. Coupled with the various problems that already existed, it has become so serious that the alliance army is about to collapse.

Fortunately, they have made some progress in the valley, but unfortunately, this progress has not achieved their goal.

Regarding that war, there is nothing to see in the written report. The mysterious description makes Fereg Antalion feel puzzled, but he clearly understands the consequences of this incident, that is, the war that was already difficult, and now it is difficult to persist...

With thousands of thoughts in his mind, his steps are neither hurried nor slow. After arriving at the door of the hall, looking at the hazy rain outside the door, the Lord Sea King of Braavos was silent for a while with an expressionless face, and suddenly said: "My wife misses our children very much. Maybe it's time to negotiate with the Iron Throne."

Negotiate conditions?

It goes without saying what kind of conditions can be negotiated with the enemy.

The middle-aged man with a mustache who had been following the Sea King was shocked when he heard this, "You mean, we withdraw from this war?"

"Yes, but we can't withdraw as clearly as Qohor, so as not to dissatisfy other city-states." Lord Sea King replied, "We need a certain disguise."

It is said to avoid dissatisfaction from others, but in fact, this person means to pit the friendly forces before leaving-

The relationship between the nine free trade city-states is very delicate, competing with each other, and the time they are enemies is always longer than allies.

"I will contact the pirates of the Stepstone Islands to attack us." The mustache responded meaningfully.

"Not only pirates," Fereg Antalion ordered, "but also Stannis Baratheon's fleet, and we must contact them properly."

Speaking of this, the Lord Sea King of Braavos couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

The war was obviously lost, but there were reasons for the loss. Apart from other things, Stannis, who led the royal fleet, made him feel very difficult. He had few warships, but he was able to tangle with Braavos for so long. Although he was always at a disadvantage, Westeros was not good at naval battles.

And Braavos has been famous for its strong military force at sea for countless years. The hard power of the two is simply incomparable, but...

"Maybe my choice was wrong at the beginning?"

The war situation was unfavorable, a large amount of wealth and resources were lost, and even his daughter was in the hands of the enemy. Thinking carefully, Lord Sea King could not help but doubt himself and even feel depressed.

This deal is really a loss...

There are two more chapters

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