A sudden encounter finally came to an end after sunset.

In the brand-new camp, which was filled with the smell of blood, the seriously injured soldiers were neatly placed in tents, while some soldiers with minor injuries were busy boiling water and making meals, or excitedly discussing the recent attack with their companions.

Despite the attack, the atmosphere in the entire camp was very lively. The people who were able to move looked relaxed, and it was impossible to tell that the group had just lost one-third of its members.

As a member of the team that followed all the way, Rhaenys knew why this happened——

A team of less than 300 people fought against nearly a thousand enemies, but the enemy was forced to retreat. In this case, even if our own team lost a lot of troops, it was still exciting.

"No matter how many eunuchs there are, what can they do? They can't help but watch us leave."

"I've heard that the Unsullied are very strong, but now it seems that's not the case at all."

"Of course the Unsullied are strong, but Lord Renly is even stronger."

"Yes, if there are no adults..."

Two Western soldiers passing by the camp carrying firewood excitedly talked about the war not long ago. Rhaenys, who was busy bandaging the wounded and applying medicine, slowed down after hearing the sound, and her expression couldn't help but be a little dazed.

What happened after the attack seemed to be still in front of me. The guy who looked like a tin can picked her up and protected her as soon as the enemy appeared, and at the same time launched a breakout without hesitation.

There were a lot of enemies, and Rhaenys thought there would be a hard fight, but in a daze, they managed to break out smoothly, and even captured the leader who commanded the ambush army. Then of course there was some persecution.

When it comes to facing other enemies, even catching the leader is unlikely to result in a decisive success, but the Unsullied, a special unit that has been castrated since childhood, are famous for obeying the leader's orders unconditionally, which also leads to the capture of the leader. As soon as the enemy leader spoke, the soldiers put away their weapons without any hesitation.

The whole process was very dangerous, but it seemed so smooth. The mysterious guy did not hesitate in his movements from discovering the enemy to taking the prisoner, as if he had practiced it thousands of times, but how could this be possible? ?

How did he find out where the enemy leader was hiding? In other words, how many abilities does he have yet to be exposed?

Rhaenys was curious about this.

Originally, I only thought Renly was a mysterious spellcaster, but didn't expect that he was actually such a powerful knight?

After dealing with the wounded and walking out of the camp, Rhaenys was still thinking about this matter, feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

Before abandoning her horse and running into the forest, she was hugged to break out of the encirclement. The hard and thick metal armor made her back hurt, but it brought a unique sense of security. In a daze, familiar and familiar passages continued to appear in her mind. Strange memory fragments, the windy riverside, the lonely boat in the sea, the island forest...

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

A gentle and magnetic voice interrupted the girl's thoughts. She looked up in confusion. That young and handsome face made her feel very complicated inside. She felt inexplicably angry, but more of it emerged from the bottom of her heart. The joy that comes out.

But the still incomplete memory made it difficult for her to understand why this joy appeared, and she even felt a little confused.

"Can you listen to me?"

The voice continued to ask, but the gentleness disappeared.

"No, it's nothing." Rhaenys replied hurriedly, then turned around and ran away in a panic. As a result, she didn't see the direction clearly, and hit the trunk of a straight brown-black sentinel tree at the edge of the camp with a bang. She made a sound, girl. He squatted on the ground and raised his hands to cover his sore nose, grinning and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"You don't seem to be awake?" A slightly smiling voice came from the side. He turned around and saw a white handkerchief was handed over. After hesitating for a moment, Rhaenys took it and covered the hand that started to bleed. nose.

The person next to her seemed to be so "gentle" for the first time. The unique smell on the handkerchief made her heart beat faster. But then she thought of all the unpleasant words this person had said, and she gritted her teeth to suppress some kind of throbbing in her heart. Pretending to be okay, he asked.

"Did you ask anything?"

"Not a good outcome," Renly replied.

He seemed a little absent-minded, otherwise he would not have noticed the emotional abnormality of the girl in front of him, but at this time his mind was occupied by something.

There is probably no one in the world who can match him in terms of "interrogation". Therefore, after getting rid of the Unsullied soldiers, Renly already understood the ins and outs of this encounter clearly from the captive's "mouth".

The leader didn't know much, and seemed to think that this was their simple revenge on him, but after careful consideration, there were many unreasonable things. For example, how did those people confirm that they were related to the Gate of the Past?

It makes sense to say that when the Mark of Chaos still existed, it was discovered. After all, it involves the gods, and no one can be sure about everything. But now that the Mark of Chaos has disappeared, how can the enemy still come to the door? ?

More importantly, how do they know their route ahead of time?

Not many people knew about going to the northern border. The enemy was not a local and there were no information channels. Normally, it would be impossible to detect this.

"Is it because someone in King's Landing tipped off the news?"

Thinking of this, Renly's expression became a little uncertain.

If this is really the case, then the reason behind this speculation is not that simple...

"Did you listen to me?" A dissatisfied voice suddenly burst out from his ears, interrupting Renly's thoughts. He looked up and saw that the beautiful girl's small nose had stopped bleeding, and now He was looking at himself with those big beautiful eyes, "It's always been like this several times. Why are you always in a daze?"

"I'm thinking about something." Renly replied with a wave of his hand, and turned away to hide the trace of embarrassment on his face.

"You are clearly ignoring others!" The girl behind him chased after her.

"Just ignore it." After Renly responded casually, he had already walked up to a brown-haired knight not far away. Under the stunned gaze of the other party, he said, "We are not going to the North."

"Where to go then?" the leader of the Western Territory named Moore asked hurriedly.

"Go back to King's Landing early tomorrow morning," Renly replied.

"Why do you suddenly want to change the route, sir?"

"Remembering something."

Renly responded, gazing at the Westerland-born follower with implicit scrutiny.

His emotions were very reserved, but Rhaenys, who was always paying attention to Renly's expression, faintly noticed this abnormality, and she was thoughtful.

"Westlanders...King's Landing?"

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