Just as Renly was about to turn back, a big change had already begun in King's Landing.

The war was won, and the king, Robert Baratheon, no longer had the stern look on his face, and he was in a relaxed mood. But just as he rode out of the Red Castle with great enthusiasm and was about to go to a brothel in the city to relax, he was assassinated on the road!

More than a dozen assassins hid in the tall buildings on both sides of the street. When the fat king on horseback passed by, he was shot by a large number of crossbows from the sky without any reaction time, and the streets were stained with blood, and he died tragically on the spot!

The chaos that followed was very serious. The guards around were horrified and rushed forward to give first aid. Some turned around to report the news, and more immediately dispersed to encircle the assassins.

They successfully captured more than a dozen assassins hiding around, but there was no way to cover up the fact that the king was dead.

That night, before the chaos was over, all the assassins who were imprisoned in the Red Castle awaiting trial died suddenly in the dungeon, and all the clues to the murder were cut off.

At this time, the Prime Minister Jon Arryn returned to the Vale to deal with the rebellion in the Vale, the Minister of the Sea Stannis Baratheon was still intercepting the returning enemies at sea, and the Minister of Finance Mace Tyrell also returned to the Reach to finish the job. Only Grand Maester Pycelle was present at the meeting.

However, he obviously could not control the situation, so Cersei, as the queen, stood up to take charge of the situation and slowly sorted out the matter, sending people to track down clues, blockade King's Landing to search for the assassin's accomplices, arrange the king's body for burial, write letters to inform the kings of the seven kingdoms of their deaths, and prepare for the succession of the new king Joffrey...

Everything was going on in an orderly manner.

However, who would have thought that this noble and beautiful blond queen was actually the creator of this incident?

In the quiet cathedral, the gloomy candlelight quietly bloomed on the steps of the Stranger statue. The dusk light shone in from the narrow seven-pointed window on the top of the statue, shrouding the fat corpse lying on the stone platform in front of the Stranger statue in a trance.

Standing in front of the corpse and looking at the peaceful and rough face, the beautiful queen with slightly curly blonde hair had a complicated expression.

“I didn’t mean to do this. Who told you that your brother is so scary?” The murmur was very weak, but it could be clearly heard by the people around him in the silent hall.

“Can we hide it from him?” The blonde Jaime beside him couldn’t help but speak.

“I don’t have any confidence at all.” Cersei replied disappointedly, “That’s not an area we can understand. Who knows how far he can go?”

Jaime was silent after hearing this, and then pursed his lips, “I hope he can die in the north.”

“I don’t think he will die.” Cersei shook his head.

"Even if he doesn't die, staying in the North can delay him for a long time." Jaime said, "We can make a lot of preparations during this time."

"But he will come back eventually."

"...Are you so scared?"

Jaime couldn't help but get a little annoyed when he heard this, "We have taken the lead. Even if that person's methods are powerful, his elder brother still died in our hands!"

"It was his elder brother who died, not Renly." Cersei sneered in response.

"If he is really that powerful, how could we harm his elder brother?" Jaime said unconvinced: "If he is really powerful, why didn't he see this battle-"

He was about to say why Renly didn't drive the enemy away, but suddenly thought that the victory or defeat of this battle seemed to be suddenly determined by Renly's methods, and he couldn't help but be speechless.

The hall was silent for a while, and finally the blond queen gritted her teeth and said, "We can only count on father. I have written down all our plans and actions in the letter. He will lead the army to King's Landing. When father arrives in King's Landing, we will crown Joff!"

"Are you sure that Renly will run to the north?"

"Of course!" The queen sneered and said, "Edard Stark can't die, otherwise the North will not be stable. Don't forget that old Jon's poisoned wife jumped off the building and committed suicide. If Stark dies now, his wife Catelyn will control the North and may be close to Baratheon?"

"It depends on what Lady Stark thinks."

The blond Jaime answered, but after looking at his sister beside him, they both fell silent on the spot.

They were talking about the North, but what they were most worried about at the moment was the corpse in front of them.

Assassinating the king was really risky, but they had to do it.

The pressure brought by Renly was too great. Not only did he create a so-called Knights of the Light in King's Landing, but he was said to have summoned a legion of the dead on the battlefield! ?

If ordinary people heard this, they might think it was a joke, but those who claimed to understand Renly felt a lot of pressure, and they couldn't figure out how many tricks that man had that they couldn't predict.

If they really continued to delay, they couldn't guarantee that the secret would not be exposed, so they could only take the initiative to attack at this great opportunity.

However, this attack actually had many loopholes. For example, the assassin's ambush and death, as long as a smart person had a little understanding, they could see that if there was no one to act as an insider, the assassin would never have known King Robert's route in advance, nor would he have died suddenly afterwards.

What's more, others didn't understand what they did, but those Myr people couldn't have been unaware of it——

With little power at hand, the siblings contacted the Myr people who had just suffered a great defeat in Westeros, and reached a cooperation with them by half-fraud and half-guidance.

However, although this brought a powerful helper, it was also a big hidden danger.

"Why don't we just disappear!"

After a long silence, the handsome blond knight held his sister's hand tightly, "Joffrey and the others don't know their own life experience. As long as we disappear again, no one will know this secret anymore."

"How to disappear?"

"Pretend to be assassinated as well, disguise two corpses." Jaime replied, "Then we go to Lys, to Myr, to anywhere fucking fine, anyway, I don't want to stay here anymore, it's harder than waiting to be judged."

Jaime is a jumpy person, but the successive "blows" have made him calmer. The pride of being the youngest Kingsguard in history in the past is simply vulnerable to that mysterious power, and no one can imagine how much pressure he has endured under someone's oppression.

However, Cersei has a different view on this.

"Who do you think you can deceive by faking your death?" She asked, "What if he chases after us?"

"If he chases after us, we'll fight him!"

"Then why don't we stay here and fight him with our father's army?"

"But if our father's army can't do it--"

"If the army can't defeat him." Cersei's voice became sharp unconsciously, "Then we'll die!"

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