A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 961: Nine Stars!

As the words came out, the little fat man was flying fast. Immediately after approaching the Tongtian drum, Wang Baole was also staring at the attention of many people. When the right hand of the little fat man lifted up, his lead drumstick became magical. After the leap to the hundred-foot-long Tongtian drum, he slammed it away!


A muffled loud noise came up in this momentary shock, and the sound was so shocking and powerful that it reverberated the world and made all the monks shake their hearts, and Wang Baole was like this too. He immediately saw the sky when he breathed slightly. The sea of ​​clouds quickly dissipated in this moment, and the originally clear sky was instantly dark!

"The first beep is the sound of the sky, which can turn the sky into the curtain and show all the lucidity for the stars!" The red thread paper man spoke lightly next to Wang Baole staring at the sky.

At the moment his words were spoken, the little fat man had roared there, waved the drumstick in his hand, knocked out a second time, and emitted a second sound of drumming.

With the appearance of sound, scattered stars appeared instantly on the dark sky. When the number of these stars was compared with the entire sky, it was very rare, even less than one ten thousandth, and most of the stars appeared. Starlight is bleak, most of them are ordinary stars at first glance!

"Take a second sound and start the prologue. Afterwards, the more the drums are stacked, the more the stars will become illusory. In this case, the greater the chance of the spirit star and the immortal star, if you can hit the seventh sound, you have The qualification to attract special stars is the same from now on... The more they are stacked, the more frequent the chance of special stars is!"

"According to the records of our star-falling empire, if we can knock more than ten times, we will initially have the possibility of transfiguring Daoxing, but the probability is extremely low..." The star-falling emperor spoke lightly and explained this to Wang Baole. So that he can understand all this before hitting the drum.

In this regard, Wang Baole was very grateful. While turning his head to pay respect to the Emperor Xingmei, the fat man knocked out the third and fourth.

And the stars in the sky are constantly increasing at this moment. From the little stars in the third to the fourth, the whole sky seems to be filled with stars. If they can be gathered together, they may already occupy 20% of the entire sky. The light of these stars is also different from before.

Those relatively bright, not ordinary stars, but spiritual stars, but also under the fourth knock of the little fat man, in the sky of the sky, some brighter awns suddenly appeared, that is... fairy stars!

Looking at all this, Wang Baole's eyes revealed a strange awn. His original basic goal was the fairy star. After seeing it at the moment, he also had waves in his heart, but these waves were more ambitions.

"I don't know if this little fat man can lead to special stars!" While Wang Baole murmured in his heart, on the square, outside the Imperial City, and until the entire Starfall Empire, almost all existences are paying attention here. When he saw the fat man ringing four times Afterwards, there was a faint voice of discussion, all wondering whether there could be special stars.

The fat man himself is the same. He is excited and more nervous at the moment. After striking four times, he has already felt the difficulty. The first time is okay, but the fourth time, he almost used all The power of cultivation is almost empty at this moment.

However, he dared to be the first to strike, so he was naturally prepared. At this moment, he shouted and lifted a jade pendant hanging from his neck with his left hand. After crushing hard, the jade pendant suddenly exhaled a mist. Covering it, in the mist, the fat man's momentum exploded violently, struck again with a drumstick.

The fifth time!

The sky shook and the stars converged into a galaxy. The number of diffuse stars already occupied 30% of the range. The magnificent number of immortal stars appeared more and more. Unfortunately, there are still no special stars.

Whereas the little fat man, the mist outside his body has dissipated at this moment, his body is even more crumbling, and his face looks pale to the extreme.

"So weak?" Wang Baole was a little surprised to see this scene.

"It's not that this person is weak, it's the difficulty of striking, the more difficult it will be in the future, the little friend knows how many times the drums have been struck the most in my star-falling land, how many times?" To Wang Baole, after seeing Wang Baole shaking his head, it spoke lightly.

"Ten sounds!" At the same time the Emperor Xingmei said this, the fat man uttered a terrible roar, and his body trembling began a secret method, and the rapid wilting visible to the naked eye, in the blink of an eye, his The whole person seemed to turn into a skeleton, and at this cost, finally knocked out the sixth.

As it knocked out, the sky of the sky gleamed vigorously, occupying 40% of the starry sky, and at the same time, a star finally appeared... Beyond the star that has appeared at this moment!

"Special planet!!"

The sound of an uproar suddenly came from all directions, and when the mask woman and others all saw Qimang, the little fat man seemed to be overdrawn too seriously. At the moment, a spit of blood spewed out, and his body fell from midair. With the support of the remaining force, at this instant, it collapsed and turned into a little light.

It was also at this time that the only special star appeared on the sky, the light suddenly shone, and the starlight was instantly drawn, and it directly enveloped the little fat man, holding his comatose body, directly into the sky, and finally disappeared. After everyone's eyes, the stars were all bleak and dissipated, but the special star was hanging there. If you look carefully, you can see the little fat man who disappeared inside, it seems to be inside!

"This fat man really merged with special stars!!" Wang Baole's shortness of breath and his longing in his eyes, he felt that the other party could succeed, so he was even more okay.

"This kid has good luck, although it is only the lowest level of special stars, but it can be recognized, it is also his creation." The star-falling emperor slowly opened his eyes, then looked at Wang Baole, and spoke again.

"Special stars with rules generally have nine grades. The one with the highest grade in it, although still far from Daoxing, has a very small chance of being promoted to Daoxing. This chance is too small and too small."

"And this kid merged with the ninth grade, and above the first grade, there are actually a special kind of stars. I call them... ancient stars. For many years, after the failure to promote Daoxing, they still refused to try. Beyond itself... there are nine ancient stars in the land where the stars fell. From ancient times to the present, there are nine such ancient stars."

"Nine grades? The ancient stars above the first grade?" Wang Baole's eyes flashed, and he had to ask the latter carefully. At this moment, after the little fat man, the second Outland Tianjiao flew out and went straight to the sky. .

This second one is the mask woman. Her appearance attracted Wang Baole's attention. In fact, this woman's strength is one of the most powerful in the outer arrogance of this time, and her appearance is also Also let Confucian monks and others pay special attention.

Her style is not comparable to that of a little fat man. As soon as she approached, her drumsticks were transfigured, and she hit the fifth blow in one breath!

The galaxy just scattered on the sky reappeared at this moment. Although the face of the female in the bright mask could not be seen by Wang Baole, the breath on her body showed a sense of calmness, and immediately knocked out the sixth Next, the seventh!

After two hits, the starry sky seemed to set off a storm, and the number of stars directly covered nearly 70% of the area, and there were a lot of special stars in it, and some of them were obviously brighter, obviously not the next nine products. , Should reach the level of middle class.

"Zhong Si Pin!" The emperor of the star-falling star at the side also exclaimed in this moment, slowly opening his mouth.

"Her goal should not stop here!" Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and murmured, while the mask woman knocked out the eighth, but it seemed to be near the limit. After knocking out the eighth, the mask The woman's body was trembling obviously and her breath was very weak.

The starry sky is at this moment, suddenly bright, the number of stars directly spreads to 80% of the entire starry sky, this level of starry sky, the number of the starry sky is as much as hundreds of millions, dense and dense, and the description of the stars Not an exaggeration.

Even above it, there were three lights beyond all stars, hung high there, and in the absence of stronger starlight, these three lights seemed to shine in all directions.

"The second grade, if you can knock it again, you can lead all the second grades, and even there will be a chance... a special star of the first grade!" The star's eyes revealed a strange awn and spoke softly.

"Unfortunately, she has reached the limit, even with external force, she can't do it."

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